LaTex Templates and Samples for Writing IEEE Conference Paper

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝用户名可以更改吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 02:55

Main (

\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}\usepackage{cite}\begin{document}\title{Sample IEEE paper style using Latex by}\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Author first, Author Second, and Suthor Third}\IEEEauthorblockA{Department of Latex Typeset\\Latex University\\City - State - Zip \\Email: latex@latex.lates}}\maketitle\begin{abstract}This is an abstract for a paper to show how to use latex for IEEE paper typeset.\end{abstract}\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} Here is a modified text sample for intro section using latex. This is how you refer a section in another section Section~\ref{sec:meth} ..... \section{Methodologies} \label{sec:meth} This is the other section that you can use.  \end{document}

Reference (

\documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}\usepackage{cite}\begin{document}\title{Sample IEEE paper style using Latex by}\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Author first, Author Second, and Suthor Third}\IEEEauthorblockA{Department of Latex Typeset\\Latex University\\City - State - Zip \\Email: latex@latex.lates}}\maketitle\begin{abstract}This is an abstract for a paper to show how to use latex for IEEE paper typeset.\end{abstract}\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} Here is a modified text sample for intro section using latex. This is a citation \cite~{authoryear} This is how you refer a section in another section Section~\ref{sec:meth} ..... \section{Methodologies} \label{sec:meth} This is the other section that you can use. \bibilographystyle{IEEEtran}\bibliography{ieetutorial} \end{document}

Formatting texts (

\documentclass[8pt,letterpaper]{article}\begin{document}\title{A sample \LaTeX{} article by 5 minutes of Latex}\maketitle\section{Introduction}\huge This \normalsize is a \textbf{\textit{sample} introduction} section.\\This is a \textit{second line} in the introduction.\\This is a {\it third} line. $X_i$=$Y_{i^2}$\section{Motivation}This is an example of how to use a new section\end{document}

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