
来源:互联网 发布:电脑编程技巧与维护 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 14:31

Dear all,


1.       时间: 具体时间不能确定,但预计在九,十月份(当然不会在十一咯),另若成员在此时间段工作比较繁忙,请提前告知,以安排出游时间

2.       价格: 此次CSTS九寨沟出游将独自成团,所以价格以人数来决定,具体价格现在无法告知,但是可以去春秋或携程网站查看下价格,至少心里有数,大致价格多少

3.       此次出游可以携带家属,不过家属费用需要自理,各成员(皆为工会会员)有CSTS 工会给予的1000RMB的补贴,但多余的费用仍然需要自己承担

4.       此次出游时间暂定为4-5天,请大家自己安排好时间,要涉及到请假…当然,出游时间肯定会提前一个月通知的


Jiu Zhaigou Travelling Up-dated Info:


1.       Time: the scheduled time is during Sept. to Oct., but the specific time cannot be confirmed at present, we will avoid National holiday and busy work time (if you are busy during the scheduled time, please let me know)

2.       Price: the price will depend on the total number of this team, you can go to Ctrip or Chun Qiu website to check  the price, at least for the reference.

3.       You can bring your family, but he/she needs to pay all travelling fee, for TU members, only need to bear the extra money (everyone can get 1000RMB outing foundation provided by CSTS TU)

4.       The travelling will last 4-5 days, please arrange your work and time because you need to ask days off… of course we will inform you the specific time one month in advance.
