QQ验证码识别源代码(DOT NET1.1)

来源:互联网 发布:linux top nic 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 11:57


using System;namespace QQ{/// <summary>/// yzm 的摘要说明。/// </summary>public class yzm{public yzm(public System.Drawing.Bitmap pic){this.bp = pic;}/// <summary>/// 将一个int值存入到4个字节的字节数组(从高地址开始转换,最高地址的值以无符号整型参与"与运算")/// </summary>/// <param name="thevalue">要处理的int值</param>/// <param name="thebuff">存放信息的字符数组</param>public static void getbytesfromint(int thevalue, byte[] thebuff){long v1=0; long v2=0; long v3=0; long v4=0;uint b1=(uint)4278190080; uint b2=(uint)16711680; uint b3=(uint)65280; uint b4=(uint)255;v1=thevalue & b1;v2=thevalue & b2;v3=thevalue & b3;v4=thevalue & b4;thebuff[0]=(byte)(v1>>24);thebuff[1]=(byte)(v2>>16);thebuff[2]=(byte)(v3>>8);thebuff[3]=(byte)v4;}/// <summary>/// 将一个ushort值存入到2个字节的字节数组(从高地址开始转换,最高地址的值以无符号整型参与"与运算")/// </summary>/// <param name="thevalue">要处理的ushort值</param>/// <param name="thebuff">存放信息的字符数组</param>public static void getbytesfromushort(ushort thevalue, byte[] thebuff){ushort v1=0; ushort v2=0;ushort b1=(ushort)65280; ushort b2=(ushort)255;v1=(ushort)(thevalue & b1);v2=(ushort)(thevalue & b2); thebuff[0]=(byte)(v1>>8);thebuff[1]=(byte)(v2); }/// <summary>/// 将4个字节的字节数组转换成一个int值/// </summary>/// <param name="thebuff">字符数组</param>/// <returns></returns>public static int getintfrombyte(byte[] thebuff){int jieguo=0;long mid=0;long m1=0; long m2=0; long m3=0; long m4=0;m1=(thebuff[0]<<24);m2=(thebuff[1]<<16);m3=(thebuff[2]<<8);m4=thebuff[3];mid=m1+m2+m3+m4;jieguo=(int)mid;return jieguo;}/// <summary>/// 将2个字节的字节数组转换成一个ushort值/// </summary>/// <param name="thebuff">字符数组</param>/// <returns></returns>public static ushort getushortfrombyte(byte[] thebuff){int jieguo1=0;jieguo1=(thebuff[0]<<8)+thebuff[1];ushort jieguo=(ushort)jieguo1;return jieguo;}/// <summary>/// 将内存中的数据写入硬盘(保存特征库)/// </summary>/// <param name="thefile">保存的位置</param>public static void writetofile(string thefile){System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(thefile,System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate,System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);byte[] buff0=new byte[4];getbytesfromint(datanum,buff0);fs.Write(buff0,0,4);for(int ii=0;ii<datanum;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){byte[] buff=new byte[2];getbytesfromushort(datap[ii,jj],buff);fs.Write(buff,0,2);} fs.WriteByte(dataxy[ii,0]);fs.WriteByte(dataxy[ii,1]);fs.WriteByte(datachar[ii]);}fs.Close();}/// <summary>/// 从文件中读取信息,并保存在内存中相应的位置/// </summary>/// <param name="thefile">特征库文件</param>public static void readfromfile(string thefile){int allnum=0;byte[] buff=new byte[4];System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(thefile,System.IO.FileMode.Open,System.IO.FileAccess.Read);fs.Read(buff,0,4);allnum=getintfrombyte(buff);byte[] buff0=new byte[2];for(int ii=0;ii<allnum;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){fs.Read(buff0,0,2);datap[ii,jj]=getushortfrombyte(buff0);}fs.Read(buff0,0,1);dataxy[ii,0]=buff0[0];fs.Read(buff0,0,1);dataxy[ii,1]=buff0[0];fs.Read(buff0,0,1);datachar[ii]=buff0[0];}datanum=allnum;fs.Close();}/// <summary>/// 验证码图片/// </summary>public System.Drawing.Bitmap bp =new System.Drawing.Bitmap(49,20);/// <summary>/// 特征库的长度/// </summary>public static int datanum=0;/// <summary>/// 特征库数据/// </summary>public static ushort[,] datap=new ushort[100000,20];/// <summary>/// 长度与高度/// </summary>public static byte[,] dataxy=new byte[100000,2];/// <summary>/// 对应的字符/// </summary>public static byte[] datachar=new byte[100000];/// <summary>/// 等待处理的数据/// </summary>public ushort[] datapic=new ushort[20];/// <summary>/// 有效长度/// </summary>public byte xlpic=0;/// <summary>/// 有效宽度/// </summary>public byte ylpic=0;/// <summary>/// 检索特征库中存在的记录/// </summary>public string getchar(){//如果查找不到,就返回空串string jieguo=""; for(int ii=0;ii<datanum;ii++){//统计一共有多少行的像素有差异,如果在4行以内就认为是存在该记录//这种方法比较原始,但比较适合多线程时的运行,因为程序只进行简单的逻辑比较//如果能够收集更多的特征库,识别率可以达到80%以上//(此时可能需要将特征库的容量提高到15W个或以上)//当然也可以改进品配算法(如使用关键点品配),以用较少的特征库达到较高的识别率,但//那样有比较大的机会造成识别错误并且多线程时占用较多CPU时间。int notsamenum=0;if(dataxy[ii,0]!=xlpic || dataxy[ii,1]!=ylpic){continue;}for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(datap[ii,jj]!=datapic[jj]){notsamenum++;}}if(notsamenum<4){char cj=(char)datachar[ii];return cj.ToString();}}return jieguo;}/// <summary>/// 检查特征库中是否已经存在相关记录/// </summary>bool ischardatain(){bool jieguo=false;for(int ii=0;ii<datanum;ii++){//统计一共有多少行的像素有差异,如果在4行以内就认为是存在该记录//这种方法比较原始,但比较适合多线程时的运行,因为程序只进行简单的逻辑比较//如果能够收集更多的特征库,识别率可以达到80%以上//(此时可能需要将特征库的容量提高到15W个或以上)//当然也可以改进品配算法(如使用关键点品配),以用较少的特征库达到较高的识别率,但//那样有比较大的机会造成识别错误并且多线程时占用较多CPU时间。int notsamenum=0;if(System.Math.Abs(dataxy[ii,0]-xlpic)>1 || System.Math.Abs(dataxy[ii,1]-ylpic)>1){continue;}for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(datap[ii,jj]!=datapic[jj]){notsamenum++;}} if(notsamenum<4){ string asdasd=((char)datachar[ii]).ToString();return true;}}return jieguo;}/// <summary>/// 添加到特征库中,并暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别/// </summary>void adddatawithnullchar(){if(this.ischardatain()){return;}for(int ii=0;ii<20;ii++){datap[datanum,ii]=this.datapic[ii];}//暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别datachar[datanum]=32;dataxy[datanum,0]=this.xlpic;dataxy[datanum,1]=this.ylpic;datanum++;}/// <summary>/// 检查验证码图片是否能分成4个部分,如果可以就检查4个字符在特征库中是否已经存在,如果不存在,/// 就添加到特征库中,并暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别/// </summary>public void writetodata(){bool[,] picpixel=new bool[49,20];for(int ii=0;ii<49;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(bp.GetPixel(ii,jj).GetBrightness()<0.999){picpixel[ii,jj]=true;}}}int[] index=new int[8];int indexnum=0;bool black=false;for(int ii=0;ii<49;ii++){bool haveblack=false;for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(picpixel[ii,jj]){haveblack=true;break;}}if(haveblack && black==false){index[indexnum]=ii;indexnum++;black=true;}if(!haveblack && black){index[indexnum]=ii;indexnum++;black=false;}}if(indexnum<7){return;}if(indexnum==7){index[7]=49;}//****for(int ii=0;ii<4;ii++){int x1=index[ii*2];int x2=index[ii*2+1];int y1=0,y2=19;bool mb=false;for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){ for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){if(picpixel[kk,jj]){mb=true;break;}}if(mb){y1=jj;break;}}mb=false;for(int jj=19;jj>=0;jj--){ for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){if(picpixel[kk,jj]){mb=true;break;}}if(mb){y2=jj;break;}}//**以上是获取有效区域的范围for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){this.datapic[jj]=0;this.datapic[jj]=0;}this.xlpic=(byte)(x2-x1);//如果字符宽度超过16个像素就不予处理if(xlpic>16){continue;}this.ylpic=(byte)(y2-y1+1);int ys=-1; ushort[] addin=new ushort[]{1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768};for(int jj=y1;jj<=y2;jj++){ys++;int xs=-1;for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){xs++;if(picpixel[kk,jj]){this.datapic[ys]=(ushort)(this.datapic[ys]+addin[xs]);}} } this.adddatawithnullchar();}//****}/// <summary>/// 识别图片/// </summary>/// <returns>返回识别结果(如果返回的字符串长度小于4就说明识别失败)</returns>public string ocrpic(){string jieguo="";bool[,] picpixel=new bool[49,20];for(int ii=0;ii<49;ii++){for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(bp.GetPixel(ii,jj).GetBrightness()<0.999){picpixel[ii,jj]=true;}}}int[] index=new int[8];int indexnum=0;bool black=false;for(int ii=0;ii<49;ii++){bool haveblack=false;for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){if(picpixel[ii,jj]){haveblack=true;break;}}if(haveblack && black==false){index[indexnum]=ii;indexnum++;black=true;}if(!haveblack && black){index[indexnum]=ii;indexnum++;black=false;}}if(indexnum<7){return jieguo;}if(indexnum==7){index[7]=49;}//****for(int ii=0;ii<4;ii++){int x1=index[ii*2];int x2=index[ii*2+1];int y1=0,y2=19;bool mb=false;for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){ for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){if(picpixel[kk,jj]){mb=true;break;}}if(mb){y1=jj;break;}}mb=false;for(int jj=19;jj>=0;jj--){ for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){if(picpixel[kk,jj]){mb=true;break;}}if(mb){y2=jj;break;}}//**以上是获取有效区域的范围for(int jj=0;jj<20;jj++){this.datapic[jj]=0;this.datapic[jj]=0;}this.xlpic=(byte)(x2-x1);//如果字符宽度超过16个像素就不予处理if(xlpic>16){continue;}this.ylpic=(byte)(y2-y1+1);int ys=-1; ushort[] addin=new ushort[]{1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768};for(int jj=y1;jj<=y2;jj++){ys++;int xs=-1;for(int kk=x1;kk<x2;kk++){xs++;if(picpixel[kk,jj]){this.datapic[ys]=(ushort)(this.datapic[ys]+addin[xs]);}} } jieguo=jieguo+this.getchar();}return jieguo;}}}


Imports System   '/ <summary>   '/ yzm 的摘要说明。   '/ </summary>   Public Class yzm            Public Sub New(__unknown As __unknown)         Dim pic As System.Drawing.Bitmap '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------^--- Syntax error: 'identifier' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Me.bp = pic         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 将一个int值存入到4个字节的字节数组(从高地址开始转换,最高地址的值以无符号整型参与"与运算")         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thevalue">要处理的int值</param>         '/ <param name="thebuff">存放信息的字符数组</param>         Dim getbytesfromint As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type         Dim thebuff() As Byte '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-----------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim v1 As Long = 0            Dim v2 As Long = 0            Dim v3 As Long = 0            Dim v4 As Long = 0            Dim b1 As System.UInt32 = CType(, System.UInt32)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '---------------^--- Unable to cast object of type 'CSToVBLib.UIntToken' to type 'CSToVBLib.IntToken'.            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim b2 As System.UInt32 = CType(16711680, System.UInt32)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim b3 As System.UInt32 = CType(65280, System.UInt32)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim b4 As System.UInt32 = CType(255, System.UInt32)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            v1 = thevalue And b1            v2 = thevalue And b2            v3 = thevalue And b3            v4 = thevalue And b4            thebuff(0) = CByte(Machine.Shift.Right(v1, 24))            thebuff(1) = CByte(Machine.Shift.Right(v2, 16))            thebuff(2) = CByte(Machine.Shift.Right(v3, 8))            thebuff(3) = CByte(v4)         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 将一个ushort值存入到2个字节的字节数组(从高地址开始转换,最高地址的值以无符号整型参与"与运算")         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thevalue">要处理的ushort值</param>         '/ <param name="thebuff">存放信息的字符数组</param>         Dim getbytesfromushort As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type         Dim thebuff() As Byte '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim v1 As System.UInt16 = 0 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim v2 As System.UInt16 = 0 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim b1 As System.UInt16 = CType(65280, System.UInt16)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Dim b2 As System.UInt16 = CType(255, System.UInt16)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            v1 = CType(thevalue And b1, System.UInt16) 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            v2 = CType(thevalue And b2, System.UInt16) 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            thebuff(0) = CByte(Machine.Shift.Right(v1, 8))            thebuff(1) = CByte(v2)         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 将4个字节的字节数组转换成一个int值         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thebuff">字符数组</param>         '/ <returns></returns>         Dim getintfrombyte As Integer         Byte() '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-----------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ')' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim jieguo As Integer = 0            Dim mid As Long = 0            Dim m1 As Long = 0            Dim m2 As Long = 0            Dim m3 As Long = 0            Dim m4 As Long = 0            m1 = Machine.Shift.Left(thebuff(0), 24)            m2 = Machine.Shift.Left(thebuff(1), 16)            m3 = Machine.Shift.Left(thebuff(2), 8)            m4 = thebuff(3)            mid = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4            jieguo = CInt(mid)            Return jieguo         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 将2个字节的字节数组转换成一个ushort值         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thebuff">字符数组</param>         '/ <returns></returns>         Dim getushortfrombyte As System.UInt16 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported         Byte() '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-----------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ')' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim jieguo1 As Integer = 0            jieguo1 = Machine.Shift.Left(thebuff(0), 8) + thebuff(1)            Dim jieguo As System.UInt16 = CType(jieguo1, System.UInt16)            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported            Return jieguo         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 将内存中的数据写入硬盘(保存特征库)         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thefile">保存的位置</param>         Dim writetofile As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(thefile, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)            Dim buff0(4) As Byte            getbytesfromint(datanum, buff0)            fs.Write(buff0, 0, 4)            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To datanum - 1               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  Dim buff(2) As Byte                  getbytesfromushort(datap(ii, jj), buff)                  fs.Write(buff, 0, 2)               Next jj               fs.WriteByte(dataxy(ii, 0))               fs.WriteByte(dataxy(ii, 1))               fs.WriteByte(datachar(ii))            Next ii            fs.Close()         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 从文件中读取信息,并保存在内存中相应的位置         '/ </summary>         '/ <param name="thefile">特征库文件</param>         Dim readfromfile As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: '.' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-----------------------------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         If (True) Then            Dim allnum As Integer = 0            Dim buff(4) As Byte            Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(thefile, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)            fs.Read(buff, 0, 4)            allnum = getintfrombyte(buff)            Dim buff0(2) As Byte            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To allnum - 1               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  fs.Read(buff0, 0, 2)                  datap(ii, jj) = getushortfrombyte(buff0)               Next jj               fs.Read(buff0, 0, 1)               dataxy(ii, 0) = buff0(0)               fs.Read(buff0, 0, 1)               dataxy(ii, 1) = buff0(0)               fs.Read(buff0, 0, 1)               datachar(ii) = buff0(0)            Next ii            datanum = allnum            fs.Close()         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 验证码图片         '/ </summary>         Dim bp As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(49, 20) '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 特征库的长度         '/ </summary>         Dim datanum As Integer = 0 '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 特征库数据         '/ </summary>         Dim datap(100000, 20) As System.UInt16 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 长度与高度         '/ </summary>         Dim dataxy(100000, 2) As Byte '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 对应的字符         '/ </summary>         Dim datachar(100000) As Byte '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 等待处理的数据         '/ </summary>         Dim datapic(20) As System.UInt16 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 有效长度         '/ </summary>         Dim xlpic As Byte = 0 '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 有效宽度         '/ </summary>         Dim ylpic As Byte = 0 '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '/ <summary>         '/ 检索特征库中存在的记录         '/ </summary>         Dim getchar As String '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-----------------------^--- expression expected         If (True) Then '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '-^--- Syntax error: ';' expected            '如果查找不到,就返回空串            Dim jieguo As String = ""            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To datanum - 1               '统计一共有多少行的像素有差异,如果在4行以内就认为是存在该记录               '这种方法比较原始,但比较适合多线程时的运行,因为程序只进行简单的逻辑比较               '如果能够收集更多的特征库,识别率可以达到80%以上               '(此时可能需要将特征库的容量提高到15W个或以上)               '当然也可以改进品配算法(如使用关键点品配),以用较少的特征库达到较高的识别率,但               '那样有比较大的机会造成识别错误并且多线程时占用较多CPU时间。               Dim notsamenum As Integer = 0               If dataxy(ii, 0) <> xlpic Or dataxy(ii, 1) <> ylpic Then                  GoTo ContinueFor1               End If               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If datap(ii, jj) <> datapic(jj) Then                     notsamenum += 1                  End If               ContinueFor1:               Next jj               If notsamenum < 4 Then                  Dim cj As Char = CChar(datachar(ii))                  Return cj.ToString()               End If            ContinueFor1:            Next ii            Return jieguo         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 检查特征库中是否已经存在相关记录         '/ </summary>         Dim ischardatain As Boolean '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-------------------^--- expression expected         If (True) Then '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '-^--- Syntax error: ';' expected            Dim jieguo As Boolean = False            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To datanum - 1               '统计一共有多少行的像素有差异,如果在4行以内就认为是存在该记录               '这种方法比较原始,但比较适合多线程时的运行,因为程序只进行简单的逻辑比较               '如果能够收集更多的特征库,识别率可以达到80%以上               '(此时可能需要将特征库的容量提高到15W个或以上)               '当然也可以改进品配算法(如使用关键点品配),以用较少的特征库达到较高的识别率,但               '那样有比较大的机会造成识别错误并且多线程时占用较多CPU时间。               Dim notsamenum As Integer = 0               If System.Math.Abs((dataxy(ii, 0) - xlpic)) > 1 Or System.Math.Abs((dataxy(ii, 1) - ylpic)) > 1 Then                  GoTo ContinueFor1               End If               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If datap(ii, jj) <> datapic(jj) Then                     notsamenum += 1                  End If               ContinueFor1:               Next jj               If notsamenum < 4 Then                  Dim asdasd As String = CChar(datachar(ii)).ToString()                  Return True               End If            ContinueFor1:            Next ii            Return jieguo         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 添加到特征库中,并暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别         '/ </summary>         Dim adddatawithnullchar As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------------------------^--- expression expected         If (True) Then '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '-^--- Syntax error: ';' expected            If Me.ischardatain() Then               Return            End If            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 19               datap(datanum, ii) = Me.datapic(ii)            Next ii            '暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别            datachar(datanum) = 32            dataxy(datanum, 0) = Me.xlpic            dataxy(datanum, 1) = Me.ylpic            datanum += 1         End If         '/ <summary>         '/ 检查验证码图片是否能分成4个部分,如果可以就检查4个字符在特征库中是否已经存在,如果不存在,         '/ 就添加到特征库中,并暂时将对应的字符置为空格以待人工识别         '/ </summary>         Dim writetodata As         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '--------^--- GenCode(token): unexpected token type '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '------------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-------------------------^--- expression expected         If (True) Then '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '-^--- Syntax error: ';' expected            Dim picpixel(49, 20) As Boolean            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 48               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If bp.GetPixel(ii, jj).GetBrightness() < 0.999 Then                     picpixel(ii, jj) = True                  End If               Next jj            Next ii            Dim index(8) As Integer            Dim indexnum As Integer = 0            Dim black As Boolean = False            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 48               Dim haveblack As Boolean = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If picpixel(ii, jj) Then                     haveblack = True                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               If haveblack And black = False Then                  index(indexnum) = ii                  indexnum += 1                  black = True               End If               If Not haveblack And black Then                  index(indexnum) = ii                  indexnum += 1                  black = False               End If            Next ii            If indexnum < 7 Then               Return            End If            If indexnum = 7 Then               index(7) = 49            End If            '****            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 3               Dim x1 As Integer = index((ii * 2))               Dim x2 As Integer = index((ii * 2 + 1))               Dim y1 As Integer = 0               Dim y2 As Integer = 19               Dim mb As Boolean = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        mb = True                        Exit For                     End If                  Next kk                  If mb Then                     y1 = jj                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               mb = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 19 To 0 Step -1                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        mb = True                        Exit For                     End If                  Next kk                  If mb Then                     y2 = jj                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               '**以上是获取有效区域的范围               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  Me.datapic(jj) = 0                  Me.datapic(jj) = 0               Next jj               Me.xlpic = CByte(x2 - x1)               '如果字符宽度超过16个像素就不予处理               If xlpic > 16 Then                  GoTo ContinueFor1               End If               Me.ylpic = CByte(y2 - y1 + 1)               Dim ys As Integer = - 1               Dim addin() As System.UInt16 = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768} 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = y1 To y2                  ys += 1                  Dim xs As Integer = - 1                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     xs += 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        Me.datapic(ys) = CType(Me.datapic(ys) + addin(xs), System.UInt16) 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported                     End If                  ContinueFor1:                  Next kk               ContinueFor1:               Next jj               Me.adddatawithnullchar()            ContinueFor1:            Next ii         End If '****         '/ <summary>         '/ 识别图片         '/ </summary>         '/ <returns>返回识别结果(如果返回的字符串长度小于4就说明识别失败)</returns>         Dim ocrpic As String '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '-^--- expression expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '---------------------^--- Syntax error: ';' expected         '         'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below         '         '         '----------------------^--- expression expected         If (True) Then '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            '            '            '-^--- Syntax error: ';' expected            '            'ToDo: Error processing original source shown below            'System.Char[]            '^--- Syntax error: '}' expected            Dim jieguo As String = ""            Dim picpixel(49, 20) As Boolean            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 48               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If bp.GetPixel(ii, jj).GetBrightness() < 0.999 Then                     picpixel(ii, jj) = True                  End If               Next jj            Next ii            Dim index(8) As Integer            Dim indexnum As Integer = 0            Dim black As Boolean = False            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 48               Dim haveblack As Boolean = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  If picpixel(ii, jj) Then                     haveblack = True                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               If haveblack And black = False Then                  index(indexnum) = ii                  indexnum += 1                  black = True               End If               If Not haveblack And black Then                  index(indexnum) = ii                  indexnum += 1                  black = False               End If            Next ii            If indexnum < 7 Then               Return jieguo            End If            If indexnum = 7 Then               index(7) = 49            End If            '****            Dim ii As Integer            For ii = 0 To 3               Dim x1 As Integer = index((ii * 2))               Dim x2 As Integer = index((ii * 2 + 1))               Dim y1 As Integer = 0               Dim y2 As Integer = 19               Dim mb As Boolean = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        mb = True                        Exit For                     End If                  Next kk                  If mb Then                     y1 = jj                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               mb = False               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 19 To 0 Step -1                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        mb = True                        Exit For                     End If                  Next kk                  If mb Then                     y2 = jj                     Exit For                  End If               Next jj               '**以上是获取有效区域的范围               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = 0 To 19                  Me.datapic(jj) = 0                  Me.datapic(jj) = 0               Next jj               Me.xlpic = CByte(x2 - x1)               '如果字符宽度超过16个像素就不予处理               If xlpic > 16 Then                  GoTo ContinueFor1               End If               Me.ylpic = CByte(y2 - y1 + 1)               Dim ys As Integer = - 1               Dim addin() As System.UInt16 = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768} 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported               Dim jj As Integer               For jj = y1 To y2                  ys += 1                  Dim xs As Integer = - 1                  Dim kk As Integer                  For kk = x1 To x2 - 1                     xs += 1                     If picpixel(kk, jj) Then                        Me.datapic(ys) = CType(Me.datapic(ys) + addin(xs), System.UInt16) 'ToDo: Unsigned Integers not supported                     End If                  ContinueFor1:                  Next kk               ContinueFor1:               Next jj               jieguo = jieguo + Me.getchar()            ContinueFor1:            Next ii            Return jieguo         End If      End Sub 'New   End Class 'yzm

