
来源:互联网 发布:小米淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:17

Task 10.1: The Wild and Weird awk Command

awk '{commands }'.

There are two possible flags to awk:

-f            file specifies that the instructions should be read from the file file rather than from the command line

-Fc         indicates that the program should consider the letter c as the separator between fields of information, rather than the default of white space



$ who | awk '{ print }'

root     console Nov  9 07:31

yuenca   ttyAo   Nov 27 17:39

limyx4   ttyAp   Nov 27 16:22

wifey    ttyAx   Nov 27 17:16

tobster  ttyAz   Nov 27 17:59

taylor   ttyqh   Nov 27 17:43   (vax1.umkc.edu)


A line of input is broken into specific fields of information, each field being assigned a unique identifier. Field one is $1, field two $2, and so on:

$ who | awk '{ print $1 }'








The good news is that you also can specify any other information to print by surrounding it with double quotes:

$ who | awk '{ print "User " $1 " is on terminal line " $2 }'

User root is on terminal line console

User yuenca is on terminal line ttyAo

User limyx4 is on terminal line ttyAp

User hawk is on terminal line ttyAw

User wifey is on terminal line ttyAx

user taylor is on terminal line ttyqh



$ grep taylor /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{ print $1 " has "$7" as their login shell." }'

User taylorj has /bin/csh as their login shell.

User mtaylor has /usr/local/bin/tcsh as their login shell.

User dataylor has /usr/local/lib/msh as their login shell.

User taylorjr has /bin/csh as their login shell.

User taylorrj has /bin/csh as their login shell.

User taylormx has /bin/csh as their login shell.

User taylor has /bin/csh as their login shell.



how many different login shells are used at my site and which one is most popular

$ awk -F: '{print $7}' /etc/passwd | sort | uniq -c


3365 /bin/csh

   1 /bin/false

  84 /bin/ksh

  21 /bin/sh

  11 /usr/local/bin/ksh

 353 /usr/local/bin/tcsh

  45 /usr/local/lib/msh



Sticking with the password file, notice that the names therein are all in first-name-then-last-name format. That is, my account is Dave Taylor,,,,. A common requirement that you might have is to generate a report of system users. You’d like to sort them by name, but by last name.

$ grep taylor /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $5}'

James Taylor,,,,

Mary Taylor,,,,

Dave Taylor,,,,

James Taylor,,,,

Robert Taylor,,,,

Melanie Taylor,,,,

Dave Taylor,,,,


$ grep taylor /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $5}' | sed 's/,//g' | awk '{print $2", "$1}' | sort

Taylor, Dave

Taylor, Dave

Taylor, James

Taylor, James

Taylor, Mary

Taylor, Melanie

Taylor, Robert


Note: white space is default for awk.



The script earlier that looked for the login shell isn’t quite correct. It turns out that if the user wants to have /bin/sh—the Bourne shell—as his or her default shell, the final field can be left blank:

joe:?:45:555:Joe-Bob Billiard,,,,:/home/joe:



Used without a dollar sign, it indicates how many fields are on a line

used with a dollar sign, it’s always the value of the last field on the line itself

$ who | head -3 | awk '{ print NF }'




$ who | head -3 | awk '{ print $NF }'





$ grep taylor /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c

3365 /bin/csh

   1 /bin/false

  84 /bin/ksh

  21 /bin/sh

  11 /usr/local/bin/ksh

 353 /usr/local/bin/tcsh

  45 /usr/local/lib/msh



NR keeps track of the number of records (or lines) displayed. Here’s a quick way to number a file:

$ ls -l | awk '{ print NR": "$0 }'

1: total 29

2: drwx------  2 taylor        512 Nov 21 10:39 Archives/

3: drwx------  3 taylor        512 Nov 16 21:55 InfoWorld/

4: drwx------  2 taylor       1024 Nov 27 18:02 Mail/

5: drwx------  2 taylor        512 Oct  6 09:36 News/

6: drwx------  3 taylor        512 Nov 21 12:39 OWL/

7: drwx------  2 taylor        512 Oct 13 10:45 bin/

8: -rw-rw----  1 taylor      12556 Nov 16 09:49 keylime.pie

9: -rw-------  1 taylor      11503 Nov 27 18:05 randy

10: drwx------  2 taylor        512 Oct 13 10:45 src/

11: drwxrwx---  2 taylor        512 Nov  8 22:20 temp/

12: -rw-rw----  1 taylor          0 Nov 27 18:29 testme

Here you can see that the zero field of a line is the entire line.


$ who | awk '{ print $2": "$0 }'

ttyAp: limyx4   ttyAp   Nov 27 16:22

ttyAt: ltbei    ttyAt   Nov 27 18:21

ttyAu: woodson  ttyAu   Nov 27 18:19

ttyAv: morning  ttyAv   Nov 27 18:19

ttyAw: hawk     ttyAw   Nov 27 18:12

ttyAx: wifey    ttyAx   Nov 27 17:16

ttyAz: wiwatr   ttyAz   Nov 27 18:22

ttyAA: chong    ttyAA   Nov 27 13:56

ttyAB: ishidahx ttyAB   Nov 27 18:20



$ ls -lF | awk '{ print $9 "  " $5 }'

rchives/ 512

InfoWorld/ 512

Mail/ 1024

News/ 512

OWL/ 512

bin/ 512

keylime.pie 12556

randy 11503

src/ 512

temp/ 512

testme 582


two special character sequences that can be embedded in the quoted arguments to print:

/n Generates a carriage return

/t Generates a tab character


$ ls -lF | awk '{ print $5 "/t" $9 }'

512     Archives/

512     InfoWorld/

1024    Mail/

512     News/

512     OWL/

512     bin/

12556   keylime.pie

11503   randy

512     src/

512     temp/

582     testme


$ ls -l | awk '{print $5"/t" $9 }' | sort -rn | head -5

12556   keylime.pie

11503   randy

1024    Mail/

582     testme

512     temp/



The awk program basically looks for a pattern to appear in a line and then, if the pattern is found, executes the instructions that follow the pattern in the awk script. There are two special patterns in awk: BEGIN and END.


The instructions that follow BEGIN are executed before any lines of input are read.

The instructions that follow END are executed only after all the input has been read.


This can be very useful for computing the sum of a series of numbers. For example, I’d like to know the total number of bytes I’m using for all my files:

$ ls -l | awk '{print $5}'













$ ls -l | awk '{ totalsize += $5; print totalsize }'













$ ls -l | awk '{ totalsize += $5; print totalsize }' | tail -1



$ ls -l | awk '{ totalsize += $5 } END { print totalsize }'



$ ls -l | awk '{ totalsize += $5 } END { print "You have a total of" totalsize " bytes used in files." }'

You have a total of 29249 bytes used in files.



$ ls -l | awk '{ totalsize += $5 } END { print "You have a total of" totalsize " bytes used across "NR" files." }'

You have a total of 29249 bytes used across 11 files.


An easier way to see all this is to create an awk program file:

$ cat << EOF > script

>{ totalsize += $5 } END { print "You have a total of "totalsize " bytes used across "NR" files."}


$ ls -l | awk -f script

You have a total of 29249 bytes used across 11 files.



Scripts in awk are really programs and have all the flow-control capabilities. One thing you can do within an awk script is to have conditional execution of statements, the if-then condition.

to see whether the length of the first field (the account name) is exactly two characters long

$ awk -F: '{ if (length($1) == 2) print $0 }' /etc/passwd | wc -l



$ cat << EOF > awkscript





>for (i=1; i < 9; i++)

>print "There are " count[i] " accounts with " i " letter names."



$ awk -F: -f awkscript /etc/passwd

There are 1 accounts with 1 letter names.

There are 26 accounts with 2 letter names.

There are 303 accounts with 3 letter names.

There are 168 accounts with 4 letter names.

There are 368 accounts with 5 letter names.

There are 611 accounts with 6 letter names.

There are 906 accounts with 7 letter names.

There are 1465 accounts with 8 letter names.


$ awk -F: '{ if (length($1) == 1) print $0 }' < /etc/passwd


Task 10.2: Re-routing the Pipeline with tee

The only option to tee is -a, which appends the output to the specified file, rather than replaces the contents of the file each time.

$ ls -l | awk '{ print $5 "/t" $9 }' | sort -rn | tee bigfiles | head -5

12556   keylime.pie

8729    owl.c

1024    Mail/

582     tetme

512     temp/


$ cat bigfiles

12556   keylime.pie

8729    owl.c

1024    Mail/

582     tetme

512     temp/

512     src/

512     bin/

512     OWL/

512     News/

512     InfoWorld/

512     Archives/

207     sample2

199     sample

126     awkscript

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 手机清理了微信图片打不开了怎么办 到淘宝网买东西卖家拒绝退货怎么办 淘宝店铺检测出他人认证图片怎么办 文件过大无法复制到u盘怎么办 淘宝账号上不去总说网络不好怎么办 手机上登录微信一直闪退怎么办 京东账号手机号换了登陆不了怎么办 对方账号停止收款我们汇了款怎么办 淘宝店铺严重违规被扣12分怎么办 中国网银登陆不会自动弹出怎么办 高考报考的时候页面无法显示怎么办 如果卖家收到货不退款怎么办 淘宝退货卖家收到货不退款怎么办 手机号码淘宝被注册跟换绑定怎么办 微信发送ppt显示文件太大怎么办 微信手机号丢了微信登不了钱怎么办 新买的号码注册过支付宝怎么办 新买的号码被注册过支付宝怎么办 支付宝同号码注册了新的帐号怎么办 新卖的号码有人注册过支付宝怎么办 我的号码被别人注册了支付宝怎么办 别人用我的号码注册了支付宝怎么办 打开支付宝进入到淘宝的界面怎么办 我的手机号注销了支付宝账号怎么办 微博绑定的支付宝账号注销了怎么办 闲鱼买家申请退款卖家不同意怎么办 微信与手机旧版本不一致怎么办 在应用宝里下载微信老是失败怎么办 使用u盘储存视频显示不兼容怎么办 支付宝下载显示与存在不兼容怎么办 cpu与64位系统不兼容怎么办 微信版本低登录不了怎么办苹果手机 手机版本低登录不了微信怎么办? 进入微信公众号显示登录失败怎么办 安卓系统手机亮度调到最低怎么办 阿里妈妈买家号虚假交易违规怎么办 淘宝商让我修改追评叫我怎么办 红冲金额大于了当月的销售额怎么办 淘宝买家号虚假交易评价删除怎么办 淘宝卖的宝贝电话写错了怎么办 邮政快递都揽件了一直不运输怎么办