
来源:互联网 发布:试题库软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 08:34
2005年7月8日,Susan Kuchinskas,


“Google就是累死骆驼的那根稻草”,Joanmarie Diggs,Carroll的课程主管说,Carroll是一个提供为残障人士提供支持,教他们克服技术使用障碍的计划,“Google提供了多少盲人用不了的新酷东西?”

问题的关键在于captcha(completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart,卡内基梅隆大学研究人员开发的),使用者在注册某项服务时必须仔细辨别的变形字母,而Google把captcha技术用在绝大多数除了搜索之外的服务注册上,例如blogger.com和Gmail,而captcha是盲人的致命障碍。

Google说在将来的一两个月会提供替代的支持,而微软在MSN Space和Hotmail上提供了语音读取的可选方法。Yahoo提供的支持有点不那么即时:“请提供您的电话号码和邮件地址,我们的客服代表将和您联系……”

Google was the straw that broke the camel's back," said Joanmarie Diggs, curriculum director for Carroll Tech, a program that teaches disabled people workarounds for barriers to their use of technology. "How many cool things can Google come up with that block people who are blind?"

The problem is the "captcha," the distorted letters that users must decipher and type into a box before they register for a service.

详细内容参见:Is Google Shutting Out The Blind?
