
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 配置静态ip 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 15:58


       In the standard price procedure (price control “S”), the system carries out all stock postings at a price defined in the material master. Variances are posted to price difference accounts.

       案例 初始库存100 @ 2.0 ,采购订单价格为2.4,采购数量为100;发票价格为2.2 * 100;

GR时,库存商品借 100 * 2 GR/IR 100*2.4,差异科目记账 40

   IR时,GR/IR 100 * 2.4  ,应付账款 100 * 2.2 ,差异科目记账  20






In the moving average price procedure (price control “V”), the system valuates goods receipts with the purchase order price and goods issues with the current moving average price. The system automatically calculates the latter upon every goods movement by dividing the total value by the total stock quantity. Differences between the purchase order price and the invoice are posted directly to the relevant stock account if there is sufficient stock coverage.

案例:初始库存 100@2.0 第一次采购 100 * 2.4 ;发票价格 100 * 2.2

第二次采购 100 * 2.4 ,发票价格 2.2 ;其中第二次收货与收发票之间发货250

 第一次GR 借库存商品100 *240   GR/IR 100 * 240 ;

第一次IR时,借 GR/IR 100 * 2.4 ,贷 应付账款 100 * 2.2  贷库存商品差异 100*2.4-2.2

 系统移动平均价变成  (100 * 2.0 + 100*2.4 -100*2.4-2.2)/ (100 + 100) = 2.1


第二次 GR借库存商品100 *240   GR/IR 100 * 240 ;

然后GI  250 * 2.1   原材料消耗(假设是原材料消耗) 250 * 2.1 ,贷 库存商品 250 * 2.1

第二次 IR,库存数量为 100+100+100-250 ,小于发票数量100,则部分进入差异科目,部分差异记入存货,借GR/IR 100 * 2.4 ,贷应付账款 100 *2.2 ,贷差异科目  50/100 * ((2.4 - 2.2)*100) = 10 ,贷存货差异 100-50/100*(2.4-2.2)*100=10

物料的移动平均价为 (50*2.1 - 10 )/50 = 2


