什么是真正的知识?真知识 垃圾知识

来源:互联网 发布:中经产业数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 01:24




夏洛克:你把血腥的哥那起案子写进了博客  I see you've written up the taxi driver case

华生:是呐,粉色研究  Er...yes。A study in pink

夏洛克:真想的出来   Nice

华生:嗯  粉衣女郎 粉色箱子  Well,you know. Pink Lady,Pink case. 粉色手机 从头到尾都是粉色 你喜欢吗 pink phone. There was a lot of pink. Did you like it?

夏洛克:-不 --Um...no.
华生:为什么 我可是一个劲地夸你
-Why not? I thought you'd be flattered

夏洛克:夸我 夏洛克能在瞬间 看穿万事万物 Flattered?! Sherlock sees through everyting and everyone in seconds “但令人难以置信的是 他对某些领域 表现出极端无知???“ "What's incredible,though,is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things"

华生:-等下 我不是那意思...   Hang on a minute, I didn't mean that...

夏洛克:那你的“极端无知”也是在夸我? Oh , you meant "Spectacularly ignorant" In a nice way

             听着 我不关心 首相是谁 ...或是谁和谁有一腿...或是地球绕着太阳转

            Look , it doesn't matter to me who's Prime Minister or...who's sleeping with who...Whether the earth goes round the sun.

            不要说这些了  这无关紧要

             Not that again! It's not important!

华生:啥  Not impor...?!  连小学生都知道 你怎么会不知道  It's primary school stuff . How can you not know that?

夏洛克:就算我以前知道 那也早被我删除了  Well , if i ever did , I've deleted it.

华生:删除是啥意思  Deleted it?

听着 我的大脑就像一个硬盘

Listen , This is my hard drive , and it only makes sense

只会存放有用的东西 真正有用的东西

to put things in there that are useful. Reallyuseful.


Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish .

关键时刻大脑就不起作用了 明白吗

That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?

华生:但这是太阳系啊   But it's the solar system!

夏洛克:见鬼 这到底有什么关系啊   Oh , hell ! What does that matter?!

地球是绕着太阳转 就算是绕着月亮转 甚至是绕着公园转啊转 像只泰迪熊似的 也和我们没有半毛钱关系 我只在乎工作 不然大脑就要生锈了 都写进你的博客去吧

So we go round the sun. If we went round the moon, or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference! All that matters to me is the work ! Without that , my brain rots! Put that in your blog!
