laravel -- lang

来源:互联网 发布:linux批量解压缩zip 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 02:58


2、应用程序默认语言配置 app/config/app.php中的locale配置项

/*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Application Locale Configuration|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| The application locale determines the default locale that will be used| by the translation service provider. You are free to set this value| to any of the locales which will be supported by the application.|*/'locale' => 'en',/*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Application Fallback Locale|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| The fallback locale determines the locale to use when the current one| is not available. You may change the value to correspond to any of| the language folders that are provided through your application.|*/'fallback_locale' => 'en',


echo Lang::get('messages,welcome');​
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