php rabbitmq延迟队列示例

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网退货地址怎么改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 04:54


<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: he * Date: 17-7-17 * Time: 下午5:38 */namespace AcmeBundle\Service;use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;class RabbitBase{    /**     * 场景死信收容队列     * @var array     */    private static $scene_out_queue = [        self::TEST => 'test_queue',       // 测试队列    ];    /**     * 场景死信收容交换机     * @var array     */    private static $scene_out_exchange = [        self::TEST => '',       // 测试队列    ];    /**     * 队列延迟时间 | 毫秒时间     * @var array     */    private static $ttl_time = [        self::TEST => 10000, // 86400*3    ];    /**     * 场景列表     * @var array     */    private static $scene_list = [        'TEST'  => 'TEST',      // 测试队列    ];    const TEST = 'TEST';// 测试队列    /**     * 管道连接     * @type object     * @var AMQPStreamConnection     */    private $connection;    /**     * 交换机     * @type object     * @var \PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel     */    private $channel;    /**     * 队列名     * @var string     */    private $queue_name;    /**     * 交换机名     * @var string     */    private $exchange_name;    /**     * 场景参数     * @var string     */    private static $time_scene;    /**     * 是否持久化     * @var bool     */    private static $is_durable = true;    /**     * 是否延迟     * @var bool     */    private static $is_delay = false;    /**     * 当前交换机     * @var string     */    private static $delay_exchange;    /**     * 当前队列     * @var string     */    private static $delay_queue;    /**     * 延迟队列参数     * @var array     */    private static $arguments = [];    /**     * 交换机类型     * @var string     */    private static $type = 'fanout';    /**     * 0-9-1 SIG     * @link     * @var string     */    private static $T_STRING_SHORT = 'S';    /**     * 0-9-1 SIG     * @link     * @var string     */    private static $T_INT_LONG = 'I';    /**     * RabbitBase constructor.     * @param array $config // mq配置参数     */    public function __construct(array $config)    {        $this->connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(            $config['host']??'',            $config['port']??'',            $config['user']??'',            $config['pwd']??'',            $config['vhost']??''        );        if(!$this->getCloseStatus()){            // throw new \Exception('AMQP Connection fail');            echo 'ERROR: AMQP Connection Fail';exit;        }        $this->channel = $this->connection->channel();    }    /**     * 设置私有属性     * @param $name     * @param $value     */    public function __set($name, $value)    {        // TODO: Implement __set() method.         $this->$name = $value;    }    /**     * 获取私有属性     * @param $name // 属性名     * @return null     */    public function __get($name)    {        // TODO: Implement __get() method.        return isset($this->$name)? $this->$name : null;    }    /**     * 获取场景列表     * @return array     */    public function getSceneList()    {        return self::$scene_list;    }    /*****************************************************队列服务******************************************************/    /**     * 打开管道     *     * TODO: is_delay 是true时需后面参数     * TODO: is_delay 是true时需要 time_scene参数,否则会返回异常信息     * TODO: queue_scene 或 exchange_scene 为null时默认使用time_scene     *     * @param string    $queue_name         队列名     * @param string    $exchange_name      交换机名     * @param bool      $is_receive         是否是处理程序     * @param bool      $is_delay           是否延迟     * @param string|null    $time_scene         延迟时间 参考 self::$ttl_time     * @param string|null    $queue_scene        延迟场景队列 参考 self::$scene_out_queue     * @param string|null    $exchange_scene     延迟场景交换机 参考 self:$scene_out_exchange     * @throws \Exception     * @return mixed|null|string     */    public function open(        string $queue_name,        string $exchange_name,        bool $is_receive = false,        bool $is_delay = false,        string $time_scene = null,        string $queue_scene = null,        string $exchange_scene = null    )    {        $this->queue_name = $queue_name;        $this->exchange_name = $exchange_name;        self::$time_scene = $time_scene;        self::$delay_exchange = empty($exchange_scene)?$time_scene:$exchange_scene;        self::$delay_queue = empty($queue_scene)?$time_scene:$queue_scene;        self::$is_delay = $is_delay;        try {            // TODO: 设置延迟参数            self::getArguments();            // TODO: 当开始处理管道内消息时,防止管道未创建引起异常            if (true === $is_receive) {                // 创建交换机                $this->getExchangeDeclare($this->exchange_name, self::$type, self::$is_durable);                // 创建队列                $this->getQueueDeclare($this->queue_name, self::$is_durable, self::$arguments);                // 队列和交换机绑定                $this->getQueueBind($this->queue_name, $this->exchange_name);            }            return true;        } catch (\Exception $e){            return 'Info:'.$e->getMessage().' Line:'.$e->getLine().' File:'.$e->getFile();        }    }    /**     * 加入队列     * @param array $data     * @throws \Exception     * @return bool|string     */    public function send(array $data)    {        try{            if (empty($this->queue_name) || empty($this->exchange_name)) {                throw new \Exception('arguments queue name or exchange name error');            }            // TODO: Implement 创建超时收容队列和交换机            empty(self::$time_scene)?:$this->createOutQueue(                self::$scene_out_queue[self::$time_scene]??'',                self::$scene_out_exchange[self::$time_scene]??''            );            // TODO: Implement 创建交换机            $this->getExchangeDeclare($this->exchange_name, self::$type, self::$is_durable);            // TODO: Implement 创建队列            $this->getQueueDeclare($this->queue_name, self::$is_durable, self::$arguments);            // TODO: Implement 队列和交换机绑定            $this->getQueueBind($this->queue_name, $this->exchange_name);            // TODO: Implement 加入消息到队列            $this->getBasicPublish($data, $this->queue_name);            return $this->close();        } catch (\Exception $e){            return 'Info:'.$e->getMessage().' Line:'.$e->getLine().' File:'.$e->getFile();        }    }    /**     * 处理队列     * @param string $queue     * @param null $callback     * @param string $consumer_tag     * @param bool $no_local     * @param bool $no_ack     * @param bool $exclusive     * @param bool $nowait     * @param null $ticket     * @param array $arguments     */    public function receive(        $queue = '',        $callback = null,        $consumer_tag = '',        $no_local = false,        $no_ack = false,        $exclusive = false,        $nowait = false,        $ticket = null,        $arguments = array()    )    {        $this->channel->basic_consume(            $queue,            $consumer_tag,            $no_local,            $no_ack,            $exclusive,            $nowait,            $callback,            $ticket,            $arguments        );    }    /**     *     * Wait for some expected AMQP methods and dispatch to them.     * Unexpected methods are queued up for later calls to this PHP     * method.     */    public function wait()    {        while(count($this->channel->callbacks)) {            $this->channel->wait();        }    }    /*****************************************************私有服务******************************************************/    /**     * 关闭连接     * @return bool     */    private function close()    {        $this->closeConnection();        $this->closeChannel();        return !$this->getCloseStatus();    }    /**     * 创建超时队列和交换机     * @param string $queue_name     * @param string $exchange_name     * @throws \Exception     */    private function createOutQueue(string $queue_name = '', string $exchange_name = '')    {        if(empty($queue_name) || empty($exchange_name)){            throw new \Exception('queue name or exchange name is empty');        }        if(true === self::$is_delay){            // TODO: 创建延迟交换机            $this->getExchangeDeclare($exchange_name, self::$type, self::$is_durable);            // TODO: 创建延迟队列            $this->getQueueDeclare($queue_name, self::$is_durable);            // TODO: 队列和交换机绑定            $this->getQueueBind($queue_name, $exchange_name);        }    }    /**     * 设置超时转移队列参数     * @throws \Exception     */    private static function getArguments()    {        if(true === self::$is_delay){            if(!empty(self::$delay_queue) && !empty(self::$delay_exchange)){                self::$arguments = array(                    "x-message-ttl" => array(self::$T_INT_LONG, self::$ttl_time[self::$time_scene]),                );                self::setDelayExchange();                self::setDelayQueue();            } else {                throw new \Exception(__METHOD__."delay arguments error");            }        }    }    /**     * 设置延迟队列queue     * @throws \Exception     */    private static function setDelayQueue()    {        $p = ["x-dead-letter-routing-key" => array(            self::$T_STRING_SHORT,            self::$scene_out_queue[self::$delay_queue])        ];        if(true === self::$is_delay && !empty(self::$delay_queue)){            self::$arguments = empty(self::$arguments)?:array_merge(self::$arguments, $p);        } else {            throw new \Exception(__METHOD__.'delay arguments error');        }    }    /**     * 设置延迟队列exchange     * @throws \Exception     */    private static function setDelayExchange()    {        $p = ["x-dead-letter-exchange" => array(self::$T_STRING_SHORT, self::$scene_out_exchange[self::$delay_exchange])];        if(true === self::$is_delay && !empty(self::$delay_exchange)){            self::$arguments = empty(self::$arguments)?:array_merge(self::$arguments, $p);        } else {            throw new \Exception(__METHOD__.'delay arguments error');        }    }    /**     * 关闭连接     * @return mixed|null     */    private function closeConnection()    {        return $this->connection->close();    }    /**     * 关闭交换机连接     * @return mixed     */    private function closeChannel()    {        return $this->channel->close();    }    /**     * 获取管道连接     * @return AMQPStreamConnection     */    public function getConnect() : AMQPStreamConnection    {        return $this->connection;    }    /**     * 获取交换机     * @return \PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel     */    public function getChannel()    {        return $this->channel;    }    /**     * 获取连接状态     * @return bool     */    private function getCloseStatus(): bool    {        return (bool)$this->connection->isConnected();    }    /**     * 声明一个队列,不存在则创建     * @param string $queue     * @param bool $passive     * @param bool $durable     * @param bool $exclusive     * @param bool $auto_delete     * @param bool $nowait     * @param null $arguments     * @param null $ticket     * @return mixed|null     */    private function getQueueDeclare(        $queue = '',        $durable = true,        $arguments = null,        $passive = false,        $exclusive = false,        $auto_delete = false,        $nowait = false,        $ticket = null    )    {        return $this->channel->queue_declare(            $queue, $passive, $durable, $exclusive, $auto_delete, $nowait, $arguments, $ticket        );    }    /**     * 声明一个交换机     * @param $exchange     * @param $type     * @param bool $passive     * @param bool $durable     * @param bool $auto_delete     * @param bool $internal     * @param bool $nowait     * @param null $arguments     * @param null $ticket     * @return mixed|null     */    private function getExchangeDeclare(        $exchange,        $type,        $durable = true,        $passive = false,        $auto_delete = false,        $internal = false,        $nowait = false,        $arguments = null,        $ticket = null    )    {        return $this->channel->exchange_declare(            $exchange,            $type,            $passive,            $durable,            $auto_delete,            $internal,            $nowait,            $arguments,            $ticket        );    }    /**     * 加入队列     * @param $msg     * @param string $exchange     * @param string $routing_key     * @param bool $mandatory     * @param bool $immediate     * @param null $ticket     */    private function getBasicPublish(        $msg,        $exchange = '',        $routing_key = '',        $mandatory = false,        $immediate = false,        $ticket = null    )    {        self::message($msg, $this->queue_name);        return $this->channel->basic_publish($msg,            $exchange,            $routing_key,            $mandatory,            $immediate,            $ticket        );    }    /**     * 消息转换对象     * @param $msg     * @param string $queue     */    private static function message(&$msg, string $queue)    {        if(is_array($msg)) {            $msg['queue'] = $queue;            $msg = serialize($msg);        }        if(self::$is_durable) {            $msg = new AMQPMessage($msg, ['delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT]);        } else {            $msg = new AMQPMessage($msg);        }    }    /**     * 绑定队列到交换机     * @param $queue     * @param $exchange     * @param string $routing_key     * @param bool $nowait     * @param null $arguments     * @param null $ticket     * @return mixed|null     */    private function getQueueBind(        $queue,        $exchange,        $routing_key = '',        $nowait = false,        $arguments = null,        $ticket = null    )    {        return $this->channel->queue_bind(            $queue,            $exchange,            $routing_key,            $nowait,            $arguments,            $ticket        );    }    /**     * 获取队列内信息数     * @deprecated     * @return int     */    public function getMessageNumber(): int    {        return (int)$this->getQueueDeclare(            $this->queue_name,            self::$is_durable)->method()->message_count();    }    /**     * 获取消费者数量     * @deprecated     * @return int     */    public function getConsumerNumber(): int    {        return (int)$this->getQueueDeclare(            $this->queue_name,            self::$is_durable)->method()->consumer_count();    }}