PHP 给输出的字符串添加颜色

来源:互联网 发布:linux监听端口命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 20:57



class color
        var $consoleCodes = array();
        var $convertTable = array();

        function color()

        function getConsoleCodes($define)
                $codes   = array();
                $fgcolor = '';
                $style   = '';
                $bgcolor = '';

                if($fgcolor == 'reset') return "/033[0m";

                   $codes[] = $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor'][$fgcolor];

                   $codes[] = $this->consoleCodes['style'][$style];

                   $codes[] = $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor'][$bgcolor];

                $codes = implode(';', $codes);
                return "/033[{$codes}m";

        function convert($string, $mode = 'replace')
                foreach($this->convertTable as $controlChar => $controlDefine)
                        if(strpos($string, $controlChar) !== false)
                                if($mode == 'replace')
                                        $string = str_replace($controlChar, $this->getConsoleCodes($controlDefine), $string);
                                elseif($mode == 'strip')
                                        $string = str_replace($controlChar, '', $string);
                return $string;

        function init()
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['black']    = 30;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['red']      = 31;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['green']    = 32;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['brown']    = 33;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['blue']     = 34;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['purple']   = 35;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['cyan']     = 36;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['grey']     = 37;
                $this->consoleCodes['fgcolor']['yellow']   = 33;

                $this->consoleCodes['style']['normal']     = 0;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['bold']       = 1;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['light']      = 1;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['underscore'] = 4;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['underline']  = 4;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['blink']      = 5;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['inverse']    = 6;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['hidden']     = 8;
                $this->consoleCodes['style']['concealed']  = 8;

                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['black']  = 40;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['red']    = 41;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['green']  = 42;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['brown']  = 43;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['yellow'] = 43;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['blue']   = 44;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['purple'] = 45;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['cyan']   = 46;
                $this->consoleCodes['bgcolor']['grey']   = 47;

                $this->convertTable['@y'] = array('fgcolor' => 'yellow');
                $this->convertTable['@g'] = array('fgcolor' => 'green' );
                $this->convertTable['@b'] = array('fgcolor' => 'blue'  );
                $this->convertTable['@r'] = array('fgcolor' => 'red'   );
                $this->convertTable['@p'] = array('fgcolor' => 'purple');
                $this->convertTable['@m'] = array('fgcolor' => 'purple');
                $this->convertTable['@c'] = array('fgcolor' => 'cyan'  );
                $this->convertTable['@w'] = array('fgcolor' => 'grey'  );
                $this->convertTable['@k'] = array('fgcolor' => 'black' );
                $this->convertTable['@n'] = array('fgcolor' => 'reset' );
                $this->convertTable['@Y'] = array('fgcolor' => 'yellow',  'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@G'] = array('fgcolor' => 'green',   'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@B'] = array('fgcolor' => 'blue',    'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@R'] = array('fgcolor' => 'red',     'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@P'] = array('fgcolor' => 'purple',  'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@M'] = array('fgcolor' => 'purple',  'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@C'] = array('fgcolor' => 'cyan',    'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@W'] = array('fgcolor' => 'grey',    'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@K'] = array('fgcolor' => 'black',   'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@N'] = array('fgcolor' => 'reset',   'style' => 'light');
                $this->convertTable['@3'] = array('bgcolor' => 'yellow');
                $this->convertTable['@2'] = array('bgcolor' => 'green' );
                $this->convertTable['@4'] = array('bgcolor' => 'blue'  );
                $this->convertTable['@1'] = array('bgcolor' => 'red'   );
                $this->convertTable['@5'] = array('bgcolor' => 'purple');
                $this->convertTable['@6'] = array('bgcolor' => 'cyan'  );
                $this->convertTable['@7'] = array('bgcolor' => 'grey'  );
                $this->convertTable['@0'] = array('bgcolor' => 'black' );
                $this->convertTable['@F'] = array('style' => 'blink');
                $this->convertTable['@U'] = array('style' => 'underline');
                $this->convertTable['@8'] = array('style' => 'inverse');
                $this->convertTable['@9'] = array('style' => 'bold');
                $this->convertTable['@_'] = array('style' => 'bold');

$color_obj = new color();
echo $color_obj->convert( "@gHello@n/n" );
echo $color_obj->convert( "@rHello@n/n" );
echo $color_obj->convert( "@F@rHello@n/n" );


注:/033 same as ctrl + [ in php (^[ whose ascii code is 0x33)

^[[32mHello => Hello with green

^[[32m^[[5mHello => Hello with blink green