
来源:互联网 发布:爆笑网络剧排行榜前十 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 18:57



Private SubCommand1_Click()

Dim n1 As Byte

Dim n2 As Byte

Dim yushu As Byte

Dim shang As Byte

Dim tempresult AsByte

n1 =Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text))

n2 =Int(Val(Me.Text2.Text))


tempresult = n1 *n2

yushu = tempresultMod 10


shang = tempresult\ 10

Print shang &yushu

End Sub


Option Base 1

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n1() As Byte, n1len As Long

Dim n2() As Byte, n2len As Long

Dim yushu1 As Byte

Dim yushu2 As Byte

Dim shang As Byte

Dim tempresult As Byte

n1len = Len(Me.Text1.Text)

n2len = Len(Me.Text2.Text)

ReDim n1(n1len)

ReDim n2(n2len)

For i = LBound(n1) To UBound(n1)

  n1(i) = Mid(Me.Text1.Text, i, 1)


  For i = LBound(n2) To UBound(n2)

  n2(i) = Mid(Me.Text2.Text, i, 1)


  tempresult = n1(2) * n2(1) + shang

yushu1 = tempresult Mod 10


shang = tempresult \ 10

tempresult = n1(1) * n2(1) + shang

yushu2 = tempresult Mod 10


shang = tempresult \ 10

Print shang & yushu2 & yushu1


End Sub


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