Rational Krylov Method(克雷洛夫法)求解特征值问题matlab代码示例(和Arnoldi方法比较)

来源:互联网 发布:sql统计用户投稿数量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 09:02



% demo routine for Rational Krylov vs Arnoldi with shift-invertclcclearn = 1000;m = 40; % subspace sizeA = diag([1:1:n]); % testing matrix A of eigenvalues 1, 2, .., n% shifts: define more shift as you likesigma1 = 101.5;sigma2 = 121.5;% --  Rational Krylov with shifts SIGMAm1 = floor(m/2); m2 = m-m1;SIGMA = [repmat(sigma1, m1, 1); repmat(sigma2, m2, 1)];%SIGMA = repmat([sigma1; sigma2], m/2, 1); % even number m[Q1, K, L] = rarnoldi(A, SIGMA, m);[V1, E1] = eig(L(1:m,:), K(1:m,:));% pick eig of relative residual norm < toltol = 1.0E-6;nA = norm(A,1);e1 = [];for i = 1:m    lam = E1(i,i);     v = Q1*(K*V1(:, i));    res = norm(A*v-lam*v)/norm(v)/nA;    if res<tol, e1 = [e1, lam]; endend% -- shift invert Arnoldi with shift sigma1 sigma = sigma1;[LL, UU, PP] = lu(A-sigma*speye(n));Afun = @(x) UU \ (LL \ (PP*x));[Q2, H] = arnoldi(Afun, n, m);[V2, E2] = eig(H(1:m,:)); E2 = 1./E2 + sigma;% pick eig of relative residual norm < toltol = 1.0E-6;nA = norm(A,1);e2 = [];for i = 1:m    lam = E2(i,i);     v = Q2(:,1:m)*V2(:, i);    res = norm(A*v-lam*v)/norm(v)/nA;    if res<tol, e2 = [e2, lam]; endend% -- display resultsfigureplot(real([sigma1, sigma2]), imag([sigma1, sigma2]), 'or', 'DisplayName', 'shifts', 'MarkerSize', 8)hold on;plot(real(e2), imag(e2), 'xb', 'DisplayName', 'Arnoldi', 'MarkerSize', 8);plot(real(e1), imag(e1), '+k', 'DisplayName', 'Rational Krylov', 'MarkerSize', 8);legend showxlabel('real'); ylabel('imag')title('approximate eigenvalues')% END



function [V, H] = arnoldi(Afun, n, m)% function [V, H] = arnoldi(Afun, n, m) produce an Arnoldi decomposition%   of order m for a square matri A. %       Afun(v) = A*v%       n = dim of A%v = randn(n,1);v = v / norm(v);V = v;H = zeros(m+1, m);for i = 1:m    w = Afun(v);    h = V'*w;    w = w - V*h;    gamma = norm(w);    if gamma==0        return    end    v = w/gamma;    V = [V, v];    H(1:i,i) = h;    H(1+i, i) = gamma;   endfunction [V, K, L] = rarnoldi(A, SIGMA, m)% function [V, K, L] = rarnoldi(Afun, n, m) produce an rational Krylov%   decomposition of order m for a square matri A. %       SIGMA: length m vector containing shifts%n = size(A,1);v = randn(n,1);v = v / norm(v);V = v;K = zeros(m+1, m);L = zeros(m+1, m);for i = 1:m    sigma = SIGMA(i);    if sigma ~= inf        w = (A-sigma*speye(n))\v;        h = V'*w;        w = w - V*h;        gamma = norm(w);        v = w/gamma;        V = [V, v];        K(1:i, i) = h;        K(i+1, i) = gamma;        L(1:i+1, i) = sigma*K(1:i+1, i);        L(i, i) = L(i, i) + 1;    else        w = A*v;        h = V'*w;        w = w - V*h;        gamma = norm(w);        v = w/gamma;        V = [V, v];        K(i, i) = 1;        L(1:i, i) = h;        L(i+1, i) = gamma;    end    % breakdown case L(i+1, i) = K(i+1,i) = 0 is not treated.end
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