来源:互联网 发布:java环境变量怎么配置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 18:58
JSR是Java Specification Requests的缩写,意思是Java 规范请求。是指向JCP(Java Community Process)提出新增一个标准化技术规范的正式请求。任何人都可以提交JSR,以向Java平台增添新的API和服务。JSR已成为Java界的一个重要标准。
Neal Gafter
Neal Gafter works for Microsoft on thedotNet platform languages. To balance his life, his hobby is designingand developing the future of the Java programming language. He waspreviously a software engineer at Google working on Google Calendar,and a senior staff engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he co-designedand implemented the Java language features in releases 1.4 through 5.0.Neal is coauthor of "Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases"(Addison Wesley, 2005). He was a member of the C++ Standards Committeeand led the development of C and C++ compilers at Sun Microsystems,Microtec Research, and Texas Instruments. He holds a Ph.D. in computerscience from the University of Rochester.