
来源:互联网 发布:2016年四川统计局数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 05:12

fiber [5faibE]                        n.                  1.纤维,纤维质 2. 质地,结构

fabric [5fAbrik]                n.                  1. 织物 2. 构造,结构

fabricate [5fAbrikeit]              v.                  1. 制造,装配 2. 捏造,伪造

facility [fE5siliti]                   n.                  1. 容易,简易 2. 便利3.设备,工具

facilitate [fE5sIlIteIt]          vt.                 使容易;使便利

faculty [5fAkElti]                  n.                  1. 本领,才能

                                          例:              theimaginative faculty 想象力

              2. 全体教员3.(大学的)系,学院

1. Andthe associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietaryproblem—too much fat and a lack offiber—than a weight problem.(CET-6, 2002.6, Passage 2, paragraph 5)



2. Withincertain limits, the buyer can choose style and fabric. (CET-4, 1997.1,Passage 1, paragraph 3)



3. Today,a perfectly good facility, capable of servicing hundreds of thousands ofhomes, sits rusting. (CET-6, 1995.1 Passage 4,paragraph 5)



4. Although the key to a good college is ahigh-quality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges dovery little to encourage good teaching.  (CET-6,1999.1, Passage 4, paragraph 2)





gay [^ei]                            a.                  1. 快乐的,愉快的 2. 鲜明的         

n.               同性恋

guy [^ai]                        n.                  家伙, 人


But wecan easily tell the “good guys” from the “badguys”because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions. (CET-4, 1996.6Passage 4, paragraph 5)





joy [dVCi]                           n.                 1.欢乐 2.  乐事,乐趣

joyous [5dVCiEs]                   a.                   快乐的, 高兴的

jog [dVC^]                           v.                  1. 慢跑 2. 缓慢行进

jolly [5dVCli]                         a.                   快乐的                 

ad.                 非常

rejoice [ri5dVCis]                 v.                   (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

enjoy [in5dVCi]          v.                   1.享受……的乐趣, 喜爱 2. 欣赏, 满意

killjoy [5kIldVCI]                n.                  扫兴的人, 煞风景

joyfully [5dVCifuli]      ad.                 喜悦地, 高兴地




1. Therewere joyouscelebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bellsto honor the great achievement. (CET-4, 1991.6, Passage 4, paragraph 2)



2. Being too keen to win can have dangerousconsequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, droppeddead seconds after saying: “Rejoice, we conquer!” (NETEM 1995, Passage 4, paragraph 2)





just [dVQst]                                    a.                  1.正义的 2. 恰当的,应得的3. 公正的

ad.                1. 正好 2. 只是3. 刚才

justice [5dVQstis]                          n.                1. 公正,公平 2. 审判

justification [dVQstIfI5keIF(E)n]            n.                  正当理由,借口

justify [5dVQstifai]                       vt.                 证明……是正当的,认为有理

judicial [dVu(:)5diFEl]                     a.                  司法的, 公正的, 明断的

jug [dVQ^]                              n.                  水壶, 监牢               

vt.              放入壶中,炖, 关押

Obviouslythe justicesdid not shale their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes, theystated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thoroughinquiry and deliberation. (CET-4, 2003.9 Passage 4, Paragraph 3)






hero [5hiErEu]                             n.       英雄,男主角,男主人公

heroin [5herEuin]                                   n.       海洛因,吗啡

heroine [5herEuin]                                  n.       女英雄,女主人公




grade [^reid]                             n.      1.年级 2.成绩,分数3.级别,等级;

                                              v.        分等,分级

upgrade [5Qp^reid]                    vt.       使升级,提升

gradual [5^rAdjuEl]              a.        逐渐的,逐步的

graduate [5^rAdjueit]                 n.        毕业生          

vi.   毕业             

a.       1.毕了业的 2. 研究生的

degrade [di5^reid]                     v.    (使)退化,(使)堕落




bomb [bCm]                          vt.       轰炸

                                              n.       炸弹

comb [kEum]                           v.       1.彻底搜查 2.梳理(头发)

                                              n.        梳子




ridge [ridV]                           n.      1.山脉,岭 2.鼻梁3.屋脊

bridge [bridV]                      n.        1.桥,船桥 2.鼻梁 3.桥牌               

                                              vt.      架桥, 渡过

abridge [E5bridV]                    vt.    1.缩短,摘要 2.删节 3.削减简化

例:    anabridged edition 节略本

budget [5bQdVit]                                 vi        编预算           n.    预算

hedge [hedV]                         n.       1.障碍物 2.篱笆,树篱

badge [bAdV]                           n.       徽章

bandage [5bAndidV]                    vt.       包扎       n.            绷带




deficient [dI5fIF(E)nt]                     a.                   缺乏的;不足的

deficiency [di5fiFEnsi]            n.                  1. 不足 2. 缺陷

efficiency [i5fiFEnsi]             n.                  效率,功效

efficient [i5fiFEnt]                    a.                  1.效率高的 2. (人)有能力的,能胜任的

inefficient [7ini5fiFEnt]                     a.                   1. 效率低的   2. 无能的

coefficient [kEui5fiFEnt]            n.                  系数

proficiency [prE5fiFEnsi]            n.                  熟练,精通

sufficiency [sE5fIFEnsI]                 n.                  足够,足量, 充分

sufficient [sE5fiFEnt]                 a.                  1.(for)足够的,充分的 2. 有充分能力的

insufficient [7insE5fiFEnt]          a.                   不足的

suffice [sE5fais]                   v.                   足够, 有能力,使满足

1. This adaptation is accomplished byimproving efficiency of the heart and certain systems within themuscle Cells.  (CET-6, 2003.9 passage 4,paragraph 1)



2. Specifically, Conrad believes that manyof the brain’s capabilities stem from the pattern-recognitionproficiencyof the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. (CET-6, 2000.6Passage 2, paragraph 3)





disguise [dis5^aiz]                       v. / n.  假装,伪装,掩饰

disgust [dis5^Qst]                   n.      厌恶              v.    令人厌恶,使作呕

disgusting [dIs`^QstIN]                           a.      令人厌恶的

Indeed, if people lived, consumed andproduced things in the same way as they did in 1900 (or 1950, or indeed 1980),the world by now would be a prettydisgustingplace:smelly, dirty, toxic and dangerous. (CET-6, 2002.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 2)





destroy [dis5trCi]                   vt.      1.破坏,毁坏 2.消灭3.打破,打碎

destruction [dis5trQkFEn]               n.     破坏,毁灭 

例:   Weapon ofMass Destruction


destructive [dis5trQktiv]                             a.        破坏(性)的,危害的

construct [kEn5strQkt]                    vt.      1.建造,建设 2.创立

construction [kEn5strQkFEn]                      n.       建筑,建筑物,解释,造句

structure [5strQktFE]                 n. 1.结构2.建筑物           vt.     建造,构造

structural [5strQktFErEl]                            a.        结构的,构造的

instruction [in5strQkFEn]                       n.       1.(pl.)说明(书) 2. (pl.)指示,指导3.教育

instructor [in5strQktE]                           n.       1.指导员 2.教员

instruct [in5strQkt]                      vt.      1.通知 2.命令,指示3.教




devotion [di5vEuFEn]                    n.       现身,忠诚

devote [di5vEut]                    vt.      奉献,致力于

vote [vEJt]                                   n.      投票,得票数

v.        投票决定,公认,使投票

Itliberates time: now we can devote more hours to activitiesthat can genuinely increase our happiness. (CET-4, 1998.6, Passage 3, Paragraph5)
