STM32开发板学习笔记(一)-- 开篇及STM32按键中断分析(续)

来源:互联网 发布:电信网络诈骗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 08:44


上一篇说完了GPIO 。到此,如果加上几个按键捕获,就可以用按键控制灯了。那么如果要使用中断的话,要怎么做呢?


在手册的 中断事件一章之中,有提到的是 中断向量控制器 (NVIC)和 外部中断/事件控制器 (EXIT)。而例子里面用到中断的里面也有 两个函数叫做:

 void NVIC_Configuration(void); // void EXTI_Configuration(void);//Extern Interrput and Event controller configuration 

好,先看 NVIC ,中断向量控制器。

/**   * @brief  NVIC Init Structure definition    */typedef struct{  uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannel;                    /*!< Specifies the IRQ channel to be enabled or disabled.                                                   This parameter can be a value of @ref IRQn_Type                                                    (For the complete STM32 Devices IRQ Channels list, please                                                    refer to stm32f10x.h file) */  uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority;  /*!< Specifies the pre-emption priority for the IRQ channel                                                   specified in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value                                                   between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */  uint8_t NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority;         /*!< Specifies the subpriority level for the IRQ channel specified                                                   in NVIC_IRQChannel. This parameter can be a value                                                   between 0 and 15 as described in the table @ref NVIC_Priority_Table */  FunctionalState NVIC_IRQChannelCmd;         /*!< Specifies whether the IRQ channel defined in NVIC_IRQChannel                                                   will be enabled or disabled.                                                    This parameter can be set either to ENABLE or DISABLE */   } NVIC_InitTypeDef;

/** @defgroup NVIC_Priority_Table   * @{  *//**@code   The table below gives the allowed values of the pre-emption priority and subpriority according to the Priority Grouping configuration performed by NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig function  ============================================================================================================================    NVIC_PriorityGroup   | NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority | NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority  | Description  ============================================================================================================================   NVIC_PriorityGroup_0  |                0                  |            0-15             |   0 bits for pre-emption priority                         |                                   |                             |   4 bits for subpriority  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   NVIC_PriorityGroup_1  |                0-1                |            0-7              |   1 bits for pre-emption priority                         |                                   |                             |   3 bits for subpriority  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       NVIC_PriorityGroup_2  |                0-3                |            0-3              |   2 bits for pre-emption priority                         |                                   |                             |   2 bits for subpriority  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       NVIC_PriorityGroup_3  |                0-7                |            0-1              |   3 bits for pre-emption priority                         |                                   |                             |   1 bits for subpriority  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       NVIC_PriorityGroup_4  |                0-15               |            0                |   4 bits for pre-emption priority                         |                                   |                             |   0 bits for subpriority                         ============================================================================================================================@endcode




外部中断/ 事件控制器由19  个产生事件/ 中断要求的边沿检测器组成。每个输入线可以独立地配置输入类型

要产生中断,必须先配置好并使能中断线。根据需要的边沿检测设置2 个触发寄存器,同时在中
断屏蔽寄存器的相应位写’1’ 允许中断请求。当外部中断线上发生了期待的边沿时,将产生一个
中断请求,对应的挂起位也随之被置’1’ 。在挂起寄存器的对应位写’1’ ,将清除该中断请求。 
如果需要产生事件,必须先配置好并使能事件线。根据需要的边沿检测通过设置2 个触发寄存
器,同时在事件屏蔽寄存器的相应位写’1’ 允许事件请求。当事件线上发生了需要的边沿时,将
产生一个事件请求脉冲,对应的挂起位不被置’1’ 。 
通过在软件中断/ 事件寄存器写’1’ ,也可以通过软件产生中断/ 事件请求。  

typedef struct 

vu32 IMR; 
vu32 EMR; 
vu32 RTSR; 
vu32 FTSR; 
vu32 SWIER; 
vu32 PR; 
} EXTI_TypeDef; 

寄存器   描述 
IMR    中断屏蔽寄存器 
EMR  事件屏蔽寄存器 
RTSR   上升沿触发选择寄存器 
FTSR   下降沿触发选择寄存器 
SWIR   软件中断事件寄存器 
PR   挂起寄存器


void EXTI_Configuration(void){EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStruct; GPIO_EXTILineConfig(GPIO_PortSourceGPIOD, GPIO_PinSource3);//选择GPIO PD3 引脚作为外部中断线路EXTI_InitStruct.EXTI_Line = EXTI_Line3;EXTI_InitStruct.EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt;//设置EXTI 模式为中断 。另外一个是 事件。EXTI_InitStruct.EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling;//Falling down interruptEXTI_InitStruct.EXTI_LineCmd = ENABLE;EXTI_Init(&EXTI_InitStruct);}
/**   * @brief  EXTI Init Structure definition    */typedef struct{  uint32_t EXTI_Line;               /*!< Specifies the EXTI lines to be enabled or disabled.                                         This parameter can be any combination of @ref EXTI_Lines */     EXTIMode_TypeDef EXTI_Mode;       /*!< Specifies the mode for the EXTI lines.                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref EXTIMode_TypeDef */  EXTITrigger_TypeDef EXTI_Trigger; /*!< Specifies the trigger signal active edge for the EXTI lines.                                         This parameter can be a value of @ref EXTIMode_TypeDef */  FunctionalState EXTI_LineCmd;     /*!< Specifies the new state of the selected EXTI lines.                                         This parameter can be set either to ENABLE or DISABLE */ }EXTI_InitTypeDef;


