english study

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu安装分区教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 23:51

grey 灰色的 , controversy 争议的  award 奖项  committee 委员会   international cooperation  国际合作  medal 奖

remiss忽略       acknowledge承认    generous大度的   accomplishment成就    justify辩解   protest抗议

Do you want anything to drink?

is that for here or to go?

here you are

here is your change. your food is ready in a moment

can i have the table by the window?

how about this one by the window?

may i take your order now?现在可以点菜了吗?

what do you recommend? we'd like some of your local specialties. 你推荐些什莫,我们想要些你们当地的特色菜

would you mind waiting until one is free? 您等一下好吗?

how long do we have to wait?

we can seat you in twenty minutes20分钟后就能安排您入座/ we can offer a table in 30 minutes

it will be just a few minutes马上就可以了

 is that all?

there is a reason for that事出必有因

vacant 空着的   西餐 western food   of course 当然   come this way 请跟我来  anyway无论如何 left 剩下的

air conditioner空调 sweet and sour fish糖醋鱼  hotpot place火锅店  empty空的 food stall 大排挡 snacks小吃 salty咸的

compatiable相容的,符合的 compel 迫使 强迫 compensate补偿 complement 补偿  competent有能力的,可胜任的 complex复杂的,综合的 comply 遵守,照办 compose组成 compound复合的 合成的 comprehend 理解领悟 compress压缩 compromise妥协 conceal 隐藏 concede承认 conceive想象,构想出  concentrate on sth 尽心尽力于 condemn谴责 判刑 conduct行为 指导 传导 confess坦白承认 condined限于 be confined of 局限于 conflict斗争 conform 遵守 confuse 混淆 The national people's Congress全国人民代表大会 conquer征服 占领  conscience 良心  conscious 意识到的 consequence 结果 consider考虑 considerable 值得考虑的 相当的  considrate 考虑周到的 console 安慰 constant常量 不变的 consumption goods消费品

massive重大的 boundary边界 section部分 crust外壳 violent猛烈的 激烈的 enormous巨大的 pacific 太平洋tsunamis  海啸


I am sorry to have kept you waiting 对不起,让您久等了。

would you like the smoking or nonsmoking section?您好吸烟区还是禁烟区的位子?

please step this way请这边请

what would you like to eat? 您想吃点什莫?

i would like to have something simple/light 我想吃点简单/清淡的东西

i will take the beefsteak/ice-cream我要份牛排/冰激淋

what about having a pizza first? 先吃点皮萨怎莫样?

how would you like your eggs?你喜欢吃几成熟的鸡蛋?

anything is all right with me我吃什莫都行

which do you prefer, fish or meat?您喜欢吃鱼还是肉?

i'd rather have fish我比较喜欢吃鱼

why don't you try?/whatever you say.  为什莫不尝尝/就听你的

contaminate污染 玷污 contemporary同龄的 contempt轻视 蔑视 contest竞争context上下文contrary对立的 相反的 cope with

对付 处置 corrupt腐败的courteous有礼貌的 credible可信的 可靠的 critical批评的 挑刺的 explore 勘查, 探测, 勘探majestic 宏伟的,高贵的ruins 废墟altitudes高度,高处


dawn 黎明 deadly致命的 dealer商人 dealer in sth 做。。买卖的人 debate辩论 讨论 deceive欺骗 declaration声明

decorate装饰,修饰 dedicate奉献 deduce演绎 推断 deed 行为 契约 title deed地契 defeat战胜 defect缺点 defer推迟 拖延 deficit赤字 democracy民主政治的 demonstrate 说明 denounce指责 dense密集的 depress萧条 消沉 deprive 剥夺 使丧失  deprive sb of 剥夺某人的 derive..from 起源 deserve应受 值得 desirable理想的 称心的 tropical热带的热情的spirit 精神 灵魂

我不能吃高脂食品 i have to avoid food containing fat/salt/sugar

请不要把菜做的太油腻 please don't make the dish too much

汤里不要放洋葱 no onion in our soup  不要坚果 i'd like that withour nuts

还没有准备好 be not ready to /havn't decided 

a bowl of noodle一碗面条 porridge 粥  peanuts 花生 volcanon火山measure 测量cradled 摇篮 抚育tourists 游客harbor港口

propose推荐 提议federal同盟的 联邦的inform通知policy政策calculation计算结果 统计quantify确定。。的数量broadcast广播 传播 egypt埃及 phyramid 金字塔 addict沉迷者invisible看不见得,无形的gossip闲谈,聊天infinite无限的


throat喉咙 armpit hair腋毛nipple乳头chest胸部navel肚脐abdomen腹部private parts阴部thigh大腿neck脖子

shoulder肩waist腰hip臀部but/bottom屁股collarbone锁骨rib肋骨backbone脊椎shoulder joint肩关节kneecap膝盖骨muscle肌肉blood vessel血管vein静脉artery动脉nerve神经tongue舌头eyebrow眉毛eyelash睫毛lip嘴唇



coconut椰子date枣子haw山楂honey-dew melon哈密瓜juicy peach水蜜桃lichee荔枝mango芒果olive橄榄





会计   accountant          设计师  designer                     上班族office staff

男演员 actor                   摄影师  photographer             飞行员pilot

女演员 actress               警察   policema                        邮差postman

广播员 announcer          总统  president                        牧师priest

艺术家 artist                   教授  processor                       水手sailor

宇航员 astronaut            记者  reporter                         售货员salesman

副教授  associate professor     船员 sailor                       科学家scientist

理发师  barber                 秘书    secretary                       歌手singer

清洁工  binman                   军人   soldiery                        出租车司机taix driver

经纪人  broker(agent)          导游   tour guide                        翻译translator

公车司机bus driver                   打字员 typist                       女侍者waitress

肉商  butcher                       作家  writer                         编辑editor

采购员buyer                      电工      electrician                     工程师enginerr

漫画家 cartoonist                     农夫 farmer                          时装设计师fashion designer

厨师   cook                      地质学家 geologist                    警卫guard

出纳员 cashier                     理发师  hiredresserr                      家庭主妇housewife

化学师   chenist                   记者  journalist                         法官judge

海关官员customs officer                   律师   lawyer                        矿工mineer

舞者 dancer                        和尚 monk                          模特model

牙科医生dentist                   导演movie director                          电影明星move star

音乐家musician                      尼姑     non                      护士nurse



胡萝卜carrot       番茄  tomoto   菠菜 spinach   芹菜 celery    莲藕 lotusroot     南瓜pumpkin   葱  onion

玉米sweetcorn     辣椒chilly      黄瓜cucumber  生菜lettuce

青辣greenpepper 红辣redpepper   香菜coriander    豌豆 pea 绿豆芽beansprout      姜root      韭菜 leeks         莴苣 romaine      茄子eggplant       山药jam


矿泉水  mineralwater         柠檬汁 lemonjuice      可口可乐 cocacola       百事可乐pepsicola     雪碧 sprite        奶乃茶milktea


面条  noodles            果汁 juice         汤   soup             稀饭riceporridge    虾 prawn 蛋炒饭Friedricewithegg


tragic 悲惨的,tragedy 悲剧,crash坠毁,anticipate期望,ceremony仪式,elected被选举的,competition竞赛,prime首要的,cement纽带,politician政治家,evidence政治家,appointment任命 democratically民主的



vollyball排球badminton羽毛球table tennis乒乓球baseball棒球tennis网球bowling保龄球softball垒球


SPECIES人类,种类,christian基督,in abundance大量的,church教堂,asia亚洲,suffer承受,gruesome

可怕的,consequence结果,temple庙宇,tower塔,religion宗教 ,信仰,no where else除了。。地方









banned被禁止的oxygen氧气condemned被诅咒的vision幻想additive上瘾的posinious有毒的mental精神的metal金属impression印象ingredient组成部分merely仅仅pure纯净的distilled净化的liquid液体的identical相似的,同卵的chemical化学的reaction反映appriciate赞赏,seaside海边的,village小乡村erratically怪异的soul灵魂devel魔鬼evil邪恶的fear害怕bible圣经pray祈祷attack袭击reaction反映vicious凶狠的priest牧师conduct引导convice说服posess占有purge净化seek寻求identify鉴定,证明feather羽毛toe脚指头envoke触发blame责备variety多样的involve被卷入的immediately立刻ordinary平凡的,普通的harm上海psychological心理的priest牧师battle与。。。做斗争shelter避难所,army军队,soldier士兵,excitement令人兴奋的事,scam阴谋,opportunity机会,hopefully但愿,有希望的,especially尤其desperate绝望的,极其渴望的recycled重复利用的survive从..逃生bonus红利brick砖头cement水泥,纽带fiber纤维insulation隔离,绝缘体,inspector观察员cement水泥plaster膏药,石灰patent专利remain剩下,保持spread传播rural乡村的,农业的accomoradate使适应,使容纳be said to被别人说,据说

traditional传统的ally同盟国in terms of就。。而论region区域influence影响rapid快速domestic家庭的,国内的brand品牌



perception感知,认识,观念continent大陆,欧洲大陆blink眨眼睛 ,underwear内衣,durable耐用的,waistband腰带,constant常数,indentify确认,wound创伤,viable可行的,injury受伤的,inteligent智能的,alcohol酒,textile纺织业,detect发觉,persipiration汗水
