
来源:互联网 发布:linux oracle停止实例 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:03
package email;import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.PrintWriter;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.net.Socket;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Date;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;/** * 该类使用Socket连接到邮件服务器, * 并实现了向指定邮箱发送邮件及附件的功能。 * 可带附件 * @author Zhong Lizhi */public class Mail {        /**     * 换行符     */    private static final String LINE_END = "\r\n";        /**     * 值为“true”输出高度信息(包括服务器响应信息),值为“     * false”则不输出调试信息。     */    private boolean isDebug = true;        /**     * 值为“true”则在发送邮件{@link Mail#send()}     * 过程中会读取服务器端返回的消息,     * 并在邮件发送完毕后将这些消息返回给用户。     */    private boolean isAllowReadSocketInfo = true;        /**     * 邮件服务器地址     */    private String host;        /**     * 发件人邮箱地址     */    private String from;        /**     * 收件人邮箱地址     */    private List<String> to;        /**     * 抄送地址     */    private List<String> cc;        /**     * 暗送地址     */    private List<String> bcc;        /**     * 邮件主题     */    private String subject;        /**     * 用户名     */    private String user;        /**     * 密码     */    private String password;        /**     * MIME邮件类型     */    private String contentType;        /**     * 用来绑定多个邮件单元{@link #partSet}     * 的分隔标识,我们可以将邮件的正文及每一个附件都看作是一个邮件单元     * 。     */    private String boundary;        /**     * 邮件单元分隔标识符,该属性将用来在邮件中作为分割各个邮件单元的标识     * 。     */    private String boundaryNextPart;        /**     * 传输邮件所采用的编码     */    private String contentTransferEncoding;        /**     * 设置邮件正文所用的字符集     */    private String charset;        /**     * 内容描述     */    private String contentDisposition;        /**     * 邮件正文     */    private String content;        /**     * 发送邮件日期的显示格式     */    private String simpleDatePattern;        /**     * 附件的默认MIME类型     */    private String defaultAttachmentContentType;        /**     * 邮件单元的集合,用来存放正文单元和所有的附件单元。     */    private List<MailPart> partSet;        /**     * 不同类型文件对应的{@link MIME} 类型映射。在添加附件     * {@link #addAttachment(String)}     * 时,程序会在这个映射中查找对应文件的 {@link MIME}     * 类型,如果没有, 则使用     * {@link #defaultAttachmentContentType}     * 所定义的类型。     */    private static Map<String, String> contentTypeMap;        static {        // MIME Media Types        contentTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>();        contentTypeMap.put("xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel");        contentTypeMap.put("xlsx", "application/vnd.ms-excel");        contentTypeMap.put("xlsm", "application/vnd.ms-excel");        contentTypeMap.put("xlsb", "application/vnd.ms-excel");        contentTypeMap.put("doc", "application/msword");        contentTypeMap.put("dot", "application/msword");        contentTypeMap.put("docx", "application/msword");        contentTypeMap.put("docm", "application/msword");        contentTypeMap.put("dotm", "application/msword");    }    /**     * 该类用来实例化一个正文单元或附件单元对象,他继承了     * {@link Mail}     * ,在这里制作这个子类主要是为了区别邮件单元对象和邮件服务对象     * ,使程序易读一些。 这些邮件单元全部会放到partSet     * 中,在发送邮件 {@link #send()}时, 程序会调用     * {@link #getAllParts()}     * 方法将所有的单元合并成一个符合MIME格式的字符串。     *      * @author Zhong Lizhi     */    private class MailPart extends Mail {        public MailPart() {        }    }        /**     * 默认构造函数     */    public Mail() {        defaultAttachmentContentType = "application/octet-stream";        simpleDatePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";        boundary = "--=_NextPart_zlz_3907_" + System.currentTimeMillis();        boundaryNextPart = "--" + boundary;        contentTransferEncoding = "base64";        contentType = "multipart/alternative";        charset = Charset.defaultCharset().name();        partSet = new ArrayList<MailPart>();        to = new ArrayList<String>();        cc = new ArrayList<String>();        bcc = new ArrayList<String>();    }        /**     * 根据指定的完整文件名在     * {@link #contentTypeMap}     * 中查找其相应的MIME类型, 如果没找到,则返回     * {@link #defaultAttachmentContentType}     * 所指定的默认类型。     *      * @param fileName     *            文件名     * @return 返回文件对应的MIME类型。     */    private String getPartContentType(String fileName) {        String ret = null;        if (null != fileName) {            int flag = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");            if (0 <= flag && flag < fileName.length() - 1) {                fileName = fileName.substring(flag + 1);            }            ret = contentTypeMap.get(fileName);        }                if (null == ret) {            ret = defaultAttachmentContentType;        }        return ret;    }        /**     * 将给定字符串转换为base64编码的字符串     *      * @param str     *            需要转码的字符串     * @param charset     *            原字符串的编码格式     * @return base64编码格式的字符     */    private String toBase64(String str, String charset) {        if (null != str) {            try {                return toBase64(str.getBytes(charset));            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return "";    }        /**     * 将指定的字节数组转换为base64格式的字符串     *      * @param bs     *            需要转码的字节数组     * @return base64编码格式的字符     */    private String toBase64(byte[] bs) {        return new BASE64Encoder().encode(bs);    }        /**     * 将给定字符串转换为base64编码的字符串     *      * @param str     *            需要转码的字符串     * @return base64编码格式的字符     */    private String toBase64(String str) {        return toBase64(str, Charset.defaultCharset().name());    }        /**     * 将所有的邮件单元按照标准的MIME格式要求合并。     *      * @return 返回一个所有单元合并后的字符串。     */    private String getAllParts() {        int partCount = partSet.size();        StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder(LINE_END);        for (int i = partCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            Mail attachment = partSet.get(i);            String attachmentContent = attachment.getContent();            if (null != attachmentContent && 0 < attachmentContent.length()) {                sbd.append(getBoundaryNextPart()).append(LINE_END);                sbd.append("Content-Type: ");                sbd.append(attachment.getContentType());                sbd.append(LINE_END);                sbd.append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ");                sbd.append(attachment.getContentTransferEncoding());                sbd.append(LINE_END);                if (i != partCount - 1) {                    sbd.append("Content-Disposition: ");                    sbd.append(attachment.getContentDisposition());                    sbd.append(LINE_END);                }                                sbd.append(LINE_END);                sbd.append(attachment.getContent());                sbd.append(LINE_END);            }        }                sbd.append(LINE_END);        sbd.append(LINE_END);        // sbd.append(boundaryNextPart).        // append(LINE_END);        partSet.clear();        return sbd.toString();    }        /**     * 添加邮件正文单元     */    private void addContent() {        if (null != content) {            MailPart part = new MailPart();            part.setContent(toBase64(content));            part.setContentType("text/plain;charset=\"" + charset + "\"");            partSet.add(part);        }    }        private String listToMailString(List<String> mailAddressList) {        StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder();        if (null != mailAddressList) {            int listSize = mailAddressList.size();            for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {                if (0 != i) {                    sbd.append(";");                }                sbd.append("<").append(mailAddressList.get(i)).append(">");            }        }        return sbd.toString();    }        private List<String> getrecipient() {        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();        list.addAll(to);        list.addAll(cc);        list.addAll(bcc);        return list;    }        /**     * 添加一个附件单元     *      * @param filePath     *            文件路径     */    public void addAttachment(String filePath) {        addAttachment(filePath, null);    }        public void addTo(String mailAddress) {        this.to.add(mailAddress);    }        public void addCc(String mailAddress) {        this.cc.add(mailAddress);    }        public void addBcc(String mailAddress) {        this.bcc.add(mailAddress);    }        /**     * 添加一个附件单元     *      * @param filePath     *            文件路径     * @param charset     *            文件编码格式     */    public void addAttachment(String filePath, String charset) {        if (null != filePath && filePath.length() > 0) {            File file = new File(filePath);            try {                addAttachment(file.getName(), new FileInputStream(file),                        charset);            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {                System.out.println("错误:" + e.getMessage());                System.exit(1);            }        }    }        /**     * 添加一个附件单元     *      * @param fileName     *            文件名     * @param attachmentStream     *            文件流     * @param charset     *            文件编码格式     */    public void addAttachment(String fileName, InputStream attachmentStream,            String charset) {        try {                        byte[] bs = null;            if (null != attachmentStream) {                int buffSize = 1024;                byte[] buff = new byte[buffSize];                byte[] temp;                bs = new byte[0];                int readTotal = 0;                while (-1 != (readTotal = attachmentStream.read(buff))) {                    temp = new byte[bs.length];                    System.arraycopy(bs, 0, temp, 0, bs.length);                    bs = new byte[temp.length + readTotal];                    System.arraycopy(temp, 0, bs, 0, temp.length);                    System.arraycopy(buff, 0, bs, temp.length, readTotal);                }            }                        if (null != bs) {                MailPart attachmentPart = new MailPart();                charset = null != charset ? charset : Charset.defaultCharset()                        .name();                String contentType = getPartContentType(fileName)                        + ";name=\"=?" + charset + "?B?" + toBase64(fileName)                        + "?=\"";                attachmentPart.setCharset(charset);                attachmentPart.setContentType(contentType);                attachmentPart.setContentDisposition("attachment;filename=\"=?"                        + charset + "?B?" + toBase64(fileName) + "?=\"");                attachmentPart.setContent(toBase64(bs));                partSet.add(attachmentPart);            }                    } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            if (null != attachmentStream) {                try {                    attachmentStream.close();                    attachmentStream = null;                } catch (IOException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }                        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();            Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization();        }    }        /**     * 发送邮件     *      * @return 邮件服务器反回的信息     */    public String send() {                // 对象申明        // 当邮件发送完毕后,以下三个对象(Socket、        // PrintWriter,        // BufferedReader)需要关闭。        Socket socket = null;        PrintWriter pw = null;        BufferedReader br = null;                try {            socket = new Socket(host, 25);            pw = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket                    .getInputStream()));                        StringBuilder infoBuilder = new StringBuilder(                    "\nServer info: \n------------\n");                        // 与服务器建立连接            pw.write("HELO ".concat(host).concat(LINE_END)); // 连接到邮件服务            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "220"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        pw.write("AUTH LOGIN".concat(LINE_END)); // 登录            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "250"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        pw.write(toBase64(user).concat(LINE_END)); // 输入用户名            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "334"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        pw.write(toBase64(password).concat(LINE_END)); // 输入密码            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "334"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        pw.write("MAIL FROM:<" + from + ">" + LINE_END); // 发件人邮箱地址            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "235"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        List<String> recipientList = getrecipient();            // 收件邮箱地址            for (int i = 0; i < recipientList.size(); i++) {                pw.write("RCPT TO:<" + recipientList.get(i) + ">" + LINE_END);                if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "250"))                    return infoBuilder.toString();            }            // System.out.println(            // getAllSendAddress());                        pw.write("DATA" + LINE_END); // 开始输入邮件            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "250"))                return infoBuilder.toString();                        flush(pw);                        // 设置邮件头信息            StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer("From: <" + from + ">"                    + LINE_END); // 发件人            sbf.append("To: " + listToMailString(to) + LINE_END);// 收件人            sbf.append("Cc: " + listToMailString(cc) + LINE_END);// 收件人            sbf.append("Bcc: " + listToMailString(bcc) + LINE_END);// 收件人            sbf.append("Subject: " + subject + LINE_END);// 邮件主题            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(simpleDatePattern);            sbf.append("Date: ").append(sdf.format(new Date()));            sbf.append(LINE_END); // 发送时间            sbf.append("Content-Type: ");            sbf.append(contentType);            sbf.append(";");            sbf.append("boundary=\"");            sbf.append(boundary).append("\""); // 邮件类型设置            sbf.append(LINE_END);            sbf.append("This is a multi-part message in MIME format.");            sbf.append(LINE_END);                        // 添加邮件正文单元            addContent();                        // 合并所有单元,正文和附件。            sbf.append(getAllParts());                        // 发送            sbf.append(LINE_END).append(".").append(LINE_END);            pw.write(sbf.toString());            readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "354");            flush(pw);                        // QUIT退出            pw.write("QUIT" + LINE_END);            if (!readResponse(pw, br, infoBuilder, "250"))                return infoBuilder.toString();            flush(pw);                        return infoBuilder.toString();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            return "Exception:>" + e.getMessage();        } finally {            // 释放资源            try {                if (null != socket)                    socket.close();                if (null != pw)                    pw.close();                if (null != br)                    br.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }                        // this.to.clear();            // this.cc.clear();            // this.bcc.clear();            this.partSet.clear();        }            }        /**     * 将SMTP命令发送到邮件服务器     *      * @param pw     *            邮件服务器输入流     */    private void flush(PrintWriter pw) {        if (!isAllowReadSocketInfo) {            pw.flush();        }    }        /**     * 读取邮件服务器的响应信息     *      * @param pw     *            邮件服务器输入流     * @param br     *            邮件服务器输出流     * @param infoBuilder     *            用来存放服务器响应信息的字符串缓冲     * @param msgCode     * @return     * @throws IOException     */    private boolean readResponse(PrintWriter pw, BufferedReader br,            StringBuilder infoBuilder, String msgCode) throws IOException {        if (isAllowReadSocketInfo) {            pw.flush();            String message = br.readLine();            infoBuilder.append("SERVER:/>");            infoBuilder.append(message).append(LINE_END);            if (null == message || 0 > message.indexOf(msgCode)) {                System.out.println("ERROR: " + message);                pw.write("QUIT".concat(LINE_END));                pw.flush();                return false;            }            if (isDebug) {                System.out.println("DEBUG:/>" + msgCode + "/" + message);            }        }        return true;    }        public String getBoundaryNextPart() {        return boundaryNextPart;    }        public void setBoundaryNextPart(String boundaryNextPart) {        this.boundaryNextPart = boundaryNextPart;    }        public String getDefaultAttachmentContentType() {        return defaultAttachmentContentType;    }        public void setDefaultAttachmentContentType(            String defaultAttachmentContentType) {        this.defaultAttachmentContentType = defaultAttachmentContentType;    }        public String getHost() {        return host;    }        public void setHost(String host) {        this.host = host;    }        public String getFrom() {        return from;    }        public void setFrom(String from) {        this.from = from;    }        public List<String> getTo() {        return to;    }        public void setTo(List<String> to) {        this.to = to;    }        public String getSubject() {        return subject;    }        public void setSubject(String subject) {        this.subject = subject;    }        public String getUser() {        return user;    }        public void setUser(String user) {        this.user = user;    }        public String getPassword() {        return password;    }        public void setPassword(String password) {        this.password = password;    }        public String getContentType() {        return contentType;    }        public void setContentType(String contentType) {        this.contentType = contentType;    }        public String getBoundary() {        return boundary;    }        public void setBoundary(String boundary) {        this.boundary = boundary;    }        public String getContentTransferEncoding() {        return contentTransferEncoding;    }        public void setContentTransferEncoding(String contentTransferEncoding) {        this.contentTransferEncoding = contentTransferEncoding;    }        public String getCharset() {        return charset;    }        public void setCharset(String charset) {        this.charset = charset;    }        public String getContentDisposition() {        return contentDisposition;    }        public void setContentDisposition(String contentDisposition) {        this.contentDisposition = contentDisposition;    }        public String getSimpleDatePattern() {        return simpleDatePattern;    }        public void setSimpleDatePattern(String simpleDatePattern) {        this.simpleDatePattern = simpleDatePattern;    }        public String getContent() {        return content;    }        public void setContent(String content) {        this.content = content;    }        public boolean isAllowReadSocketInfo() {        return isAllowReadSocketInfo;    }        public void setAllowReadSocketInfo(boolean isAllowReadSocketInfo) {        this.isAllowReadSocketInfo = isAllowReadSocketInfo;    }      }


package email;public class TestEmail { public static void main(String[] args) {        // 应用示例:线程化发送邮件        new Thread() {            @Override            public void run() {                System.out.println("SENDER-" + this.getId() + ":/>"                        + "开始发送邮件...");                                // 创建邮件对象                Mail mail = new Mail();                mail.setHost("smtp.163.com"); // 邮件服务器地址                mail.setFrom("525998129@163.com"); // 发件人邮箱                mail.addTo("ligq84@163.com"); // 收件人邮箱//              mail.addTo("315905059@qq.com"); // 收件人邮箱//              mail.addTo("233010952@qq.com"); // 收件人邮箱                mail.addCc("525998129@qq.com");// 抄送人地址                mail.addBcc("525998129@163.com");// 暗送人                mail.setSubject("java邮箱测试!"); // 邮件主题                mail.setUser("525998129@163.com"); // 用户名                mail.setPassword("*******"); // 密码                       mail.setContent("这是一个测试,请不要回复!"); // 邮件正文//                mail.addAttachment("D:\\Documents and Settings\\xuntu\\桌面\\email\\javamail-1.4.5\\lib\\dsn.jar"); // 添加附件//                mail.addAttachment("D:\\Documents and Settings\\xuntu\\桌面\\email\\javamail-1.4.5\\lib\\imap.jar"); // 添加附件//                for(int i=1;i<14;i++){//                mail.addAttachment("d:\\mg"+i+".jpg"); // 添加附件//                }                // mail.addAttachment(                // "e:/test.htm"); //                // 添加附件                                System.out.println(mail.send()); // 发送                               System.out.println("SENDER-" + this.getId() + ":/>"                        + "邮件已发送完毕!");            }        }.start();            }}

copy 可用哦