Commons Logging 学习笔记

来源:互联网 发布:简单相册制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 12:34

The Apache Commons Logging (JCL) provides a Log interface that is intended to be both light-weight and an independent abstraction of other logging toolkits.It provides the middleware/tooling developer with a simple logging abstraction, that allows the user (application developer) to plug in a specific logging implementation. JCL provides thin-wrapper Log implementations for other logging tools, including Log4J,Avalon LogKit (the Avalon Framework's logging infrastructure), JDK 1.4, and an implementation of JDK 1.4 logging APIs (JSR-47) for pre-1.4 systems. The interface maps closely to Log4J and LogKit. Familiarity with high-level details of the relevant Logging implementations is presumed.


 JCL提供接口的同时,还对其他一些日志工具,包括Log4j,Avalon LogKit和jdk1.4等进行了简单的包装。此接口更接近于Log4j和LogKit的实现.


从应用观点,首先需要的就是装载一个引用LogFactory实例的对象以便为这个应用创建一个Log实例。这通常通过调用静态的getFactory()方法完成。这个方法实现了如下的发现 算法来选择LogFactory实现类的名字并在应用中使用它:


2. 使用JDK 1.3 JAR服务发现机制(参见获得更多信息)来查找名为META- INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory的资源,其中第一行既包含了需要的类名。





There are two base abstractions used by JCL: Log (the basic logger) and LogFactory (which knows how to create Log instances).Specifying a particular Log implementation is very useful (whether that is one provided by commons-logging or a user-defined one).Specifying a LogFactory implementation other than the default is a subject for advanced users only, so will not be addressed here. The default LogFactory implementation uses .the following discovery process to determine what type of Log implementation it should use (the process terminates when the first positive match - in order - is found):

1.Look for a configuration attribute of this factory named org.apache.commons.logging.Log .
2.Look for a system property named org.apache.commons.logging.Log.
3.If the Log4J logging system is available in the application class path, use the corresponding wrapper class (Log4JLogger).
4.If the application is executing on a JDK 1.4 system, use the corresponding wrapper class (Jdk14Logger).
5.Fall back to the default simple logging wrapper (SimpleLog).

使用Commons Logging时,它会自动寻找系统中存在的日志工具,并自行合理的设置,用户一般情况下不需要进行任何的设置工作.


  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFacory;
  public class Test{
    Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Test.calss);
    //Log log = LogFactory.getLog("Test");
