
来源:互联网 发布:oracle 示例数据库 hr 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 07:40










这个问题有时候是无解的, 比如 25, 9 (要倒出来的油) ,8,5




MAXDEEP  超过21 之后 算法的时间就是分钟级的了,但是真有解的话,最优步长一般不超过15,一般是4 ~ 8.






public class AllocateOil {
 private int capicity_x;
 private int capicity_y;
 private int capicity_z;
 private int goal;
 private int minDeep;
 public static int MAXDEEP = 20;
 private String stepExplain="Not Feasible";
 public AllocateOil(int x,int y,int z, int goal){
  capicity_x = x;
  capicity_y = y;
  capicity_z = z;
  this.goal = goal; 
  minDeep = MAXDEEP + 1;
 public void allocate(int volumn_x,int volumn_y,int volumn_z,int deep,String stepExplain,int flag){
  if (deep >= Math.min(minDeep, MAXDEEP)  ) return;// only procee limited deep and got optimization method;
  int space_x = capicity_x - volumn_x;
  int space_y = capicity_y - volumn_y;
  int space_z = capicity_z - volumn_z;  
  stepExplain = stepExplain +  "/n" + "x:" + volumn_x + ",  y:" +volumn_y + ",  z:" +volumn_z;
  if(volumn_x == goal ||volumn_y == goal ||volumn_z == goal  ){
   if(deep < minDeep){
    this.stepExplain = stepExplain;
    minDeep = deep;
  // exchage X and Y
  if (volumn_x > 0  && space_y >0 && flag != -1  )
   allocate(volumn_x>space_y?volumn_x - space_y:0,volumn_x>space_y?capicity_y:volumn_x + volumn_y,volumn_z,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; x -> y ; step " + deep  , 1);
  if (volumn_y > 0  && space_x >0 && flag != 1  )
   allocate(volumn_y>space_x?capicity_x:volumn_x + volumn_y,volumn_y>space_x?volumn_y - space_x:0,volumn_z,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; y -> x ; step " + deep , -1);

  // exchage X and Z
  if (volumn_x > 0  && space_z >0 && flag != -2  )
   allocate(volumn_x>space_z?volumn_x - space_z:0,volumn_y,volumn_x>space_z?capicity_z:volumn_x + volumn_z,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; x -> z ; step " + deep , 2);
  if (volumn_z > 0  && space_x >0 && flag != 2  )
   allocate(volumn_z>space_x?capicity_x:volumn_x + volumn_z ,volumn_y,volumn_z>space_x?volumn_z - space_x:0,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; z -> x ; step " + deep , -2);

  // exchage Y and Z
  if (volumn_y > 0  && space_z >0 && flag != -3  )
   allocate(volumn_x,volumn_y>space_z?volumn_y - space_z:0,volumn_y>space_z?capicity_z:volumn_y + volumn_z,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; y -> z ; step " + deep , 3);
  if (volumn_z > 0  && space_y >0 && flag != 3  )
   allocate(volumn_x,volumn_z>space_y?capicity_y:volumn_y + volumn_z,volumn_z>space_y?volumn_y - space_z:0,deep + 1,stepExplain + "; z -> y ; step " + deep , -3);
 public void allocate(){ 
 public static void main(String[] args){ 
  AllocateOil alocOil = new AllocateOil(55,11,5,40);






x:55,  y:0,  z:0; x -> z ; step 0
x:50,  y:0,  z:5; z -> y ; step 1
x:50,  y:5,  z:0; x -> z ; step 2
x:45,  y:5,  z:5; z -> y ; step 3
x:45,  y:10,  z:0; x -> z ; step 4
x:40,  y:10,  z:5