
来源:互联网 发布:美萍软件破解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 23:53



Problem Summary 问题概要

showing progressbar while uploading multiple files.在上传多个文件的同时显示进度条


Solution Summary 解决概要

Bind the FileReference Object directly to ProgressBar which is rendered in the datagrid



Explanation 解释

Initialize the FileReferenceList object to upload multiple files to server

初始化FileReferenceList 控件以上传多个文件到服务端。代码如下:


fileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
fileReferenceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);


Make an array collection to show the upload information in the datagrid when Select event fires. Add FileReference Object to arraycollection as below.


var fileList:Array = fileReferenceList.fileList;
for (var i:Number=0; i<fileList.length; i++)
    var file:FileReference = FileReference(fileList[i]);
    arrayCollection.addItem({, size:file.size, object:file})



In MXML, Design the DataGrid and add ProgressBar control as itemrender as below



<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="500" dataProvider="{arrayCollection}" >
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File Name" dataField="name" width="100"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Size" dataField="size" width="30"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Progress" dataField="object" width="150">
       <mx:HBox verticalAlign="middle">
        <mx:ProgressBar label="" height="6" source="{data.object}"/> 


The ProgressBar is created according to each row of the datagrid. when the FileReference object uploads a file to server, the ProgressEvent of the object automaticly binds the values to ProgressBar control. Make sure the Mode of the ProgressBar should be "event".( Default mode of the ProgressBar is "event")

To run this example you need a web server that should run PHP. i have used upload.php file in this example located in the same location where you run the this.




