
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝一元云购在哪里 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 04:20

// page200.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

void introduction();

void get_input( double& cost , int& turnover);

double price (double cost , int turnover);

void give_output(double cost , int turnover , double price);
//前条件: cost是一件商品的批发价
//turnover是商品预计售出的天数, price是商品的零售价
//后条件:在屏幕上输出cost,turnover 和price的值;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
 using namespace std;
 double whlesale_cost,retail_price;
 int shelf_time;

 get_input(whlesale_cost , shelf_time);
 retail_price = price(whlesale_cost , shelf_time);
 give_output(whlesale_cost , shelf_time , retail_price);

 cin >> retail_price;
 return 0;

void introduction()
{// 全面测试过的函数
 using namespace std ;
 cout << " This program derermines the retail price for\n "
  << " an item at a Quick-shop aupermarket store.\n";

 void  get_input( double& cost , int& turnover)
 {// 全面测试过的函数
 using namespace std ;
 cout << " Enter the wholesale cost of item : $";
 cin >> cost ;
 cout << " Enter the expected number of days until sold: ";
 cin >> turnover ;

void give_output(double cost , int turnover , double price)
 using namespace std ;
 cout << " Wholesale cout = $" << cost << endl
  << " Expected time until sold = "
  << turnover << " days" << endl
  << " Retail price= $" << price << endl;

double price (double cost , int turnover)
 return 9.99;//虽然不正确,但用于测试足够了
