
来源:互联网 发布:h5建站 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 14:50

Mobile operators are today in a key position(枢纽位置) as they ‘own’ the mobile delivery channel as well as relationships with customers.
This monopolistic(垄断) position however can also make them complacent(自鸣得意).
It similarly can stifle(遏制) strategic thinking and innovation.
Of course, mobile operators don’t want to end up like Internet service providers (ISPs); while providing the access point to the fixed Internet(固定网络) many have been unable to appropriate(占用) the value that is proportional(成比例) to their privileged(特权的) position.
Only a small percentage of ISPs are profitable today, a situation defined by the fact that: barriers to entry are low, the cost of acquiring customers is high, switching costs are low, competition is based on price, and in most cases ISP's  don't have any relationship with their customers.
To reap rewards, operators must maintain their current privileged position yet provoke(驱动) innovation in the kind of products and services that will create value for customers and thus lead to continued revenue growth(持续收入增长).
