来源:互联网 发布:域名后缀排行榜 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 09:34
On Mon, 04 Aug 2003 17:03:57 -0700 David Shaw <dshaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


>> are multiple simultaneous signatures acceptable Open PGP behavior
>The first example you gave was of a nested one-pass signature, and
>second example was a clearsigned message with two signatures after
>While it is unfortunate that 6.5.8 can't handle them, both of these
>constructions are legal in OpenPGP (as per sections 5.4 and 7).

6.5.8 can handle all except the clearsigned messages
(btw, 7.xx acts like 8, and handles everything)

is there a gnupg command syntax that would allow for a nested one pass
signature during clearsigning ?

{not suggesting it, as 6.5.8 can handle the armored signing, so it is
compatible enough,
but am curious if it could somehow be done)



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