
来源:互联网 发布:java socket 客户端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 23:11

假设我们写了一个C代码文件 code.c包含下面代码:

int accum = 0;

int sum(int x, int y)
    int t = x + y;
    accum += t;
    return t;


gcc -S code.c         (注意:这里是大写的-S,如果用小写gcc会说找不到main函数)
.file "code.c"
.globl _accum
 .align 4
 .space 4
.globl _sum
 .def _sum; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef
 pushl %ebp
 movl %esp, %ebp
 subl $4, %esp                  # 为局部变量t在栈帧上分配空间
 movl 12(%ebp), %eax    # %eax <- y
 addl 8(%ebp), %eax       # %eax <- x + y
 movl %eax, -4(%ebp)     # t <- x +y
 movl -4(%ebp), %eax     # %eax <- t
 addl %eax, _accum        # _accum <- t + _accum
 movl -4(%ebp), %eax     # %eax <- t
 leave                                 # 平衡堆栈: %esp <- %ebp , popl %ebp
gcc -O2 -S code.c
 .file "code.c"
.globl _accum
 .align 4
 .space 4
 .p2align 4,,15                    # 使下一条指令的地址从16的倍数处开始,
.globl _sum                        # 最多浪费15个字节
 .def _sum; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef
 pushl %ebp                       # 保存原%ebp   
 movl %esp, %ebp        
 movl 12(%ebp), %eax     # %eax <- y
 movl 8(%ebp), %edx       # %edx <- x
 popl %ebp                        # 恢复原%ebp 
 addl %edx, %eax             # %eax <- x + y
 addl %eax, _accum         # _accum <- _accum + x + y
GCC产生的汇编代码有点难读,它包含一些我们不关心的信息。所有以 "." 开头的行都是指导汇编器和链接器的命令,称为“汇编器命令”。
(gdb) x/19xb sum
  在Linux系统中,带 "-d" 命令行选项调用OBJDUMP可以完成这个任务:
  objdump -d code.o
  这需要对一组目标文件运行链接器,而这一组目标代码文件中必须包含有一个Main函数。在 main.c 中有这样的函数:
  int main()
       return sum(1,2);
gcc -O2 -o prog code.o main.c
objdump -d prog
00401050 <_sum>:
  401050: 55                              push   %ebp
  401051: 89 e5                        mov    %esp,%ebp
  401053: 8b 45 0c                   mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax
  401056: 8b 55 08                   mov    0x8(%ebp),%edx
  401059: 5d                              pop    %ebp
  40105a: 01 d0                        add    %edx,%eax
  40105c: 01 05 10 20 40 00  add    %eax,0x402010
  401062: c3                              ret 

7.3 .align abs-expr, abs-expr, abs-expr
Pad the location counter (in the current subsection) to a particular storage b
oundary. The first expression (which must be absolute) is the alignment requir
ed, as described below.
The second expression (also absolute) gives the fill value to be stored in the
padding bytes. It (and the comma) may be omitted. If it is omitted, the paddi
ng bytes are normally zero. However, on some systems, if the section is marked
as containing code and the fill value is omitted, the space is filled with no
-op instructions.
The third expression is also absolute, and is also optional. If it is present,
it is the maximum number of bytes that should be skipped by this alignment di
rective. If doing the alignment would require skipping more bytes than the spe
cified maximum, then the alignment is not done at all. You can omit the fill v
alue (the second argument) entirely by simply using two commas after the requi
red alignment; this can be useful if you want the alignment to be filled with
no-op instructions when appropriate.
The way the required alignment is specified varies from system to system. For
the a29k, hppa, m68k, m88k, w65, sparc, and Hitachi SH, and i386 using ELF for
mat, the first expression is the alignment request in bytes. For example ‘.al
ign 8’ advances the location counter until it is a multiple of 8. If the loca
tion counter is already a multiple of 8, no change is needed.
对于不同的系统,对齐的方式有所不同。a29k, hppa, m68k, m88k, w65, spar和Hitachi以及
使用ELF格式的i386系统,第一个表达式是需要对齐的字节数。例如".align 8"指令增加位置计数器
For other systems, including the i386 using a.out format, and the arm and stro
ngarm, it is the number of low-order zero bits the location counter must have
after advancement. For example ‘.align 3’ advances the location counter unti 
l it a multiple of 8. If the location counter is already a multiple of 8, no c
hange is needed.
其它某些系统,包括使用a.out格式的i386 以及arm和strongarm,第一个表达式是完成移动后,
位置计数器的值的低位中0的数量。例如,".align 3"指令增加计数器的值到8的倍数(译注:
This inconsistency is due to the different behaviors of the various native ass
emblers for these systems which GAS must emulate. GAS also provides .balign an
d .p2align directives, described later, which have a consistent behavior acros
s all architectures (but are specific to GAS).
因为GAS必须模仿这些系统中各种汇编器的不同行为,由此导致了这种差异。GAS 也提供了.balign
和.p2align 指令,这在后面描述,它们在所有的体系结构中拥有一致的行为。
7.54 .p2align[wl] abs-expr, abs-expr, abs-expr
Pad the location counter (in the current subsection) to a particular storage b
oundary. The first expression (which must be absolute) is the number of low-or
der zero bits the location counter must have after advancement. For example ‘
.p2align 3’ advances the location counter until it a multiple of 8. If the lo
cation counter is already a multiple of 8, no change is needed.
是计数器值的低位中0的数量。例如:".p2align 3"将使得计数器移动到地址为8的倍数的位置,
The second expression (also absolute) gives the fill value to be stored in the
padding bytes. It (and the comma) may be omitted. If it is omitted, the paddi
ng bytes are normally zero. However, on some systems, if the section is marked
as containing code and the fill value is omitted, the space is filled with no
-op instructions.

The third expression is also absolute, and is also optional. If it is present,
it is the maximum number of bytes that should be skipped by this alignment di
rective. If doing the alignment would require skipping more bytes than the spe
cified maximum, then the alignment is not done at all. You can omit the fill v
alue (the second argument) entirely by simply using two commas after the requi
red alignment; this can be useful if you want the alignment to be filled with
no-op instructions when appropriate.
The .p2alignw and .p2alignl directives are variants of the .p2align directive.
The .p2alignw directive treats the fill pattern as a two byte word value. The
.p2alignl directives treats the fill pattern as a four byte longword value. F
or example, .p2alignw 2,0x368d will align to a multiple of 4. If it skips two
bytes, they will be filled in with the value 0x368d (the exact placement of th
e bytes depends upon the endianness of the processor). If it skips 1 or 3 byte
s, the fill value is undefined.
.p2alignw 和 .p2alignl是.p2align指令的两种变形。.p2alignw以一个2字节大小的数据进行
填充。.p2alignl指令以一个4字节大小的数据填充。例如:指令.p2alignw 2,0x368d 将地址对
齐到4的倍数。如果此操作跳过了两字节,则这两个字节是以数值0x368d 进行填充的(这些字节的
7.65 .scl class 
Set the storage-class value for a symbol. This directive may only be used insi
de a .def/.endef pair. Storage class may flag whether a symbol is static or ex
ternal, or it may record further symbolic debugging information.
The ‘.scl’ directive is primarily associated with COFF output; when configur
ed to generate b.out output format, as accepts this directive but ignores it.

7.84 .type int (COFF version)
This directive, permitted only within .def/.endef pairs, records the integer i
nt as the type attribute of a symbol table entry.
‘.type’ is associated only with COFF format output; when as is configured fo
r b.out output, it accepts this directive but ignores it.
这条命令仅允许用在一对.def/.endef之内。记录整数int 作为一个符号表条目的类型属性。
".type"命令仅与COFF输出格式相关,当汇编器被设置成输出 a.out文件时,汇编器可以接受