
来源:互联网 发布:preg match 数组 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 10:52




Possible App Build Errors with ACE 5.6


Some customers have experienced a build error while building their applications after upgrading to ACE 5.6. This article explains the issue, its origin, and how to resolve the problem. It applies to builds using GNU make only. Microsoft Visual Studio users are not affected by this issue.

When upgrading ACE to version 5.6, you may encounter this error while building your applications:
make: *** No rule to make target `__prebuild__', needed by `all'. Stop.

The issue was introduced as a side-affect of properly supporting the MPC prebuild keyword for GNU make-type targets. The error occurs for Makefiles that make use of ACE's make scheme in ACE_wrappers/include/makeinclude but that are not generated from MPC projects.

There are three ways to resolve this problem if you encounter it:

  1. If you use MPC to generate your makefiles, regenerate them with the MPC that's in ACE 5.6. This will add the __prebuild__ target.
  2. Add a no-op __prebuild__ target to your makefiles (or some common file they include).
  3. In the rules.common.GNU file, add a line before the "all" target that says only .PHONY: __prebuild__

The problem is resolved within ACE in beta kits ACE 5.6.2 and later and is also included in Riverace's first ACE 5.6-based Fix Kit. If you are a support customer, you can also contact Riverace for an update.

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