
来源:互联网 发布:数据网关介绍 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:45

1. 课题概述
1.2.2 显示分项价格【以板片为例】
2. 系统设计
2.1 系统总体框架
2.2 系统详细设计
3. 程序运行结果分析
(1). pay.c
(2). bar and pad.h
(3) . kuangjia.h
(4) . falan.h
(5) . pack.h
(6) . dituo.h
2. 价格表文件
(1) . 板片及垫片.txt
(2) . 框架.txt
(3) . 法兰.txt
(4) . 包装.txt
(5) . 底托.txt

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bphcoRP 密码:bcpi

1. 课题概述


根据选型结果自动生成报价开发平台:windows32系统运行平台:windows开发工具:Visual studio 2010



(1)报价:录入产品型号,输出总价格:  Cost()函数实现    【注:换热器价格=板片价格(板片面积*板片单价)+框架价格+法兰价格+包装/底托价格】(2)显示分项价格:录入部件名称,输出相应的价目表格在屏幕上:   view()函数实现

1.2.2 显示分项价格【以板片为例】

 (1).从文件中读取数据存入链表:createlink_pad()函数实现 (2).输出链表数据到屏幕:outlink_pad(node_pad *head)函数实现


    search_pad(node_pad *head,char type[])函数实现

2. 系统设计

2.1 系统总体框架




2.2 系统详细设计




(1). pay.c

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>#include"goodmorning.h"#include"bar and pad.h"#include"pack.h"#include"kuangjia.h"#include"dituo.h"#include"falan.h"typedef struct node {    char data[20];    struct node *next;}node;void Cost()//算总价{    void extract(char all[],char impart[]);    node *head;    float cost_pad=0,cost_kj=0,cost_fl=0,cost_bz=0,cost_dt=0,cost_hrq=0;    char type[10];    char vi_type[10]={0};    float pad_area;    int i;    char fl,bd;    do    {        printf("input type  : ");//型号        scanf("%s",type);//strcpy(type,"BP100B");        extract(type,vi_type);//得到vip型号        head=createlink_pad();//把pad的头指针给了head    }while(iftype(head,type)==1);    cost_pad=search_pad(head,type);    do    {        printf("input pad_area (not 0): ");//板片面积        scanf("%f",&pad_area);    }while(pad_area==0);//pad_area=2;    head=createlink_kj();    cost_kj=search_kj(head,vi_type);    printf("Do you want the 'FaLan'?(y/n)");//法兰    do    {        scanf("%c",&fl);        fflush(stdin);          if(fl=='y')        {            head=createlink_fl();            cost_fl=search_fl(head);        }        else if(fl=='n');        else        {            printf("please input right (y/n)\n");        }    }while((fl=='y'||fl=='n')==0);    do    {        printf("While one do you want,'BaoZhuang' or 'DiTuo'?(b/d)");//包装 或 底托        do        {            scanf("%c",&bd);            fflush(stdin);            if(bd=='b')            {                head=createlink_bz();                cost_bz=search_bz(head,type);            }            else if(bd=='d')            {                head=createlink_dt();                if(strcmp(type,"BP250B")==0)                    cost_dt=search_dt(head,type);                else                    cost_dt=search_dt(head,vi_type);            }            else            {                printf("please input right (b/d)\n");            }        }while((bd=='d'||bd=='b')==0);    }while(cost_bz==1||cost_dt==1);    cost_hrq = cost_pad*pad_area+cost_kj+cost_fl*4+cost_bz+cost_dt;    printf("count cost %.2f  %s\n",cost_hrq,type);}void view(){    node *head;    char a[3];    scanf("%s",a);    //printf("input the strname while you want view \n(pad/kj/fl/bz/dt)\n");    if(strcmp(a,"pad")==0)    {        head=createlink_pad();        outlink_pad(head);    }    else if(strcmp(a,"kj")==0)    {        head=createlink_kj();        outlink_kj(head);    }    else if(strcmp(a,"fl")==0)    {        head=createlink_fl();        outlink_fl(head);    }    else if(strcmp(a,"bz")==0)    {        head=createlink_bz();        outlink_bz(head);    }    else if(strcmp(a,"dt")==0)    {        head=createlink_dt();        outlink_dt(head);    }    else    {        printf("please input right strname\n");        view();    }    printf("\n");}int main(){    int i;    good();    printf("\nHello,");    for(;;)    {        printf("\n---------------------------------------------------\nWhat do you want to do?\n(input the NUMBER at the beginning at every sentence)\n\n");        printf("*1.calculate the cost of my hrq.\n*2.view the good table.\n*0.exit\n");        scanf("%d",&i);        if(i==1)            Cost();        if(i==2)        {            printf("input the tablename while you want view \n(pad/kj/fl/bz/dt)\n");            view();        }        if(i==0)        {            printf("Goodbye\n");            return 0;        }    }    system("pause");    return 0;}void extract(char all[],char impart[])//take vip type{    int i;    for(i=0;i<strlen(all);i++)    {        if(all[i]>=48&&all[i]<=57)        {            if((all[i+1]>=48&&all[i+1]<=57)==0)            {                impart[i]=all[i];                break;            }        }        impart[i]=all[i];        impart[i+1]='\0';    }}int iftype(node *head,char type[]){    node *p = head;    int i,k,j;    int in=0;    for(i=1;p!=NULL;i++)//i=0 , because first chain is none    {        if(strcmp(type,p->data)==0)//找型号        {            for(j=0;j<k+1;j++)            {                p=p->next;            }            in=0;//找到了型号就跳出,并返回0告知外部循环结束            break;        }         if(p->next==NULL)        {            printf("pad XingHao none\n");            in=1;        }        p=p->next;    }    return (in);}

(2). bar and pad.h

#include<stdio.h>7890#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>typedef struct node_pad{    char data[20];    struct node_pad *next;}node_pad;//从文件中读取数据存入链表node_pad *createlink_pad(){    node_pad *head =(node_pad*)malloc(sizeof(node_pad));    char t[20];    node_pad *p;    node_pad *q;    p=q=head;    FILE * r= fopen("板片及垫片.txt","r");    if(r==NULL)    {        printf("打开文件失败!");        return NULL;    }    while(fscanf(r,"%s",t)!=EOF)    {       q= (node_pad*)malloc(sizeof(node_pad));       strcpy(q->data,t);       //q->data=t;       p->next=q;       p=q;    }    p->next=NULL;    fclose(r);    //printf("success");    return head;}//输出链表到屏幕和文件output.txtvoid outlink_pad(node_pad *head){    //printf("??\n");   node_pad *p=head->next;   //FILE *w =fopen("output.txt","w");   int i=0;   /*if(w==NULL)   {       printf("打开文件失败!");       return;   }*/   while(p)   {       //输出链表节点数据到屏幕       i++;       if(i%9==1)       {           printf("%-10s",p->data);           //fprintf(w,"%-10s",p->data);           p=p->next;       }       else       {           printf("%10s",p->data);           //输出链表节点数据到文件output.txt           //fprintf(w,"%10s",p->data);           p=p->next;        }②       if(i%9==0)       {           printf("\n");           //fprintf(w,"\n");       }   }   //fclose(w);   return;}// 查找特定元素数据float search_pad(node_pad *head,char type[])//总型号{    char b[10],a[10];//a是规格,b是型号    char hang[][20]={"304/0.5","304/0.6","316l/0.6","316L/0.6","TAI/0.5","TAI/0.6","nie","pjdpE/N"};    node_pad *p = head;    int i,k,j;    int in=0;    float cost_pad=0;    strcpy(b,type);    do    {        printf("input pad-GuiGe   : ");        scanf("%s",a);//strcpy(a,"304/0.6");        for(i=0;i<(sizeof(hang)/sizeof(hang[0]));i++)        {            if(strcmp(a,hang[i])==0)//找规格            {                k=i;                in=0;                break;            }            if(i==(sizeof(hang)/sizeof(hang[0]))-1)            {                printf("pad GuiGe none\n");                in=1;            }        }    }while(in==1);    for(i=1;p!=NULL;i++)//i=0 , because first chain is none    {        if(strcmp(b,p->data)==0)//找型号        {            for(j=0;j<k+1;j++)            {                p=p->next;            }            printf("pad  = %s\n",p->data);            cost_pad = atof(p->data);            break;        }         if(p->next==NULL)            printf("pad XingHao none\n");        p=p->next;    }    //printf("%.4f\n",cost);    return (cost_pad);}

(3). kuangjia.h

//#ifndef 框架_H_INCLUDED//#define 框架_H_INCLUDED#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>typedef struct node_kj {    char data[20];    struct node_kj *next;}node_kj;//从文件中读取数据存入链表node_kj *createlink_kj(){    node_kj *head =(node_kj*)malloc(sizeof(node_kj));    char t[20];    node_kj *p;    node_kj *q;    p=q=head;    FILE * r= fopen("框架.txt","r");    if(r==NULL)    {        printf("打开文件失败!");        return NULL;    }    while(fscanf(r,"%s",t)!=EOF)    {       q= (node_kj*)malloc(sizeof(node_kj));       //if(t[0]!=32)          strcpy(q->data,t);       p->next=q;       p=q;    }    p->next=NULL;    fclose(r);    return head;}void outlink_kj(node_kj *head){    node_kj *p=head->next;    node_kj *p2;    char a[20]={0};    int i=0,j=0,o;    while(p)    {        //输出链表节点数据到屏幕        i++;        if(i==3)            printf("\n             ");        if(i==9)            printf("\n");            if(i<10)                j=0;            strcpy(a,p->data);            //printf("%s",a);            if(a[0]=='B')            {                p2=p->next;                j=0;                if(strcmp(p2->data,"/")==0)                {                    printf("%-7s",p->data);                    printf("%s  ",p2->data);                    p=p2->next;                    printf("%s\n",p->data);                }                else                {                    printf("%-13s",p->data);                    printf("\n");                }            }            //else if(p->data[0]='/');            else            {                printf("%13s",p->data);            }            for(o=0;o<20;o++)                a[o]=0;            j++;            //printf("%d.",j);            if(j==8)            {                j=1;                printf("\n");            }            p=p->next;    }}// 查找特定元素数据float search_kj(node_kj *head,char vi_type[]){    char a[10],b[20]="16",c[10]="50-100";//a 型号  b 公斤 c 片数    char padnum[][10]={"50片","50-100片","100-150片","150-200片","200-300片","300以上"};    node_kj *p = head,*temp;    int i,j,k;    int in=0,ing=0,inn=0,inx=0;    float cost_kj;    strcpy(a,vi_type);    //printf("%d\n",sizeof(padnum)/sizeof(padnum[0]));    do    {    for(i=0;p!=NULL;i++)//i=0 , because first chain is none    {        if(strcmp(a,p->data)==0)//找型号        {            inx=0;            temp=p;            //printf("1  %s\n",p->data);            do            {                do                {                    //printf("%s_",p->data);                    p=temp;//归位                    printf("input kuanfjia-gongjin(公斤以下)");                    scanf("%s",b);                    strcat(b,"公斤以下");                    while(p!=NULL)                    {                        if(strcmp(b,p->data)==0)//找公斤                        {                            ing=0;                            //printf("2  %s\n",p->data);                            do                            {                                printf("input kuanfjia-pianshu(片) ");                                scanf("%s",c);                                strcat(c,"片");                                for(j=0;j<sizeof(padnum)/sizeof(padnum[0]);j++)                                {                                    //printf("%d\n",j);                                    if(strcmp(c,padnum[j])==0)//找片数                                    {                                        //printf("3  %s  %d\n",padnum[j],j);                                        for(k=0;k<j+1;k++)                                        {                                            p=p->next;                                        }                                        printf("cost of 'kj' = %s\n",p->data);                                        if(strcmp(p->data,"----")==0)                                        {                                            inn=1;                                            printf("intput again\n");                                        }                                        else                                            inn=0;                                        cost_kj = atof(p->data);                                        in=0;                                        break;//片数                                    }                                    if(j==5)                                    {                                        printf("KunagJia PianShu none\n");//片数不存在                                        in=1;                                    }                                }                            }while(in==1);//片数                                break;//公斤                        }                        if(p->next==NULL)                        {                            printf("KuangJia GongJin none\n");//公斤不存在                            ing=1;                        }                        p=p->next;                    }                }while(ing==1);//公斤            }while(inn==1);//----            break;//型号        }        if(p->next==NULL)        {            printf("KuangJia type none!! input agagin\n");//型号不存在            inx=1;        }        p=p->next;    }    }while(inx==1);    return (cost_kj);}//#endif // 框架_H_INCLUDED

(4). falan.h

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>typedef struct node_fl {    char data[20];    struct node_fl *next;}node_fl;//从文件中读取数据存入链表node_fl *createlink_fl(){    node_fl *head =(node_fl*)malloc(sizeof(node_fl));    char t[20];    node_fl *p;    node_fl *q;    p=q=head;    FILE * r= fopen("法兰.txt","r");    if(r==NULL)    {        printf("打开文件失败!");        return NULL;    }    while(fscanf(r,"%s",t)!=EOF)    {       q= (node_fl*)malloc(sizeof(node_fl));       strcpy(q->data,t);       //q->data=t;       p->next=q;       p=q;    }    p->next=NULL;    fclose(r);    //printf("success");    return head;}//输出链表到屏幕和文件output.txtvoid outlink_fl(node_fl *head){    //printf("??\n");   node_fl *p=head->next;   //FILE *w =fopen("output.txt","w");   int i;   /*if(w==NULL)   {       printf("打开文件失败!");       return;   }*/   for(i=1;p!=NULL;i++,p=p->next)   {       //输出链表节点数据到屏幕       if(i==1)       {           printf("%-7s",p->data);           continue;       }       if(i<5&&i>1)       {           printf("%17s       ",p->data);           if(i==4)           {               printf("\n");               i=7;           }           continue;       }       if(i%7==1)       {           printf("%-7s",p->data);           //fprintf(w,"%-10s",p->data);           //p=p->next;       }       else       {           printf("%12s",p->data);           //输出链表节点数据到文件output.txt           //fprintf(w,"%10s",p->data);           //p=p->next;        }       if(i%7==0)       {           printf("\n");           //fprintf(w,"\n");       }   }   //fclose(w);   return;}// 查找特定元素数据float search_fl(node_fl *head){    char a[10]="DN40",b[20]="tangangPN1.6";//a是规格,b是材料    char hang[][20]={"tangangPN1.0","tangangPN1.6","304PN1.0","304PN1.6","316PN1.0","316PN1.6"};    node_fl *p = head;    int i,k,j,inc=0,ing=0;    float cost_fl;    do    {        printf("input falan-cailiao  : ");        scanf("%s",b);        for(i=0;i<(sizeof(hang)/sizeof(hang[0]));i++)        {            if(strcmp(b,hang[i])==0)//找材料            {                inc=0;                k=i;                break;            }            if(i==(sizeof(hang)/sizeof(hang[0]))-1)            {                printf("FaLan CaiLiao none\n");                inc=1;            }        }    }while(inc==1);    do    {        p=head;        printf("input falan-guige  : ");        scanf("%s",a);        for(i=0;p!=NULL;i++)//i=0 , because first chain is none        {            if(strcmp(a,p->data)==0)//找规格            {                ing=0;                for(j=0;j<k+1;j++)                {                    p=p->next;                }                printf("The cost of fl : %s\n",p->data);                cost_fl = atof(p->data);                break;            }            if(p->next==NULL)                {                    printf("FaLan GuiGe none\n");                    ing=1;                }            p=p->next;        }    }while(ing==1);    return (cost_fl);}

(5). pack.h

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>#define FN(a) for(n=0;n<(a);n++,p=p->next)//链表的指针移动步数typedef struct node_bz {    char data[20];    struct node_bz *next;}node_bz;//从文件中读取数据存入链表node_bz *createlink_bz(){    node_bz *head =(node_bz*)malloc(sizeof(node_bz));    char t[20];    node_bz *p;    node_bz *q;    p=q=head;    FILE * r= fopen("包装.txt","r");    if(r==NULL)    {        printf("打开文件失败!");        return NULL;    }    while(fscanf(r,"%s",t)!=EOF)    {       q= (node_bz*)malloc(sizeof(node_bz));       //if(t[0]!=32)          strcpy(q->data,t);       p->next=q;       p=q;    }    p->next=NULL;    fclose(r);    return head;}void outlink_bz(node_bz *head){    node_bz *p=head->next;    int i;    for(i=1;p!=NULL;i++,p=p->next)    {        if(i<8)        {            printf("%12s   |",p->data);            if(i==7)            {                printf("\n");                i=14;                continue;            }        }        else        {            if(i%2==0)                printf("%7s |",p->data);            else            printf("%7s",p->data);        }        if(i%14==0)        {            printf("\n");        }    }}// 查找特定元素数据float search_bz(node_bz *head,char type[10]){    char a[10],b[10]="200㎡";    char num[][10]={"BP50B","BP50M","BP100B","BP100M","BP150B","BP150M","BP200M"};    node_bz *p = head,*temp;    int i,j,k,n,inm=0,inz=0;    int size_num = sizeof(num)/sizeof(num[0]);//半个行的元素数    float cost_bz;    strcpy(a,type);    //printf("%s %s \n",a,b);    for(j=0;j<size_num;j++)    {        if(strcmp(a,num[j])==0)//找型号            break;        if(j==size_num-1)        {            printf("BaoZhuang type none??!!\n");            inz=1;            return (inz);        }    }    FN(size_num*3+j*2+1);//从匹配型号下面积开始    temp=p;    do    {        p=temp;        printf("input BaoZuang area(㎡) ");        scanf("%s",b);        strcat(b,"㎡");        for(i=0;p!=NULL;i++)        {            if(strcmp(b,p->data)==0)//找面积            {                inm=0;                p=p->next;                printf("baozhuang  = %s\n",p->data);                cost_bz = atof(p->data);                break;//面积            }            FN(size_num*2)//一次跳转一行            {                if(p->next==NULL)                {                    printf("BaoZhuang  area none\n");                    inm=1;                    p=p->next;                    break;                }            }        }    }while(inm==1);    return (cost_bz);}

(6). dituo.h

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>typedef struct node_dt {    char data[20];    struct node_dt *next;}node_dt;//从文件中读取数据存入链表node_dt *createlink_dt(){    node_dt *head =(node_dt*)malloc(sizeof(node_dt));    char t[20];    node_dt *p;    node_dt *q;    p=q=head;    FILE * r= fopen("底托.txt","r");    if(r==NULL)    {        printf("打开文件失败!");        return NULL;    }    while(fscanf(r,"%s",t)!=EOF)    {       q= (node_dt*)malloc(sizeof(node_dt));       strcpy(q->data,t);       //q->data=t;       p->next=q;       p=q;    }    p->next=NULL;    fclose(r);    //printf("success");    return head;}//输出链表到屏幕和文件output.txtvoid outlink_dt(node_dt *head){   node_dt *p=head->next;   int i;   for(i=1;p!=NULL;i++)   {        if(i%6==1)        {            printf("%-10s",p->data);        }        else        {            printf("%10s",p->data);        }        if(i%6==0)        {            printf("\n");        }        p=p->next;   }   return;}// 查找特定元素数据float search_dt(node_dt *head,char type[]){    char b[10]="BP100",a[10]="caogang";//a是材料,b是型号    char hang[][10]={"BP5","BP100","BP150","BP200","BP250B"};    node_dt *p = head;    int i,k,j,inc=0,inx=0;    int n = sizeof(hang)/sizeof(hang[0]);    float cost_dt;    strcpy(b,type);    do    {        p=head;        printf("input dituo-cailiao  :");        scanf("%s",a);        for(i=0;p!=NULL;i++)//i=0 , because first chain is none        {            if(strcmp(a,p->data)==0)//找材料            {                inc=0;                for(k=0;k<n;k++)                {                    if(strcmp(b,hang[k])==0)//找型号                    {                        inx=0;                        break;                    }                    if(k==n-1)                    {                        printf("DiTuo type none\n");                        inx=1;                        return(inc) ;                    }                }                for(j=0;j<k+1;j++)                {                    p=p->next;                }                printf("底托 = %s\n",p->data);                cost_dt = atof(p->data);                break;            }            if(p->next==NULL)            {                printf("DiTuo CaiLiao none\n");                inc=1;            }            p=p->next;    }    }while(inc==1);    return  (cost_dt);}

(1). 板片及垫片.txt

(2). 框架.txt

(3). 法兰.txt

(4). 包装.txt

(5). 底托.txt
