Temporary Objects

来源:互联网 发布:linux tail相反 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 21:09

Unnecessary and/or temporary objects are frequent culprits that can throw all your hard work梐nd your program's performance梤ight out the window. How can you spot them and avoid them?
("Temporary objects?" you might be wondering. "That's more of an optimization thing. What's that got to do with generic programming and the standard library?" Bear with me; the reason will become clear in the following Item.)

Unnecessary temporary objects are aften the main reason for the frequently  appearing failures which might make all our previous efforts wasted. How  do we find and avoid them?
"Temporary objects?" You might be surprised."That should be a kind of optimizing. How does it relate to general programming and standard library?" Hold your horses, the reason will be revealed in this item.

前功尽弃:make all our previous efforts wasted
