
来源:互联网 发布:图片马赛克还原软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 08:38


<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;font-size:14px;"># runbot script. to run the Nutch bot for crawling and re-crawling.# Usage: bin/runbot [safe]#        If executed in 'safe' mode, it doesn't delete the temporary#        directories generated during crawl. This might be helpful for#        analysis and recovery in case a crawl fails.## Author: Susam Pal depth=2threads=5adddays=5topN=15 #Comment this statement if you don't want to set topN value # Arguments for rm and mvRMARGS="-rf"MVARGS="--verbose" # Parse argumentsif [ "$1" == "safe" ]then  safe=yesfi if [ -z "$NUTCH_HOME" ]#判断NUTCH_HOME变量是否被定义then  NUTCH_HOME=.#如果没有定义,那么定义当前目录为NUTCH_HOME  echo runbot: $0 could not find environment variable NUTCH_HOME  echo runbot: NUTCH_HOME=$NUTCH_HOME has been set by the script. else  echo runbot: $0 found environment variable NUTCH_HOME=$NUTCH_HOME fi if [ -z "$CATALINA_HOME" ]#判断CATALINA_HOME变量是否被定义then  CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.10#如果没有定义,那么定义/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.10为CATALINA_HOME   echo runbot: $0 could not find environment variable NUTCH_HOME  echo runbot: CATALINA_HOME=$CATALINA_HOME has been set by the script. else  echo runbot: $0 found environment variable CATALINA_HOME=$CATALINA_HOME fi if [ -n "$topN" ]#判断topN变量是否被定义then  topN="-topN $topN"#如果被定义了,那么定义topN=”-topN $topN”else  topN=""#如果没有定义,那么定义个空值fi steps=8echo "----- Inject (Step 1 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch inject crawl/crawldb urls#注入网址到抓去数据库,此处的crawl/crawldb是你的nutch抓取产生的数据存放目录,强烈建议使用绝对路径。urls是要抓取的网址,也用绝对路径echo "----- Generate, Fetch, Parse, Update (Step 2 of $steps) -----"for((i=0; i < $depth; i++))do  echo "--- Beginning crawl at depth `expr $i + 1` of $depth ---"  $NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch generate crawl/crawldb crawl/segments $topN \      -adddays $adddays#从crawldb中创建抓取列表,此处的crawl/crawldb和crawl/segments也要用绝对路径。  if [ $? -ne 0 ]  then    echo "runbot: Stopping at depth $depth. No more URLs to fetch."    break  fi  segment=`ls -d crawl/segments/* | tail -1`#此处路径也要改成绝对路径。  $NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch fetch $segment -threads $threads  if [ $? -ne 0 ]  then    echo "runbot: fetch $segment at depth `expr $i + 1` failed."    echo "runbot: Deleting segment $segment."    rm $RMARGS $segment    continue  fi   $NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch updatedb crawl/crawldb $segmentdone#此处的crawl/crawldb改为绝对路径。echo "----- Merge Segments (Step 3 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch mergesegs crawl/MERGEDsegments crawl/segments/*#此处的crawl/MERGEDsegments和crawl/segments/*改为绝对路径。 if [ "$safe" != "yes" ]then  rm $RMARGS crawl/segmentselse  rm $RMARGS crawl/BACKUPsegments  mv $MVARGS crawl/segments crawl/BACKUPsegmentsfi mv $MVARGS crawl/MERGEDsegments crawl/segments echo "----- Invert Links (Step 4 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch invertlinks crawl/linkdb crawl/segments/*#此处的crawl/linkdb和crawl/segments/*改为绝对路径。 echo "----- Index (Step 5 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch index crawl/NEWindexes crawl/crawldb crawl/linkdb \crawl/segments/*#此处的crawl/crawldb和crawl/linkdb和crawl/segments/*改为绝对路径echo "----- Dedup (Step 6 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch dedup crawl/NEWindexes#此处的crawl/NEWindexes改为绝对路径echo "----- Merge Indexes (Step 7 of $steps) -----"$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch merge crawl/NEWindex crawl/NEWindexes#此处的crawl/NEWindex和crawl/NEWindexes改为绝对路径 echo "----- Loading New Index (Step 8 of $steps) -----"${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/ if [ "$safe" != "yes" ]then  rm $RMARGS crawl/NEWindexes  rm $RMARGS crawl/index#全为绝对路径else  rm $RMARGS crawl/BACKUPindexes  rm $RMARGS crawl/BACKUPindex  mv $MVARGS crawl/NEWindexes crawl/BACKUPindexes  mv $MVARGS crawl/index crawl/BACKUPindex#全为绝对路径 fi mv $MVARGS crawl/NEWindex crawl/index# crawl/NEWindex和crawl/index为绝对路径 ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/ echo "runbot: FINISHED: Crawl completed!"echo ""</span>




1.    在$NUTCH_HOME/bin目录中建立runbot文件,vi runbot,然后将该脚本复制到runbot文件中,赋予runbot文件可执行权限,chmod 744 runbot。



export NUTCH_HOME=你的nutch安装根目录

export CATALINA_HOME=你的tomcat安装根目录


3.    该脚本默认等情况下,是将抓取的数据放在当前目录中。如果不想在上述脚本注释的地方更改绝对路径,请在nutch的抓取数据根目录执行次脚本。(如果改了可以在任意目录执行该脚本)。还有一个更加简单的方法那就是在脚本的开头# Author: Susam Pal后面加入如下命令


cd /crawldb/crawldb(此处是你的nutch抓取的数据目录),也可以达到在任何目录执行该脚本的目地,此时urls文件也因该在nutchu抓取数据的根目录。


