来源:互联网 发布:麦哲伦gps软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:09







标准的CRUD操作- -


  1. Add - Once the user clicks on the Add button/link they are presented with a
    form, clicking on Cancel takes them back to the listing with no action being
    taken, clicking on Add (or Submit, Insert, etc.) inserts the item into the
    system and returns the user to the listing.
  2. Edit - Once the user clicks on the Edit button/link they are presented with a
    form representing the particular item, again clicking on Cancel takes them
    back to the listing with no action, clicking on Update updates the system with
    the user's changes and returns them to the listing.
  3. Delete - Once the user clicks on the Delete button/link they are presented
    with a confirmation page identifying the item(s) they wish to delete, cancel
    takes them back to the listing, confirming deletes the item(s) and returns the
    user to the listing.
  4. View - Once the user clicks on the item link (or you can have a separate
    View link) they are presented with a read-only version of the selected item
    and can either Cancel or Edit that item. Cancelling returns them to the
    listing, Edit takes them to an Edit form and follows the normal flow from
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 手被仓鼠咬出血怎么办 仓鼠咬了肿了怎么办 被自家仓鼠咬了怎么办 仓鼠生完宝宝后怎么办 被金丝熊咬了怎么办 a字裙子没有内衬怎么办 踩过蟑螂的鞋子怎么办 宝宝给蚂蚁咬了怎么办 脚被蚂蚁咬肿了怎么办 孩子被蚂蚁咬了怎么办 家住高层有老鼠怎么办 久看手机眼睛疼怎么办 晚睡眼睛疼了怎么办 眼睛肿了有点痛怎么办 眼角两边长痘痘怎么办 坐动车行李超重怎么办 海康威视黑屏了怎么办 备孕喝酒抽烟了怎么办 鼻炎鼻子不通气怎么办速效办法 2岁宝宝智力落后怎么办 六个月宝宝尖足怎么办 3个月宝宝尖足怎么办 2岁宝宝发育慢怎么办 2岁宝宝便秘怎么办呀 2岁宝宝老是便秘怎么办 宝宝4岁不说话怎么办 宜家柜子味道重怎么办 家里有小飞虫怎么办呀 汽车里进老鼠了怎么办 老鼠跑到车里了怎么办 我的小车有老鼠怎么办 车里面进了老鼠怎么办 街电充电宝丢了怎么办 充电宝充不了电怎么办 脚裸扭伤肿了怎么办 大货车电瓶亏电怎么办 货车电瓶被偷了怎么办 小乌龟尾巴断了怎么办 长青春痘怎么办简单小妙招 一关灯就有蚊子怎么办 狗狗误食蟑螂药怎么办