
来源:互联网 发布:无网络如何安装手写板 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 20:15

【题记】 自己在使用proxool连接池的时候,发现使用proxool官网上介绍的几种配置方案都觉得很麻烦,而且要是改个alias名字还要改程序,很麻烦。


想要自己封装数据库的连接, 通过proxool的getConnection()方法获得连接。



1、 properties文件方式

Using a properties (flat text) file. For instance CURRENT_DATE

The first word (up to the first dot) must start with "jdbc", but it can be anything you like. Use unique names to identify each pool. Any property not starting with "jdbc" will be ignored. The properties prefixed with "proxool." will be used by Proxool while the properties that are not prefixed will be passed on to the delegate JDBC driver.

And then simply call the property configurator (PropertyConfigurator) in your startup code:


Again, picking up connections is really easy ("property-test" is the alias we used above)

connection = DriverManager.getConnection("");


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!-- the proxool configuration can be embedded within your own application's.Anything outside the "proxool" tag is ignored. --><something-else-entirely>  <proxool>    <alias>xml-test</alias>    <driver-url>jdbc:hsqldb:.</driver-url>    <driver-class>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</driver-class>    <driver-properties>      <property name="user" value="sa"/>      <property name="password" value=""/>    </driver-properties>    <maximum-connection-count>10</maximum-connection-count>    <house-keeping-test-sql>select CURRENT_DATE</house-keeping-test-sql>  </proxool></something-else-entirely>

And then simply call the XML configurator (JAXPConfigurator) in your startup code:

JAXPConfigurator.configure("src/java-test/org/logicalcobwebs/proxool/configuration/test-no-ns.xml", false);

// The false means non-validating

And then, picking up connections is really easy ("xml-test" is the alias we used above)

connection = DriverManager.getConnection("proxool.xml-test");

NOTE: you need to include a JAXP compliant XML parser to use this configuration method. For instance,Crimson, orXerces




2、必须使用 DriverManager.getConnection("连接池名字的url");来获取连接。这个url需要手动写,不能根据配置文件生成,




package;import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolConstants;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException;import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Properties;/** * Uses a standard Java properties file to configure Proxool. For example: * * <pre> * jdbc-0.proxool.alias=property-test * jdbc-0.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:. * jdbc-0.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver * jdbc-0.user=foo * jdbc-0.password=bar * * CURRENT_DATE * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10 * jdbc-0.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3 * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000 * jdbc-0.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5 * jdbc-0.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000 * jdbc-0.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000 * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000 * jdbc-0.proxool.verbose=true * jdbc-0.proxool.trace=true * jdbc-0.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error * jdbc-0.proxool.prototype-count=2 * * jdbc-1.proxool.alias=property-test-2 * jdbc-1.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:. * jdbc-1.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver * jdbc-1.user=scott * jdbc-1.password=tiger * * CURRENT_DATE * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10 * jdbc-1.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3 * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000 * jdbc-1.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5 * jdbc-1.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000 * jdbc-1.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000 * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000 * jdbc-1.proxool.verbose=true * jdbc-1.proxool.trace=true * jdbc-1.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error * jdbc-1.proxool.prototype-count=2 * </pre> * * <p>The first word (up to the first dot) must start with "jdbc", but it can * be anything you like. Use unique names to identify each pool. Any property * not starting with "jdbc" will be ignored.</p> * <p> * The properties prefixed with "proxool."  will be used by Proxool while * the properties that are not prefixed will be passed on to the * delegate JDBC driver. * </p> * * @version $Revision: 1.11 $, $Date: 2006/01/18 14:39:58 $ * @author Bill Horsman ( * @author $Author: billhorsman $ (current maintainer) * @since Proxool 0.5 */public class PropertyConfigurator {    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyConfigurator.class);    protected static final String PREFIX = "jdbc";    private static final String DOT = ".";    private static final String EXAMPLE_FORMAT = PREFIX + "*" + DOT + "*";    /**     * Configure proxool with the given properties file.     * @param filename the filename of the properties file.     * @throws ProxoolException if the configuration fails.     * @throws FileNotFoundException      */    public static List<String> configure(String fileName) throws ProxoolException{        Properties properties = new Properties();     InputStream inputStream = null;     File file = new File(fileName);     if(file.exists()){     try {     inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);properties.load(inputStream);} catch (IOException e) {throw new ProxoolException("Couldn't load property file " + fileName);}     }else{     try {     inputStream = PropertyConfigurator.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName);     properties.load(inputStream);     } catch (Exception ioe) {     try {     // 若配置文件在classes根目录下,加载它     inputStream = PropertyConfigurator.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName);     properties.load(inputStream);     } catch (Exception e) {      throw new ProxoolException("Couldn't load property file " + fileName);     }     }     }      if(inputStream != null){try {inputStream.close();} catch (IOException e) {LOG.error(e);}     }             return configure(properties);    }    /**     * Configure proxool with the given properties.     * @param properties the properties instance to use.     * @throws ProxoolException if the configuration fails.     */    public static List<String> configure(Properties properties) throws ProxoolException {    List<String> dbUrls = new ArrayList<String>();        final Map<String, Properties> propertiesMap = new HashMap<String, Properties>();        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")final Iterator allPropertyKeysIterator = properties.keySet().iterator();        Properties proxoolProperties = null;        while (allPropertyKeysIterator.hasNext()) {            String key = (String);            String value = properties.getProperty(key);            if (key.startsWith(PREFIX)) {                int a = key.indexOf(DOT);                if (a == -1) {                    throw new ProxoolException("Property " + key + " must be of the format " + EXAMPLE_FORMAT);                }                final String tag = key.substring(0, a);                final String name = key.substring(a + 1);                proxoolProperties = (Properties) propertiesMap.get(tag);                if (proxoolProperties == null) {                    proxoolProperties = new Properties();                    propertiesMap.put(tag, proxoolProperties);                }                proxoolProperties.put(name, value);            }        }        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")final Iterator tags = propertiesMap.keySet().iterator();        while (tags.hasNext()) {            proxoolProperties = (Properties) propertiesMap.get(;            // make sure that required propeties are defined            // and build the url            // Check that we have defined the minimum information            final String driverClass = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY);            final String driverUrl = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY);            if (driverClass == null || driverUrl == null) {                throw new ProxoolException("You must define the " + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY + " and the "                    + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY + ".");            }            final String alias = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_PROPERTY);            // Build the URL; optionally defining a name            StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();            url.append("proxool");            if (alias != null) {                url.append(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_DELIMITER);                url.append(alias);                proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_PROPERTY);            }            url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);            url.append(driverClass);            proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY);            url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);            url.append(driverUrl);            proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY);            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOG.debug("Created url: " + url);            }            String urlStr = url.toString();            ProxoolFacade.registerConnectionPool(urlStr, proxoolProperties);            dbUrls.add(urlStr);        }        return dbUrls;    }}/* Revision history: $Log:,v $  Revision: 1.11 , 2006/01/18 14:39:58 Walker Jong revise the file path resolution and return the dbUrls  to facilitate referring DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);   Revision 1.11  2006/01/18 14:39:58  billhorsman Unbundled Jakarta's Commons Logging. Revision 1.10  2003/03/05 23:28:56  billhorsman deprecated maximum-new-connections property in favour of more descriptive simultaneous-build-throttle Revision 1.9  2003/03/03 11:12:00  billhorsman fixed licence Revision 1.8  2003/02/06 17:41:05  billhorsman now uses imported logging Revision 1.7  2003/02/05 14:46:31  billhorsman fixed copyright and made PREFIX protected for use by ServletConfigurator Revision 1.6  2003/01/27 18:26:43  billhorsman refactoring of ProxyConnection and ProxyStatement to make it easier to write JDK 1.2 patch Revision 1.5  2003/01/23 10:41:05  billhorsman changed use of pool-name to alias for consistency Revision 1.4  2003/01/22 17:35:01  billhorsman checkstyle Revision 1.3  2003/01/18 15:13:12  billhorsman Signature changes (new ProxoolException thrown) on the ProxoolFacade API. Revision 1.2  2002/12/26 11:32:59  billhorsman Rewrote to support new format. Revision 1.1  2002/12/15 18:48:33  chr32 Movied in from 'ext' source tree. Revision 1.4  2002/11/09 15:57:57  billhorsman fix doc Revision 1.3  2002/11/02 14:22:16  billhorsman Documentation Revision 1.2  2002/10/27 13:05:01  billhorsman checkstyle Revision 1.1  2002/10/27 12:00:16  billhorsman moved classes from ext sub-package which is now obsolete - let's keep everything together in one place Revision 1.1  2002/10/25 10:40:27  billhorsman draft*/


  jdbc-0.proxool.alias=property-test jdbc-0.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:. jdbc-0.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc-0.user=foo jdbc-0.password=bar CURRENT_DATE jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10 jdbc-0.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3 jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000 jdbc-0.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5 jdbc-0.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000 jdbc-0.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000 jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000 jdbc-0.proxool.verbose=true jdbc-0.proxool.trace=true jdbc-0.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error jdbc-0.proxool.prototype-count=2 jdbc-1.proxool.alias=property-test-2 jdbc-1.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:. jdbc-1.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver jdbc-1.user=scott jdbc-1.password=tiger CURRENT_DATE jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10 jdbc-1.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3 jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000 jdbc-1.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5 jdbc-1.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000 jdbc-1.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000 jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000 jdbc-1.proxool.verbose=true jdbc-1.proxool.trace=true jdbc-1.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error jdbc-1.proxool.prototype-count=2

//这里返回的连接池dbURL,可以同时配置多个连接池List<String> dbUrls = PropertyConfigurator("");//注意:在使用getConnection()方法之前,需要静态加载//Class.forName("org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolDriver");//get(0)返回的是第一个连接池的dbURLConnection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrls.get(0))


