The usage of SQLPATH

来源:互联网 发布:帝妃娇 梅雨知时节 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 10:40

1. create directory
mkdir /home/oracle/scripts

2. copy script to the directory
cp gettrc.sql /home/oracle/scripts

3. edit ./.bash_profile and add the following info into it
export SQLPATH=/home/oracle/scripts:$SQLPATH

4. Explanation:
sqlplus will find script default with SQLPATH parameter.
When you use @gettrc.sql,then the sqlplus can locate it and execute it successfully.


The following sql statement is the detail of gettrc.sql .

       || '/'
       || LOWER (RTRIM (i.INSTANCE, CHR (0)))
       || '_ora_'
       || p.spid
       || '.trc' trace_file_name
  FROM (SELECT p.spid
          FROM v$mystat m, v$session s, v$process p
         WHERE m.statistic# = 1 AND s.SID = m.SID AND p.addr = s.paddr) p,
          FROM v$thread t, v$parameter v
         WHERE v.NAME = 'thread'
           AND (v.VALUE = 0 OR t.thread# = TO_NUMBER (v.VALUE))) i,
          FROM v$parameter
         WHERE NAME = 'user_dump_dest') d;