16 Tools for Server Performance Tuning and Monitoring

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SQL Server Performance Tuning and Monitoring











DB Optimizer
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
DB Optimizer allows developers and database administrators to maximize database performance by detecting and reconciling SQL coding issues.


Spotlight on SQL Server Xpert Edition
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
Spotlight on SQL Server Xpert Edition detects and diagnoses performance issues across your SQL Server environment by providing an overview of enterprise performance


SQL admin toolset 1.0
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
SQL admin toolset 1.0 has the ability to multi-query, check passwords, analyze indexes and patches, edit and move jobs and gather server statistics.


Toad for SQL Server 4.0
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
Toad for SQL Server 4.0 bridges the functionality gaps that exist in both Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio within a single tool set.


Gridscale for SQL Server
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
Gridscale for SQL Server is Xkoto Inc.'s database virtualization product that manages multiple, active-active database copies running on the network.


Change Manager 5.0
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
Change Manager 5.0 is a cross-platform SQL Server utility to identify database changes when migrating databases and diagnoses performance issues.


SQL diagnostic manager, version 5.6
SearchSQLServer.com | 23 Feb 2009
SQL diagnostic manager, version 5.6, is a performance tuning tool that alerts administrators of health and availability issues across all SQL servers.


SQL Sentry Performance Advisor
SearchSQLServer.com | 24 Feb 2009
SQL Sentry Performance Advisor is a performance monitoring and tuning solution that offers information on SQL Server and Windows performance.


SearchSQLServer.com | 17 Jan 2008
SQL Power Tools Inc.'s ZUI monitors SQL Server database activity at all times while targeting poor-performing SQL statements to ensure a healthy database.


SQL defrag manager v1.2
SearchSQLServer.com | 17 Jan 2008
Idera's SQL defrag manager v1.2 automates the lengthy process of finding and fixing database index fragmentation issues across multiple SQL Server databases.


SQL Sentry Event Manager, Version 3
SearchSQLServer.com | 17 Jan 2008
SQL Sentry Event Manager, Version 3 is a scheduling, alerting and response system for optimizing the performance of database servers across your enterprise, with no agents to install and manage on each server.


SQLCentric v 2.0.1
SearchSQLServer.com | 17 Jan 2008
SQLCentric is a fully functional Web-based MSSQL-centric network database monitoring and alert system for your entire SQL Server infrastructure.


DBArtisan 8.1.5
SearchSQLServer.com | 14 Jan 2008
DBArtisan is a cross-platform database administration tool to help DBAs maximize the availability, performance and security of their databases.


ApexSQL Audit 2005.07
SearchSQLServer.com | 16 Jan 2008
Apex SQL Audit automatically generates triggers to create a Microsoft SQL Server data audit log and provides a reporting utility that extracts the data into meaningful reports.


SQL diagnostic manager v5.0
SearchSQLServer.com | 17 Jan 2008
SQL diagnostic manager v5.0 alerts SQL Server admins to health, performance and availability problems within their SQL Server environment from a central console.


Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 2.0
SearchSQLServer.com | 18 Jan 2008
Get advanced features to optimize database performance monitoring, diagnostics and issue resolution activities within SQL Server with Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 2.0.





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