
来源:互联网 发布:ipad用cad软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 11:19

1。Poor reproducibility 泛化性不好,重复性差

举例说明:对于乳腺癌,van de veer et al中发现了70个基因的gene signature,wang et al中发现了76个基因的gene signature,其中只有3个重叠。


gene signature:A condition's gene signature is the group of genes in a type of cellwhose combined expression pattern[1] is uniquely characteristic of that condition.[2] Ideally, the gene signature can be used to select a group of patients[3] at a specific state of a disease with accuracy that facilitates selection of treatments[4][5].


2。Poor interpretability 可解释性不强

对于这些gene signature 的作用(function)不了解,或者是这些gene signature被错误的与毫不相关的biological pathway相关联。


3。Poor coverage 覆盖面不广



4。Poor predictive capability 预测能力不强

biomarkers identified using single biological information tend to have inferior predictive power.