Point of Existence 2[POE2剧情介绍翻译](更新完成)

来源:互联网 发布:mac电脑主题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 16:38



After a long, bloody war in the Sudan, the governments of the United States and Russia struck an uneasy cease-fire over the fate of Africa and its burgeoning industry. This peace would be short lived, for to the north a new conflict was brewing. Ukraine, a former satellite state of the Soviet Union, sought to gain back the power from which it once reveled in. 


As the snow fell in a heavy midwinter storm, Ukrainian troops moved towards the border of Belarus. Without warning, Ukrainian troops attacked with a speed and effectiveness not seen since the blitzkrieg of WWII. With their aggressive tactics, the Ukrainian army reached the capital of Belarus in a matter of weeks. The lightly armed and ill-prepared Belarusian army could do little to stop this onslaught of men and metal.


The fall of Minsk signaled the end of resistance throughout Belarus. The bordering countries of Ukraine and Belarus began to wonder if they were as vulnerable to occupation as Belarus had been.


The United Nations condemned these attacks as unjust and illegal but was unable to pass a mandate to take action against the expansionist aims of Ukraine. The UN's inability to act upon the actions of the Ukrainian army only strengthened Ukraine's resolve that they could not easily be stopped. Six months came to pass with no military action against Ukraine but rumors had started that Ukraine was systematically killing their former political competitors. With no clear evidence of the assassinations, the United Nations was still reluctant to take action.


As time passed, more evidence surfaced of executions, illegal imprisonment, and torture; however, it was all unconfirmed information until a Kramaerican Photo reconnaissance satellite passed overhead. The satellite caught pictures of mass graves where the Ukrainian army had been dumping the bodies of political enemies and what appeared to be unarmed civilians.


This information was promptly forwarded to the UN Security Council. With an unprecedented 93% majority, a mandate was drafted and signed. Troops would be sent into Ukraine and Belarus to bring those who had committed these crimes to justice. In an underground bunker, military advisers and command staff from around the world met to plan the attack.


The principal military force to go into Ukraine would be led by Germany and the United States. They planned to hit Ukraine first in the hopes that if the Ukrainian public found out about the war crimes their government had committed in their name, the citizens would lay down their arms and greet the American and German troops as liberators. The plan consisted of a massive airborne assault and armored spear head from Poland. The German forces would rush to Kiev in the heart of the country, while the United States protected their northern flank from the Ukrainian troops based in Belarus.

绝大部分要进军乌克兰的部队将由德国和美国领导。它们计划先发制人,打击乌克兰以希望乌克兰人民把他们政府借他们的名义犯下的战争罪行揭发出来,希望乌克兰人民会放下手中的武器,欢迎作为他们解放者的美国和德国军队。这份计划是由一场超大规模的空降突袭和从波兰而来的装甲先锋部队攻击组成。德国的兵力将突袭基辅基辅[乌克兰首都] ,乌克兰的心脏地带。同时由美国军队负责阻止从乌克兰在白俄罗斯军事基地的军队攻击维和部队北部的侧翼。

On a dim night in September, the invasion of Ukraine was started. Through the darkness came ten thousand airborne troops, dropping from the sky like a heavy rainstorm.


The destiny of Eastern Europe now lies in your hands. It is time for you to choose which side of this epic conflict you shall fight on to prove your Point of Existence.



                                                                                           --- Written by Point of Existence Developement team.

                                                                                            --- Written by 支点2 开发小组.


