视频模块 视频分析

来源:互联网 发布:网络配资平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 10:38




兼容性:> OpenCV 2.4.6

作者:Domenico Daniele Bloisi







在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用OpenCV执行BS。 作为输入,我们将使用来自公开可用数据集背景模型挑战(BMC)的数据。




在下面你可以找到源代码。 我们将让用户选择处理视频文件或一系列图像。


  1. MOG
  2. MOG2


//opencv-bg_sub.cpp#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>//C#include <stdio.h>//C++#include <iostream>#include <sstream>using namespace cv;using namespace std;//global variablesMat frame; //current frameMat fgMaskMOG; //fg mask generated by MOG methodMat fgMaskMOG2; //fg mask fg mask generated by MOG2 methodPtr<BackgroundSubtractor> pMOG; //MOG Background subtractorPtr<BackgroundSubtractor> pMOG2; //MOG2 Background subtractorint keyboard;//function declarationsvoid help();void processVideo(char* videoFilename);void processImages(char* firstFrameFilename);void help(){  cout  << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"  << endl  << "This program shows how to use background subtraction methods provided by "   << endl  << " OpenCV. You can process both videos (-vid) and images (-img)."              << endl                                                                                   << endl  << "Usage:"                                                                      << endl  << "./bs {-vid <video filename>|-img <image filename>}"                          << endl  << "for example: ./bs -vid video.avi"                                            << endl  << "or: ./bs -img /data/images/1.png"                                            << endl  << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"  << endl  << endl;}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){  //print help information  help();  //check for the input parameter correctness  if(argc != 3) {    cerr <<"Incorret input list" << endl;    cerr <<"exiting..." << endl;    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  //create GUI windows  namedWindow("Frame");  namedWindow("FG Mask MOG");  namedWindow("FG Mask MOG 2");  //create Background Subtractor objects  pMOG = createBackgroundSubtractorMOG(); //MOG approach  pMOG2 = createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(); //MOG2 approach  if(strcmp(argv[1], "-vid") == 0) {    //input data coming from a video    processVideo(argv[2]);  }  else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-img") == 0) {    //input data coming from a sequence of images    processImages(argv[2]);  }  else {    //error in reading input parameters    cerr <<"Please, check the input parameters." << endl;    cerr <<"Exiting..." << endl;    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  //destroy GUI windows  destroyAllWindows();  return EXIT_SUCCESS;}void processVideo(char* videoFilename) {  //create the capture object  VideoCapture capture(videoFilename);  if(!capture.isOpened()){    //error in opening the video input    cerr << "Unable to open video file: " << videoFilename << endl;    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  }  //read input data. ESC or 'q' for quitting  while( (char)keyboard != 'q' && (char)keyboard != 27 ){    //read the current frame    if(!capture.read(frame)) {      cerr << "Unable to read next frame." << endl;      cerr << "Exiting..." << endl;      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    //update the background model    pMOG->apply(frame, fgMaskMOG);    pMOG2->apply(frame, fgMaskMOG2);    //get the frame number and write it on the current frame    stringstream ss;    rectangle(frame, cv::Point(10, 2), cv::Point(100,20),              cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1);    ss << capture.get(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);    string frameNumberString = ss.str();    putText(frame, frameNumberString.c_str(), cv::Point(15, 15),            FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5 , cv::Scalar(0,0,0));    //show the current frame and the fg masks    imshow("Frame", frame);    imshow("FG Mask MOG", fgMaskMOG);    imshow("FG Mask MOG 2", fgMaskMOG2);    //get the input from the keyboard    keyboard = waitKey( 30 );  }  //delete capture object  capture.release();}void processImages(char* fistFrameFilename) {  //read the first file of the sequence  frame = imread(fistFrameFilename);  if(!frame.data){    //error in opening the first image    cerr << "Unable to open first image frame: " << fistFrameFilename << endl;    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  }  //current image filename  string fn(fistFrameFilename);  //read input data. ESC or 'q' for quitting  while( (char)keyboard != 'q' && (char)keyboard != 27 ){    //update the background model    pMOG->apply(frame, fgMaskMOG);    pMOG2->apply(frame, fgMaskMOG2);    //get the frame number and write it on the current frame    size_t index = fn.find_last_of("/");    if(index == string::npos) {      index = fn.find_last_of("\\");    }    size_t index2 = fn.find_last_of(".");    string prefix = fn.substr(0,index+1);    string suffix = fn.substr(index2);    string frameNumberString = fn.substr(index+1, index2-index-1);    istringstream iss(frameNumberString);    int frameNumber = 0;    iss >> frameNumber;    rectangle(frame, cv::Point(10, 2), cv::Point(100,20),              cv::Scalar(255,255,255), -1);    putText(frame, frameNumberString.c_str(), cv::Point(15, 15),            FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5 , cv::Scalar(0,0,0));    //show the current frame and the fg masks    imshow("Frame", frame);    imshow("FG Mask MOG", fgMaskMOG);    imshow("FG Mask MOG 2", fgMaskMOG2);    //get the input from the keyboard    keyboard = waitKey( 30 );    //search for the next image in the sequence    ostringstream oss;    oss << (frameNumber + 1);    string nextFrameNumberString = oss.str();    string nextFrameFilename = prefix + nextFrameNumberString + suffix;    //read the next frame    frame = imread(nextFrameFilename);    if(!frame.data){      //error in opening the next image in the sequence      cerr << "Unable to open image frame: " << nextFrameFilename << endl;      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    //update the path of the current frame    fn.assign(nextFrameFilename);  }}

使用drawContours来清理背景分割结果的示例 :segment_objects.cpp

#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"#include "opencv2/videoio.hpp"#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"#include "opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp"#include <stdio.h>#include <string>using namespace std;using namespace cv;static void help(){    printf("\n"            "This program demonstrated a simple method of connected components clean up of background subtraction\n"            "When the program starts, it begins learning the background.\n"            "You can toggle background learning on and off by hitting the space bar.\n"            "Call\n"            "./segment_objects [video file, else it reads camera 0]\n\n");}static void refineSegments(const Mat& img, Mat& mask, Mat& dst){    int niters = 3;    vector<vector<Point> > contours;    vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;    Mat temp;    dilate(mask, temp, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), niters);    erode(temp, temp, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), niters*2);    dilate(temp, temp, Mat(), Point(-1,-1), niters);    findContours( temp, contours, hierarchy, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );    dst = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8UC3);    if( contours.size() == 0 )        return;    // iterate through all the top-level contours,    // draw each connected component with its own random color    int idx = 0, largestComp = 0;    double maxArea = 0;    for( ; idx >= 0; idx = hierarchy[idx][0] )    {        const vector<Point>& c = contours[idx];        double area = fabs(contourArea(Mat(c)));        if( area > maxArea )        {            maxArea = area;            largestComp = idx;        }    }    Scalar color( 0, 0, 255 );    drawContours( dst, contours, largestComp, color, FILLED, LINE_8, hierarchy );}int main(int argc, char** argv){    VideoCapture cap;    bool update_bg_model = true;    CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, "{help h||}{@input||}");    if (parser.has("help"))    {        help();        return 0;    }    string input = parser.get<std::string>("@input");    if (input.empty())        cap.open(0);    else        cap.open(input);    if( !cap.isOpened() )    {        printf("\nCan not open camera or video file\n");        return -1;    }    Mat tmp_frame, bgmask, out_frame;    cap >> tmp_frame;    if(tmp_frame.empty())    {        printf("can not read data from the video source\n");        return -1;    }    namedWindow("video", 1);    namedWindow("segmented", 1);    Ptr<BackgroundSubtractorMOG2> bgsubtractor=createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();    bgsubtractor->setVarThreshold(10);    for(;;)    {        cap >> tmp_frame;        if( tmp_frame.empty() )            break;        bgsubtractor->apply(tmp_frame, bgmask, update_bg_model ? -1 : 0);        refineSegments(tmp_frame, bgmask, out_frame);        imshow("video", tmp_frame);        imshow("segmented", out_frame);        char keycode = (char)waitKey(30);        if( keycode == 27 )            break;        if( keycode == ' ' )        {            update_bg_model = !update_bg_model;            printf("Learn background is in state = %d\n",update_bg_model);        }    }    return 0;}

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