
来源:互联网 发布:淡雅女士香水知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 09:17

Darts是double array的一个c++ template实现。经过企业级大规模数据实践检验,其效率远高于stl中的hash_set、hash_map等。

不过Darts是用c++ template实现的,初看起来,会被他的模版参数、以及函数参数等吓到,不知道怎么用。我这里写了个简单的小例子,来看一下它的使用。基本使用情景就是我有一个词表,将这个词表load到内存,转换成double array的形式,并来查询用户输入的字符串是否在当前词表当中。


#include "darts.h"#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <fstream>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;void BuildDoubleAryFrmLex (void){// 1. load the lexicon and build double array// 1.1 load the lexicon and fill in a vectorvector<string> LexVec;ifstream in ("Lex.txt");if (!in){cerr << "Can not open the file of Lex.txt" << endl;return;}string sTmp;while (in >> sTmp)LexVec.push_back (sTmp);sort (LexVec.begin(), LexVec.end());// it's necessary for darts// 1.2 make LexVec as a c-style string array, and make the value arraychar ** pStrAry = (char **)malloc (LexVec.size() * sizeof(char *));vector<string>::iterator pIter = LexVec.begin();int i = 0;while (pIter != LexVec.end()){pStrAry[i] = (char*)pIter->c_str();pIter++;i++;}// 1.3 build the double arrayDarts::DoubleArray theDoubleAry;theDoubleAry.build (LexVec.size(), pStrAry, 0, 0);// 1.4 save ittheDoubleAry.save ("LexDoubleAry");// 1.5 clean upfree (pStrAry);}


  1. 模版默认参数就是为c-style字符串准备的。所以用Darts::DoubleArray (注意加上“Darts”命名空间)来声明双数组,默认就是Darts::DoubleArray<char, unsigned char, int, unsigned int>。
  2. 在调用build函数构建双数组之前,所有字符串是要按照字符顺序排序的(在fill LexVec之后,调用sort函数),否则会出现异常
  3. 如果是想模拟hash_set的作用,build的后两个参数用“0”就行了;如果是要模拟hash_map,则,前面两个参数是描述key,后面两个是对应的val
第二个函数,load double array,并给用户查询:
void LookUpDoubleAry (void){// 2. load the double array and look up// 2.1 load the double arrayDarts::DoubleArray theDoubleAry;if (-1 == theDoubleAry.open ("LexDoubleAry"))return;// 2.2 look it updo {cout << "input a word (quit for terminate this): " << endl;string sWord;cin >> sWord;if ("quit" == sWord)break;else{int iVal = 0;theDoubleAry.exactMatchSearch (sWord.c_str(), iVal);if (-1 == iVal)cout << "not in the lexicon" << endl;elsecout << "bingo!" << endl;}} while (1);cout << "Bye" << endl;}int main (void){cout << "Now playing with Darts!" << endl;// BuildDoubleAryFrmLex ();LookUpDoubleAry();return 0;}



darts详细情况请参考上一篇转载的博文《Darts: Double-ARray Trie System》。
