FVWM 安装方法

来源:互联网 发布:新浪微博可以绑定域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 08:50

FVWM 安装方法

1. Go to www.fvwm.org and down the unstable version:
Unstable version is always stabler than stable version --Debian
2. Go to google, search for 'libstroke'. Down the version for fvwm.
3. Install libstroke.
4. Install FVWM.

Now, have fun!
My config:

dgeResistance 250 10
EdgeScroll 100 100
ClickTime 750
DeskTopSize 2x2
Menustyle * fvwm, Font -misc-simsun-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
MenuStyle * Foreground maroon, Background grey60, Greyed grey40
ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
Style * Font -misc-simsun-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Style * IconFont -misc-simsun-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Style * HilightFore black, HilightBack palevioletred
Style * BorderWidth 7, HandleWidth 7
Style * Icon ghost.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
Style * MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style * DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style * IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
Style * ClickToFocus
Style * TileCascadePlacement

# Styles for various Fvwm modules:
Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" BorderWidth 2, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmButtons" Icon /root/.fvwm/ghost.xpm, ClickToFocus

# Styles for your common terminal emulator programs:
Style "XTerm" Icon xterm.xpm, SloppyFocus, IconBox -70 1 -1 -140

# Styles for various common programs:
Style "*lock" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
Style "xbiff" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip, ClickToFocus
Style "xcalc" Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2,ClickToFocus
Style "xmh" Icon mail1.xpm, NoIconTitle,StickyIcon
Style "xmh" NoButton 2
Style "xman" Icon xman.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xmag" Icon mag_glass.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xgraph" Icon graphs.xpm, ClickToFocus
Style "xmosaic" Color Green/Yellow, ClickToFocus

# Jianpan bangding
Key F3 A A Module FvwmConsole

# 耗子绑定
# for the root window:
Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 2 R N StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 3 R A WindowList

# for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 1 4 A Iconify
Mouse 1 6 A Close
Mouse 3 2 A Maximize-Func2
Mouse 1 2 N StrokeFunc DrawMotion
Mouse 1 1 A WindowList
Mouse 2 1 A Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 3 1 A Menu Window-Ops2 Nop

# for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
Mouse 1 F A Resize-or-Raise
Mouse 1 TS A Move-or-Raise
Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 I A Iconify
Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower

######################## Initialization Functions ############################
AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
+ I Module FvwmButtons MainPanel
+ I Exec exec xdaliclock
+ I Exec exec chinput

AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec xsetroot -mod 2 2 -fg rgb:55/40/55 -bg rgb:70/50/70

# For some SM-s (like gnome-session) there is an internal background setter.
AddToFunc SessionInitFunction
+ I Nop

######################## Menus ###################
AddToMenu RootMenu "主菜单" Title
+ "终端" Exec exec konsole
+ "" Nop
+ "东东" Popup Utilities
+ "" Nop
+ "Fvwm模块" Popup Module-Popup
+ "音乐" Popup MusicMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "再见啦" Popup Quit-Verify

AddToMenu MusicMenu
PipeRead 'for i in $HOME/mp3/*.mp3; /
do echo "+ $i Exec exec mpg123 $i"; done'

AddToMenu Utilities "东东" Title
+ "Top" Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
+ "计算器" Exec exec xcalc
+ "Xman" Exec exec xman
+ "Xmag" Exec exec xmag
+ "编辑器" Exec exec kedit
+ "---Something---" Nop
+ "Emacs" Exec exec emacs
+ "邮箱" Exec exec kmail
+ "---英特网---" Nop
+ "联网" Exec exec redhat-config-network
+ "浏览器" Exec exec konqueror

AddToMenu Window-Ops2 "&M 移动" Move
+ "&R 改大小" Resize
+ "R& 上移" Raise
+ "&L 下移" Lower
+ "&I 最小化" Iconify
+ "&S 粘连" Stick
+ "&X 最大化" Maximize
+ "" Nop
+ "&D K掉" Delete
+ "&C 关掉" Close
+ "先理后兵地关掉" Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "滚动条" Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+ "打印" PrintFunction

# be sure to fill these in with your correct machine names:

AddToMenu Module-Popup "FvwmModules" Title
+ "Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "Talk" Module FvwmTalk
+ "" Nop
+ "Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons
+ "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "Pager (2 desks)" Module FvwmPager 0 1
+ "WinList" Module FvwmWinList
+ "" Nop
+ "Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 50 50
+ "Background" Module FvwmBacker
+ "AutoRaise" Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
+ "Stop AutoRaise" KillModule FvwmAuto
+ "" Nop
+ "IconBox" Module FvwmIconBox
+ "IconMan" Module FvwmIconMan
+ "" Nop
+ "Form - Rlogin" Module FvwmForm Rlogin
+ "Form - MyFvwmTalk" Module FvwmForm MyFvwmTalk
+ "Form - QuitVerify" Module FvwmForm QuitVerify

AddToMenu Quit-Verify "Really Quit Fvwm?" Title
+ "Yes, Really Quit" Quit
+ "" Nop
+ "Restart Fvwm" Restart
+ "Restart Fvwm 1.x" Restart fvwm -s
+ "" Nop
+ "Start twm" Restart twm
+ "Start ctwm" Restart ctwm
+ "Start tvtwm" Restart tvtwm
+ "Start vtwm" Restart vtwm
+ "Start mwm" Restart mwm
+ "Start olwm" Restart /usr/openwin/bin/olwm
+ "" Nop
+ "Start Xterm" Restart xterm
+ "" Nop
+ "No, Don't Quit" Nop

######################## Sample Functions ##########################

AddToFunc MailFunction I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Iconify -1
+ I Next (AcceptsFocus $0) Focus
+ I None (AcceptsFocus $0) Exec $0 $1

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Lower

AddToFunc Move-or-Raise2 M Raise
+ M Move
+ D Lower

AddToFunc Maximize-Func M Maximize 0 100
+ C Maximize 0 80
+ D Maximize 100 100

AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Iconify

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise I Raise
+ M Resize
+ D Lower

AddToFunc Resize-or-Raise2 M Raise
+ M Resize
+ D Lower

AddToFunc PrintFunction I Raise
+ I Exec xdpr -id $w

AddToFunc PrintReverseFunction I Raise
+ I Exec xdpr 1/2 -h -rv -id $w

AddToFunc Iconify-and-Raise I Iconify
+ I Raise

# RLOGIN machine fg bg
AddToFunc RLOGIN I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e rlogin $0 -8

# TELNET machine fg bg
AddToFunc TELNET I Exec xterm -fg $1 -bg $2 -e telnet $0

AddToFunc RunEmacs Exec exec emacs

AddToFunc FocusAndWarp I Focus
+ I WarpToWindow 2p 2p

AddToFunc DeiconifyFocusAndWarp I Iconify -1
+ I FocusAndWarp

AddToFunc ChangeDefaultFocus I Style * $0
+ I Recapture

DestroyFunc Maximize-Func2
AddToFunc Maximize-Func2 "M" Maximize 100 0
+ "C" Maximize 80 0
+ "D" Maximize 100 100

ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
ButtonStyle All ActiveDown VGradient 8 palevioletred black
ButtonStyle 6 16 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 /
60x50@0 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 /
20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1

*FvwmPager: Rows 4
*FvwmPager: Columns 1
*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
*FvwmPager:Font -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 东东
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 网络
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 办公
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 娱乐
*FvwmPager:SmallFont -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerBalloons All
*FvwmPagerBalloonBack Yellow
*FvwmPagerBalloonFore Black
*FvwmPager:BalloonFont -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerBalloonYOffset +2
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderWidth 1
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderColor Black

*FvwmButtonsBack bisque3
*MainPanel: Geometry 80x18+40+4
*MainPanel: Back SeaGreen
*MainPanel: (Panel(down, indicator, delay 0, steps 1) /
PagerPanel "Module FvwmButtons PagerPanel")
*MainPanel: Font -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*PagerPanel: Geometry 80x352
*PagerPanel: (Swallow FvwmPager "Module FvwmPager 0 3")
*PagerPanel: Font -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

#grow horizontal and vertically
Stroke N258 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 growup
Stroke N852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 growdown
Stroke N456 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growright 0
Stroke N654 0 TSF2 N Maximize True growleft 0

#grow bidirectional
Stroke N25852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow
Stroke N5852 0 TSF2 N Maximize True 0 grow

#reverse to unmaximized
Stroke N74123 0 TSF2 N Maximize False