C++基础 课程代码

来源:互联网 发布:网络直播造娃在线播放 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 15:58
20100412a// 0412a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//类和对象的理解#include "stdafx.h"class CInfo{private: int data;public : void Set(int i) {  data = i; } int *Get() {  return &data; } int &Get1() {  return data; }};void Test(){ CInfo obj,*pObj2; int *pData; obj.Set(1); pData=obj.Get();//地址未释放 *pData=2; //指针可以访问私有成员变量 pObj2=new CInfo; //在堆上动态分配 pObj2->Set(2); delete pObj2; int &Obj3=obj.Get1();//引用}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Test(); return 0;}b// 0412a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "info.h"void Test(){ CInfo obj(0); CInfo obj2=2; CInfo obj3; CInfo *pObj4=new CInfo; delete pObj4;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Test(); return 0;}// Info.cpp: implementation of the CInfo class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "stdafx.h"#include "Info.h"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Construction/Destruction//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CInfo::CInfo(int i){ m_iData=i; puts("CInfo ");}CInfo::~CInfo(){ puts("~CInfo");}const int * CInfo::Get(){  return &m_iData;}void CInfo::Set(int i){ m_iData=i; }//Info.h// Info.h: interface for the CInfo class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#if !defined(AFX_INFO_H__983EF703_97E6_4EB0_8A15_7351BEE0482C__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_INFO_H__983EF703_97E6_4EB0_8A15_7351BEE0482C__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000class CInfo  {public: void Set(int i); const int * Get(); CInfo(int i=0);//构造函数,在对象实例化出来以后自动执行,通常用来初始化成员变量 virtual ~CInfo();//析构函数,在对象释放前自动执行的函数,通常用来清理对象在使用过程中占用的资源private: int m_iData;};#endif // !defined(AFX_INFO_H__983EF703_97E6_4EB0_8A15_7351BEE0482C__INCLUDED_)=================================================================================0413a b// 0413b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//参数的传递#include "stdafx.h"class CA{public: // CA(int i){} CA(int i,int j){}};void Func(CA obj){}CA Func2(){ return CA(5,5);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){/* CA obj(1); CA obj2=CA(2); CA obj3=3;//只有一个参数的情况下允许 CA *pObj4=new CA(4);*/ CA obj(1,1); CA obj2=CA(2,2);// CA obj3=3;//只有一个参数的情况下允许 CA *pObj4=new CA(4,4); CA obj5[2]={CA(5,6),CA(7,8)};// CA *pObj6=new CA[2] Func(obj); Func(obj2); Func(CA(3,3));//临时传递对象 Func(obj); return 0;} c// 0413b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//需要初始化成员变量的情况#include "stdafx.h"class CData{private: int m_j;public: CData(int j) {//  m_j=0;  m_j=j; }};class CA{private: const int m_i;//常量必须初始化 CData m_data;//类类型的成员必须初始化public: static int m_j;////静态变量必须初始化 CA(int i,int j):m_i(i),m_data(j) { }};int CA::m_j=100;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA obj(2,3); //obj.m_j=4; printf("m_j:%d\n",obj.m_j); CA obj2(2,3); return 0;} d// 0413d.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//常量成员变量、函数、对象,静态成员变量、成员函数#include "stdafx.h"class CA{private: const int m_i;//常量成员必须初始化 int m_j; public: static int m_k;//静态成员必须在全局区域初始化 CA(int i=0):m_i(i) { } void Func()const { // m_j=1; //常量成员函数不能修改成员变量,可以访问 } static void Func2() { // m_j=6; //静态成员函数只能访问静态变量 }};int CA::m_k=0;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ const CA obj; CA obj2; obj.Func();//常量对象访问常量成员函数或成员 obj.m_k=1; obj2.m_k=2; CA::m_k=3;//静态成员可以加限制作用域访问 CA::Func2(); printf("%d",sizeof(obj));//大小为8, 类的静态成员不属于对象 return 0;}e// 0413e.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console appliCSingletontion.//单例——只能实例化一个对象#include "stdafx.h"class CSingleton{public: static CSingleton *GetObj() {  if(m_iRef == 0)   m_pObj=new CSingleton;  m_iRef++;  return m_pObj; } static Release() //释放 {  if(--m_iRef == 0){   delete m_pObj;   m_pObj=NULL;  } }private: static CSingleton *m_pObj; static int m_iRef; CSingleton(){ }};CSingleton *CSingleton::m_pObj = NULL;int CSingleton::m_iRef = 0;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CSingleton *pObj=CSingleton::GetObj(); CSingleton::Release(); CSingleton *pObj2=CSingleton::GetObj(); CSingleton::Release(); return 0;} f// 0413f.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//this 指针#include "stdafx.h"class CA{public: int m_i; void Fun() //相当于 Fun(CA *this) {  this->m_i=0; } CA &Func2() {  return *this;//返回对象本身的引用 }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA obj,obj2,*pObj; obj.Fun(); // 相当于Func(&obj); obj2.Fun();  // 相当于Func(&obj2); pObj=&obj; pObj->Fun(); // 相当于Func(pObj); CA &objRef = obj.Func2();  //引用// obj.m_i=1; return 0;} g// 0413f.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//this 指针 理解#include "stdafx.h"class CA{public: int m_i; void Func() {  delete this;//  this->m_i=1;  puts("Func()");//  printf("%d",m_i); }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA *pObj=NULL; pObj->Func(); //相当于 Func(pObj); return 0;} x// 0413X.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//队列的封装#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyQueue.h"int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int i; Person obj,objs[]={  {1,"aaa","aaa111"},  {2,"bbb","bbb222"},  {3,"ccc","ccc333"},  {4,"ddd","ddd444"}, };  CMyQueue queue; for(i=0; i<4; i++)  queue.PushBack(objs[i]); for(i=0; i<2; i++){  queue.PopFront(obj);  printf("id:%d,name:%s,major:%s\n",   obj.iId,obj.szName,obj.szMajor); } return 0;} // MyQueue.h: interface for the CMyQueue class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#if !defined(AFX_MYQUEUE_H__5CDE9802_5E99_4FB2_9FEE_CF649E8762B9__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_MYQUEUE_H__5CDE9802_5E99_4FB2_9FEE_CF649E8762B9__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 struct Person{ int iId; char szName[16]; char szMajor[16];};class CMyQueue  {private: struct Node {  Node *pPrev;  Person data;  Node *pNext; };public: bool PopFront(Person &iData); void PushBack(const Person &iData); CMyQueue(); virtual ~CMyQueue();private: Node *m_pHead; Node *m_pTail;};#endif // !defined(AFX_MYQUEUE_H__5CDE9802_5E99_4FB2_9FEE_CF649E8762B9__INCLUDED_)// MyQueue.cpp: implementation of the CMyQueue class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyQueue.h"CMyQueue::CMyQueue(){ m_pHead = NULL; m_pTail = NULL;}CMyQueue::~CMyQueue(){ Node *pNode; pNode=m_pHead; if(m_pHead) {  m_pHead=m_pHead->pNext;  delete pNode; }}void CMyQueue::PushBack(const Person &iData){ Node *pNode = new Node; pNode->data=iData;  if(m_pTail){  pNode->pNext=NULL;  pNode->pPrev=m_pTail;  m_pTail->pNext=pNode;  m_pTail=pNode; } else{   pNode->pNext=NULL;  pNode->pPrev=m_pTail;  m_pHead=pNode;   m_pTail=pNode; }}bool CMyQueue::PopFront(Person &iData){  Node *pNode=m_pHead; if(m_pHead==NULL)  return false; iData=m_pHead->data; m_pHead=m_pHead->pNext; if(m_pHead ==NULL){  m_pTail=NULL; }else{  m_pHead->pPrev=NULL;  } delete pNode; return true;}y// 0413b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//参数的传递和释放#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>class CA  {private:// char m_szBuf[16]; // ..1.. char *pszBuf;public: CA(char *szBuf="") {//  strcpy(m_szBuf,szBuf); //..1..//  pszBuf=(char*)malloc(strlen(szBuf)+1); strcpy(pszBuf,szBuf); //..2..//  pszBuf=new char[strlen(szBuf)+1]; strcpy(pszBuf,szBuf);  pszBuf=strdup(szBuf); } ~CA() {//  delete []m_szBuf; //..2../*  if(*pszBuf){   free(pszBuf);   *pszBuf=NULL;  }*/  free(pszBuf); } CA(const CA &obj)//拷贝构造函数 {  pszBuf=strdup(obj.pszBuf); }};void Func(){ char buf[]="abcdefg"; CA obj(buf); CA obj2=obj; CA obj3; //obj3=obj;}int main(){ Func(); return 0;} // 0413b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//参数的传递和释放#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>class CA  {private:// char m_szBuf[16]; // ..1.. char *pszBuf;public: CA(char *szBuf="") {//  strcpy(m_szBuf,szBuf); //..1..//  pszBuf=(char*)malloc(strlen(szBuf)+1); strcpy(pszBuf,szBuf); //..2..//  pszBuf=new char[strlen(szBuf)+1]; strcpy(pszBuf,szBuf);  pszBuf=strdup(szBuf); } ~CA() {//  delete []m_szBuf; //..2../*  if(*pszBuf){   free(pszBuf);   *pszBuf=NULL;  }*/  free(pszBuf); } CA(const CA &obj)//拷贝构造函数 {  pszBuf=strdup(obj.pszBuf); }};void Func(){ char buf[]="abcdefg"; CA obj(buf); CA obj2=obj; CA obj3; //obj3=obj;}int main(){ Func(); return 0;}xx// 0413a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyQueue.h"int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int i; Person obj,objs[]={  {1,"aaa","aaa111"},  {2,"bbb","bbb222"},  {3,"ccc","ccc333"},  {4,"ddd","ddd444"}, };  CMyQueue queue; for(i=0; i<4; i++)  queue.PushBack(objs[i]); for(i=0; i<2; i++){  queue.PopFront(obj);  printf("id:%d,name:%s,major:%s\n",   obj.iId,obj.szName,obj.szMajor); }  return 0;} // MyQueue.h: interface for the CMyQueue class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#if !defined(AFX_MYQUEUE_H__35DF3F9B_5FE8_4081_8C81_F153515DF3AD__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_MYQUEUE_H__35DF3F9B_5FE8_4081_8C81_F153515DF3AD__INCLUDED_#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000struct Person{ int iId; char szName[16]; char szMajor[16];};class CMyQueue  {private: struct Node {  Node *pPrev;  Person data;  Node *pNext; };public: CMyQueue(); virtual ~CMyQueue(); void PushBack(const Person &data); bool PopFront(Person &data);private: Node *m_pHead; Node *m_pTail;};#endif // !defined(AFX_MYQUEUE_H__35DF3F9B_5FE8_4081_8C81_F153515DF3AD__INCLUDED_)// MyQueue.cpp: implementation of the CMyQueue class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyQueue.h"//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Construction/Destruction//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////CMyQueue::CMyQueue(){ m_pHead=NULL; m_pTail=NULL;}CMyQueue::~CMyQueue(){ Node *pNode; while(m_pHead){  pNode=m_pHead;  m_pHead=m_pHead->pNext;  delete pNode; }}void CMyQueue::PushBack(const Person &data){ Node *pNode=new Node; pNode->data=data; pNode->pNext=NULL; pNode->pPrev=m_pTail;  if(m_pTail){  m_pTail->pNext=pNode; }else{  m_pHead=pNode; } m_pTail=pNode;}bool CMyQueue::PopFront(Person &data){ Node *pNode=m_pHead; if(m_pHead == NULL)  return false; data=m_pHead->data; m_pHead=m_pHead->pNext; if(m_pHead == NULL){  m_pTail=NULL; }else{  m_pHead->pPrev=NULL; } delete pNode; return true;}yy// 0413b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console appliCSingletontion.//#include "stdafx.h"class CSingleton  //单例{private: static CSingleton *m_pObj; static int m_iRef; CSingleton(){ }public: static CSingleton *GetObject() {  if(m_iRef == 0)   m_pObj=new CSingleton;  m_iRef++;  return m_pObj; } static Release() {  if(--m_iRef == 0){   delete m_pObj;   m_pObj=NULL;  } }};CSingleton *CSingleton::m_pObj=NULL;int CSingleton::m_iRef=0;int main(){ CSingleton *pObj=CSingleton::GetObject(); pObj->Release(); CSingleton *pObj2=CSingleton::GetObject();  pObj2->Release(); return 0;}=================================================================================0414a// 0314a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//友元函数、友元类#include "stdafx.h"class CA{private: void Func() { }friend void Test();//声明为友元函数friend  class CB;//声明为友元类};class CB{private: void Func2() {  CA *pObj=NULL;  pObj->Func(); }};void Test(){ CA obj; obj.Func();}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Test(); return 0;} b// 0314a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//类成员函数声明为友元#include "stdafx.h"class CB{public: void Funb();};class CA{private: void Funa() { } friend void CB::Funb();};void CB::Funb(){ CA *pObj=NULL; pObj->Funa();}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CB b; b.Funb(); return 0;} c// 0414c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//运算符重载#include "stdafx.h"class CA{private: int m_i;public: CA(int i=0) {  m_i=i; } friend CA operator+(const CA&a,int i);};CA operator+(const CA&a,int i){ CA obj; obj.m_i=obj.m_i+i; return obj;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int i=0; int *pi=NULL; i++;//单目运算符重载 pi++; CA a,b; b=a+2; operator+(a,2); return 0;} d// 0414c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//运算符重载为成员函数#include "stdafx.h"class CA{private: int m_i;public: CA(int i=0) {  m_i=i; }CA operator+(int i) {  CA obj;  obj.m_i=m_i+i;  return obj; }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA a,b; b=a+2; //b=a.operator+(2); return 0;} e// 0414c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//单目运算符重载为成员函数#include "stdafx.h"class CA{private: int m_i;public:CA operator++() {/*  CA a;  a.m_i=++m_i;  return a;*/  ++m_i;  return *this; }CA operator++(int) { CA ret(*this);  ++m_i;  return ret; }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA a,b; ++a; //a.operator ++(); b++; return 0;}f// 0414f.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//赋值运算符重载#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>class CA{private: char *pszBuf;public: CA(const char *szBuf="") {  pszBuf=strdup(szBuf); } ~CA() {  free(pszBuf); } const CA &operator=(CA &objSrc) {  free(pszBuf);  pszBuf=strdup(objSrc.pszBuf);  return *this; }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA a="abcdefg"; CA b; b=a; //b=a.operator =(); return 0;}  g// 0414f.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>class CA{private: char *pszBuf; int m_i;public: CA(int i):m_i(i) { } CA(const char *szBuf="") {  pszBuf=strdup(szBuf); } char &operator[](int iIndex) //数组运算符重载 {  return pszBuf[iIndex]; } operator int() //类型转换重载函数 int {  return m_i; } void *operator new[](size_t iSize)  //new运算符重载  *operator new(size_t iSize) {  void *p=malloc(iSize); //分配空间  return p; } void operator delete[](void *p)   //delete 运算符重载  operator delete(void *p) { }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CA a="abcdefg"; a[2]='k'; //a.operator [](2); CA b(3); int i=(int)b;  CA *pObj=new CA[2];  delete []pObj; return 0;} x// 0414c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyString.h"int main(){ char szSrc[]="Hello!"; //调用无参数的构造函数  CMyString s1;   //调用类型转换函数,将s1转换成const char *,即将s1.m_pchData暴露给外部; printf("s1 is:%s\n",(const char *)s1); //调用参数类型为const char *的构造函数 //char *pszRealParam=szSrc; CMyString s2; //调用拷贝构造函数 CMyString s3(s2); //重载运算符 = s1="My name is s1"; //重载运算符 = s3=s1; s3="My name"; //s3=s3+" is"+" s3"; s2=s3+"abc"; //重载运算符 += s3+=" ,and call +="; //重载运算符[] char c=s3[1];  //应该返回'y' //最后注意不同的对象分别释放自己的m_pchData所指向的内存 printf("s3:%s\n",(const char *)s3); char szBuf[32]; strcpy(szBuf,s3); return 0;}y// 0414c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyString.h"int main(){ char szSrc[]="Hello!"; //调用无参数的构造函数  CMyString s1;   //调用类型转换函数,将s1转换成const char *,即将s1.m_pchData暴露给外部; printf("s1 is:%s\n",(const char *)s1); //调用参数类型为const char *的构造函数 //char *pszRealParam=szSrc; CMyString s2; //调用拷贝构造函数 CMyString s3(s2); //重载运算符 = s1="My name is s1"; //重载运算符 = s3=s1; s3="My name"; //s3=s3+" is"+" s3"; s2=s3+"abc"; //重载运算符 += s3+=" ,and call +="; //重载运算符[] char c=s3[1];  //应该返回'y' //最后注意不同的对象分别释放自己的m_pchData所指向的内存 printf("s3:%s\n",(const char *)s3); char szBuf[32]; strcpy(szBuf,s3); return 0;}// MyString.h: interface for the CMyString class.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#if !defined(AFX_MYSTRING_H__8816140B_3BF2_4307_9F2C_A7AFD585AE66__INCLUDED_)#define AFX_MYSTRING_H__8816140B_3BF2_4307_9F2C_A7AFD585AE66__INCLUDED_typedef char *   LPTSTR;typedef const char * LPCTSTR;//包装一个字符串类class CMyString  {private: //m_pszData指向实际存放字符串的缓冲区 //该缓冲区应该在CMyString的构造函数中, //采用堆分配方式分配出来 LPTSTR m_pszData;public: //应该根据pszData分配合适大小的缓冲区, //以容纳pszData字符串的拷贝 CMyString(LPCTSTR pszData=""); //应该根据sSrc分配合适大小的缓冲区, //以容纳sSrc字符串的拷贝 CMyString(const CMyString &sSrc); //应该释放m_pszData指向的堆内存 ~CMyString(); //将sSrc表示的字符串复制给当前对象 const CMyString &operator=(const CMyString &sSrc); //将pszSrc表示的字符串复制给当前对象 const CMyString &operator=(LPCTSTR pszSrc); //用当前字符串对象和pszSrc合成一个新字符串对象 CMyString operator+(LPCTSTR pszSrc); //在当前对象的字符串末尾追加字符串pszSrc //注意应该首先扩充当前对象的原有缓冲区大小 const CMyString &operator+=(LPCTSTR pszSrc); //返回字符串的第iIndex个字符 char operator[](int iIndex); //将对象转换成LPCTSTR类型,实际上就是将 //m_pszData指针返回出去 operator LPCTSTR() {  return m_pszData; }};#endif // !defined(AFX_MYSTRING_H__8816140B_3BF2_4307_9F2C_A7AFD585AE66__INCLUDED_)#include "stdafx.h"#include "MyString.h"CMyString::CMyString(const char *pszData){ m_pszData=new char[strlen(pszData)+1]; strcpy(m_pszData,pszData);}CMyString::CMyString(const CMyString &sSrc){ m_pszData=new char[strlen(sSrc.m_pszData)+1]; strcpy(m_pszData,sSrc.m_pszData);}CMyString::~CMyString(){ delete []m_pszData;}const CMyString &CMyString::operator=(const char *pszSrc){ delete []m_pszData; m_pszData=new char[strlen(pszSrc)+1]; strcpy(m_pszData,pszSrc); return *this;}const CMyString &CMyString::operator=(const CMyString &sSrc){ if(this == &sSrc)  return *this; return operator=(sSrc.m_pszData);}CMyString CMyString::operator+(const char *pszSrc){ char *pszData=new char[strlen(m_pszData)+strlen(pszSrc)+1]; strcpy(pszData,m_pszData); strcat(pszData,pszSrc); return CMyString(pszData);}const CMyString &CMyString::operator+=(const char *pszSrc){ char *pszNewData=new char[strlen(m_pszData)+strlen(pszSrc)+1]; strcpy(pszNewData,m_pszData); strcat(pszNewData,pszSrc); delete []m_pszData; m_pszData=pszNewData; return *this;}char CMyString::operator[](int iIndex){ //此处可以考虑不判断 if(iIndex<0 || iIndex>int(strlen(m_pszData))-1)  return 0; return m_pszData[iIndex];} =================================================================================0415a// 0415a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.// ->、*运算符重载 ,包装类的应用(单例)#include "stdafx.h"class CMyCom{public: void Func() {  puts("CMyCom::Func()"); }};class CSmartPtr //包装类(CMyCom)方便使用  应用单例{private: CMyCom *m_pCom;public: CSmartPtr() {  m_pCom=NULL; } ~CSmartPtr() {  delete(m_pCom); } void CreateInstance() {  if(m_pCom==NULL)   m_pCom = new CMyCom; } CMyCom *operator->() //->运算符重载 {  return m_pCom; } CMyCom &operator*() //*运算符重载 返回引用 {  return *m_pCom; } CMyCom *GetMyCom() //函数的形式 {  return m_pCom; }};void Func(){ CSmartPtr obj; //智能指针 obj.CreateInstance(); obj->Func(); //m_pCom->Func();// obj.operator ->()->Func(); (*obj).Func(); //m_pCom.Func();// obj.operator *().Func(); obj.GetMyCom()->Func(); }int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Func(); return 0;} b// 0415b.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//函数对象#include "stdafx.h"class CFuctionObject{public:// int m_iCount; void operator ()(int i,int j) {//  m_iCount++;  printf("i:%d,j:%d",i,j); }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CFuctionObject myfunc; //函数对象,仿函数 STL比较常见 myfunc(1,2);//对象模仿函数行为 return 0;}c// 0415c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//继承与派生#include "stdafx.h"class CB{public: int m_i; void Func() {  m_i=0; }};class CD:protected CB{public: int m_j; void Func()//不会覆盖 {  m_i=0;  Func();//递归调用自己  CB::Func();//调用基类 }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CD d; d.Func(); //默认就近原则 // d.CB::Func(); return 0;}  d// 0415c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//基类与派生类的赋值#include "stdafx.h"class CB{public: int m_i; void Func() {  }};class CD:public CB{public: int m_j; void Func(int i) {   }};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CD d;// d.Func(); CB *pb=&d;//基类可指向派生类,派生类不能指向基类 CB &bRef=d; CB b; b=d;//只能从派生类赋给基类(存储空间上理解) return 0;} e// 0415c.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//继承的构造与析构顺序,基类带参构造函数的初始化#include "stdafx.h"class CB{public: int m_i; CB(int i) {  m_i=i;  puts("CB()"); } ~CB() {  puts("~CB()"); }};class CD:public CB{public: int m_j; CD(int i,int j):CB(i)//基类参数的传递 {  m_j=j;  puts("CD()"); } ~CD() {  puts("~CD()"); }};void Func(){ CD d(1,2);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Func(); return 0;} f// 0415f.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//多重继承,虚拟继承 virtual#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>class CBase{public: int m_i;};class CDerived1:virtual public CBase{public : int m_j;};class CDerived2:virtual public CBase{public: int m_k;};class CDerivedEX:public CDerived1,    public CDerived2{};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ CDerivedEX d; CDerived1 *p1=&d; CDerived2 *p2=&d;// CBase *pb1=&(CDerived1)d;//产生临时对象,不能这样转换// CBase *pb2=(CDerived2*)&d; CBase *pb=&d; int i=sizeof(d);//大小20,有个维护虚继承的指针 return 0;} x// 0415a.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//继承的应用—网络#include "stdafx.h"class CTcpSocket{public: void Connect(const char *pszSvr); void Close(); int Send(const char *pchData,int iSize); int Recv(char *pchData,int iSize);};class CSmtpSocket:public CTcpSocket {public: bool Login(const char *pszName,const char *pszPassword); int SendMail(const char *pszMail,const char *pszAddr); void Logout();};class CFtpSocket:public CTcpSocket{public: bool Login(const char *pszName,const char *pszPassword); int SendFile(const char *pszFile);};class CHttpSocket:public CTcpSocket{public: int Download(const char *pszURL);};void Func(){ CSmtpSocket smtp; CFtpSocket ftp; smtp.Connect("smtp.163.com"); smtp.Login("gao","111111"); smtp.SendMail("Hello","liu@gmail.com"); smtp.Logout(); ftp.Connect(""); ftp.Login("aaa","bbb"); ftp.SendFile("c:\\a.txt");}int main(){ return 0;} y#include <math.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(){ int ary[5];  int (*p)[5]=&ary;  //指向整个数组 int *pi=ary;  //指向首地址 ++p; ++pi; return 0;}=================================================================================