bokeh.model API

来源:互联网 发布:网络节点 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:48

class Model(**kwargs)

属性 类型 描述 js_event_callbacks Dict ( String , List ( Instance ( CustomJS ) ) ) A mapping of event names to lists of CustomJS callbacks. js_property_callbacks Dict ( String , List ( Instance ( CustomJS ) ) ) A mapping of attribute names to lists of CustomJS callbacks, to be set up on BokehJS side when the document is created. name String An arbitrary, user-supplied name for this model. subscribed_events List of events that are subscribed to by Python callbacks. tags List ( Any ) An optional list of arbitrary, user-supplied values to attach to this model. js_on_change(event, *callbacks) Attach a CustomJS callback to an arbitrary BokehJS model event. js_on_event(event, *callbacks) layout(side, plot) on_change(attr, *callbacks)[source] Add a callback on this object to trigger when attr changes references() select(selector) Query this object and all of its references for objects that match the given selector select_one(selector) Query this object and all of its references for objects that match the given selector. set_select(selector, updates) Update objects that match a given selector with the specified attribute/value updates. to_json(include_defaults) Returns a dictionary of the attributes of this object, containing only “JSON types” to_json_string(include_defaults) Returns a JSON string encoding the attributes of this object. trigger(attr, old, new, hint=None, setter=None) document ref

class Callback(**kwargs)

class CustomJS(**kwargs)

属性 类型 描述 args Dict ( String , Instance ( Model ) ) 做图对象的对应参数 code String args的参数可以在此使用。cb_obj参数对应回调的触发值,cb_data储存了工具中的数据。 from_coffeescript(code, args={}) from_py_func(func) 使用PyScript将python函数转换为PyScript

class OpenURL(**kwargs)

属性 类型 描述 url String url地址
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