
来源:互联网 发布:数据库开发与dba 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:50

alter procedure [dbo].[xxxx]( 
 @newDatabaseName varchar(500), -- cn new database
 @oldDatabaseName varchar(500)--us database
 set @newDatabaseName='[eData_wqlNew]';
 set @oldDatabaseName='[eData_wql]';
 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..#eTables') and type='U')
  print 'EXSITES'
  drop table #eTables;

 create table #eTables
  id [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  name varchar(250) null

 insert into #eTables  select name from sysobjects where XTYPE='u' and name like 'e%'

 select * from #eTables

 declare @delSql varchar(max);
 declare @insertSql varchar(max);

 declare @newTableName varchar(500);
 declare @oldTableName varchar(500);

 declare @minId int,@maxId int;
 set @minId=(select min(id) from #eTables)
 set @maxId=(select max(id) from #eTables)

 while (@minId<=@maxId)
  declare @tableName varchar(500);
  select @tableName=name from #eTables where id=@minId;

  print 'no.'+convert(varchar(500),@minId)+' '+convert(varchar(500),@tableName)
  set @minId=@minId+1;
  print @minId;

  set @newTableName=@newDatabaseName+'.dbo.'+@tableName;
  print '@newTableName:'+@newTableName;
  set @oldTableName=@oldDatabaseName+'.dbo.'+@tableName;
  print '@oldTableName:'+@oldTableName;

  begin tran A --begin tran
   set @delSql='delete from '+@newTableName;
   print '@delSql:'+@delSql;
   --1\lock table(share)
   --2\whether has identity
   --3\open identity column insert(if has)
   --4\table insert
   --5\close identity column insert(if has)
   --?6\think of the case that the table struture changed

   declare @collist nvarchar(max);
   declare @colSqL nvarchar(max);
   --get the table col list(not think of 6)
   /*set @colSqL='set @collist=(select name+'','' from sys.columns where object_id=OBJECT_ID('''+@oldTableName+''') for xml path(''''))';
   print '@colSql:'+@colSql;     
   exec sp_executesql @colSqL, N'@collist varchar(max) output', @collist output
   select  @collist=substring(@collist,1,len(@collist)-1);
   print '@collist:'+isnull(@collist,'null');*/
   --get the table col list(think of 6)
   if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..##newColInfo') and type='U')
     drop table ##newColInfo ;
   if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'tempdb..##oldColInfo') and type='U')
     drop table ##oldColInfo ;

   execute('select  * into ##newColInfo from '+@newTableName+' where 1=2');
   execute('select  * into ##oldColInfo from '+@oldTableName+' where 1=2');
   --select newCol.name from (select name from tempdb..syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#newColInfo')) newCol join (select name from tempdb..syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#oldColInfo')) oldCol on newCol.name=oldCol.name
   --set @colSqL='set @collist=(select name+'','' from sys.columns where object_id=OBJECT_ID('''+@oldTableName+''') for xml path(''''))';
   --get the same col info
   set @colSqL='set @collist=(select newCol.name+'','' from (select name from tempdb..syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..##newColInfo'')) newCol join (select name from tempdb..syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..##oldColInfo'')) oldCol on newCol.name=oldCol.name for xml path(''''))';
   print '@colSql:'+@colSql;     
   exec sp_executesql @colSqL, N'@collist varchar(max) output', @collist output
   select  @collist=substring(@collist,1,len(@collist)-1);
   print '@collist:'+isnull(@collist,'null');   

   --get the table has identity
   declare @hasIdentity varchar(50);
   Select  @hasIdentity=OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID( ''+@newTableName+''), 'TableHasIdentity ');
   print '@hasIdentity:'+isnull(@hasIdentity,'null');

   set @insertSql='select * from '+@newTableName+'  with (TABLOCK);';--deny other trans to /insert/updata data;
    set @insertSql+='set identity_insert '+ @newTableName +' on;'; 
   set @insertSql+='insert into '+@newTableName+'('+@collist+')'+' select '+@collist+' from'+@oldTableName+';';
    set @insertSql+='set identity_insert '+ @newTableName +' off;'; 
   print '@insertSql:'+isnull(@insertSql,'null');

  if @@error<>0 --has error
   rollback tran  A--rollback
   --print convert(varchar(500),@minId)+'trans';
  commit tran A
