
来源:互联网 发布:手游热血传奇源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 21:59

EMP_ID  NUMBER(4) not null  主键
LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) not null
JOB_CAT  VARCHAR2(30) [说明]JOB_CAT为工作类别
SALARY  NUMBER(8,2) 0-50000之间

SELECT book_name from book
where b_date<'21-1月-01' and b_price <500 or b_price >900;

create table employees
    emp_id  number(4) not null primary key,
    last_name varchar2(30) not null,
    first_name varchar2(30),
    dept_id number(30),
    job_cat  varchar2(30),
    salary  number(8,2),
    constraint dept_id_fk_employees foreign key(dept_id) references dept1(dept_id),
    constraint salary_ck_employees check(salary between 0 and 50000)
create table dept1
    dept_id number(30) not null primary key,
    dept_name varchar2(30)
insert into dept1 values(10,'销售部');
insert into dept1 values(20,'技术部');
insert into dept1 values(30,'生产部');
insert into dept1 values(40,'人力资源部');
insert into dept1 values(50,'市场部');
select * from dept1;
insert into employees values('0001','一','刘',10,'销售人员',2000);
insert into employees values('0002','三','张',20,'技术径路',6000);
insert into employees values('0003','四','李',30,'生产人员',1500);
insert into employees values('0004','五','王',40,'人力专员',1800);
insert into employees values('0005','六','马',50,'市场经理',5000);
insert into employees values('0006','七','赵',50,'市场经理',25000);
insert into employees values('0008','双','吴',10,'销售人员',1500);
insert into employees values('0009','号','吴',20,'技术人员',3500);
insert into employees values('0010','号','张',20,'技术人员',1500);
insert into employees values('0011','元','张',20,'技术人员',1700);
insert into employees values('0012','元','王',30,'生产人员',2400);
insert into employees values('0013','凯','王',30,'生产人员',2700);

select tb1.id as 部门号,min(tb1.sal) as 最低工资,max(tb1.sal) as 最高工资
from (select dept_id as id,salary as sal from employees where salary<5000 or salary>=1500)tb1
group by tb1.id;

select job_cat 工作类别,dept_id 部门号,max(salary) as 最高工资 from employees
group by job_cat,dept_id;