
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝怎么添加客服 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 18:42


1,知道一组数的范围,知道数的个数,要求对这组数进行排序,快速排序,堆排序时间复杂度都不是线性的,要在 线性时间内完成排序,只要用到比较似乎是没有可能完成这个任务,看牺牲一下空间是否可以满足要求,答案的肯定的!



#define NUMBER 20
#define SIZE 10 
int number[NUMBER] ;

int main()

int totalss = 0,temp,i,j ;
 clock_t starttime ,endtime;
double totaltime ;
"please input the number you want to sort ");
for (  i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; i ++ )
  scanf (
= 1 ;
= clock() ;
"after sort the number selization is: ");
for (  j = 0 ; j < NUMBER ; j ++ )
if ( number[j] == 1 ) 

" ");
= clock();
= (double)(endtime - starttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
"the program id user time %lf second ",totaltime);
return 0 ;



please input the number you want to sort
12 1 4 5 7 9 13 15 19 14
after sort the number selization is: 1  4  5  7  9  12 13 14 15 19
the program is  use time 0.000000 second


2 找出10000000范围内的素数,同样可以用以上的算法,先给出程序



#define NUMBER  100

int main()
int *number ;
int totalss = 0, i,j,k;
 clock_t starttime ,endtime;
double totaltime ;
int num  = (int)sqrt(NUMBER);
= clock() ;
= (int*) malloc (NUMBER * sizeof (int));
for (  i = 2; i < NUMBER ; i ++ )
= 1 ;
for ( j = 2 ; j <num; j ++ )
if ( number[j] )
for ( k = j ; k <= (NUMBER/j) ; k ++ ) 
* j] = 0 ;
= clock();
= (double)(endtime - starttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
"the program id user time %lf second ",totaltime);
for ( i = 2 ; i < NUMBER ; i ++ )
if (number[i])
"the number %d is sushu ",i);
++ ;

"the total number of sushu is %d " ,totalss);
= clock () ;
= (double)(endtime - starttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
"the program id user time %lf second ",totaltime);
return 0 ;


为了能够把结果给出,我将范围缩小到100,int num  = (int)sqrt(NUMBER);



the program id user time 0.000000 second
the number 2 is sushu
the number 3 is sushu
the number 5 is sushu
the number 7 is sushu
the number 11 is sushu
the number 13 is sushu
the number 17 is sushu
the number 19 is sushu
the number 23 is sushu
the number 29 is sushu
the number 31 is sushu
the number 37 is sushu
the number 41 is sushu
the number 43 is sushu
the number 47 is sushu
the number 53 is sushu
the number 59 is sushu
the number 61 is sushu
the number 67 is sushu
the number 71 is sushu
the number 73 is sushu
the number 79 is sushu
the number 83 is sushu
the number 89 is sushu
the number 97 is sushu
the total number of sushu is 25
the program id user time 0.000000 second
the program is use time 1.765000 second
