给ubuntu换上Mac OSX外套

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云技术认证acp 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:30

安装环境 Ubuntu 8.10





    打开地址 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mac4lin/,页面正文就是下载的列表,下载Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC1.tar.gz,是下载列表中最大的一个,确实比较大,压缩包 34.4M





shawn@shawn-laptop:~$ cd /home/shawn/Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC1
shawn@shawn-laptop:~/Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC1$ ls
AWN      GDM    Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0_RC.sh    Pidgin         Wallpapers
Cursors  GRUB   Mac4Lin_Uninstall_v1.0_RC.sh  Rhythmbox_AWN
Emerald  GTK    Mozilla                       Sounds
Fonts    Icons  MP                            Usplash
shawn@shawn-laptop:~/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC1$ sudo sh Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0_RC.sh
[sudo] password for shawn:
  Welcome to Mac4Lin v1.0 Installer 

Installing Mac4Lin UI...

Installing Mac4Lin Icons...

Installing Mac4Lin Cursors...
Done! Please enable the cursor theme from Appearances.

Installing Mac4Lin Emerald Window Borders...
tar: /home/shawn/.emerald/themes: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: /home/shawn/.emerald/themes: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: /home/shawn/.emerald/theme: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Installing Mac4Lin misc. componenets...

The following componenets require root access. You can opt out of installing them as they can be manually installed as well.
Would you like to install these components [y/n]?

Installing Mac4Lin GDM Login Theme and Sounds...

Setting GDM Theme

Please assign the sounds to events manually. All sounds are saved in /usr/share/sounds

Installing Mac4Lin Backgrounds...

Installing Pidgin theme...
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
The current Pidgin theme has been backed up as ~/Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC/Backup/pidgin_backup.tar.gz
Note that Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC will be in your home folder
Please enable the Pidgin AWN plugin from within Pidgin and place a launcher for Pidgin on AWN

     Mac4Lin installation complete!
  Please refer to the documentation for
   advanced installation instructions
   (for installing usplash, grub etc.)
 For best results, log off and log back
   in for all changes to be effected

Press any key to continue...

shawn@shawn-laptop:~/Mac_files/Mac4Lin_v1.0_RC1$ 安装完毕


第四步,打开主题选择面板,里面已经安装好了两个主题,名称分别为:Mac4Lin_Aqua 和 Mac4Lin_Graphite.



旧的安装方式比较麻烦,安装文件和步骤都比上面的繁琐,当然上面的安装只是满足了部分需要,其他的细节设置清参考下面的内容吧 http://www.cppnote.com/archives/ubuntu-mac-look.html





