LeetCode 198 House Robber

来源:互联网 发布:ornx奥尼克斯淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 16:36


You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security system connected and it will automatically contact the police if two adjacent houses were broken into on the same night.

Given a list of non-negative integers representing the amount of money of each house, determine the maximum amount of money you can rob tonight without alerting the police.





dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], max(dp[i-2], dp[i-3]) + nums[i]);



class Solution {public:    int dp[11111];        int rob(vector<int>& nums) {        if (nums.empty()) return 0;        else if (nums.size() == 1) return nums[0];        else if (nums.size() == 2) return max(nums[0], nums[1]);        else if (nums.size() == 3) return max(nums[0]+nums[2], nums[1]);        int ans = nums[0];        dp[0] = nums[0];        dp[1] = nums[1];        dp[2] = max(dp[0]+nums[2], dp[1]);                for (int i = 3; i < nums.size(); i ++) {            dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], max(dp[i-2], dp[i-3]) + nums[i]);            ans = max(ans, dp[i]);        }        return ans;    }};

呃。。看了下最优解,果然也是dp,不过比我这种思路更为简单(写的时候没改出来,以为不正确,,,还是太菜),对于每个房子而言,都有两种选择,偷或则不偷,不偷的话,结果同上一个房子,假如偷,那么结果就是nums[i] + dp[i-2],最终在两个选择种选择较大的。


class Solution {public:    int dp[11111];        int rob(vector<int>& nums) {        if (nums.empty()) return 0;        else if (nums.size() == 1) return nums[0];        else if (nums.size() == 2) return max(nums[0], nums[1]);        int ans = nums[0];        dp[0] = nums[0];        dp[1] = max(dp[0], nums[1]);                for (int i = 2; i < nums.size(); i ++) {            dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], dp[i-2] + nums[i]);            ans = max(ans, dp[i]);        }        return ans;    }};
第一次没改出来的原因在第 dp[1] 的赋值上,dp[1] 应该是在前两个种选择大者,这样才能保证在之后的运算中,保证加到的dp一定是最大的。
