
来源:互联网 发布:巴基手套知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 12:55

    • 主要想弄明白2个问题
    • 备忘
    • 即时库存查询SQL语句分析
    • 校对即时成本SQL语句分析
      • 单词学习
      • 变量学习
      • 语法学习
    • 总结


  1. K3即时库存成本取数逻辑是什么?
    • 核算参数勾选计算即时成本;
    • 只支持加权平均【76】、分批认定法(批内加权平均法)【20309】;
  2. K3即时库存为什么不能按天查询?商贸版却可以。


  • 文中的参考内容后续再做研究;


use AIS20171027150808 --晋西南TRQgoSet Nocount on;--不显示详细的消息内容;off则显示.K3查询分析工具中如果需要创建临时表,则前面需要增加Set Nocount On.Create Table #TempInventory(                             [FBrNo] [varchar] (10)  NOT NULL ,                            [FItemID] [int] NOT NULL ,                            [FBatchNo] [varchar] (200)  NOT NULL ,                            [FMTONo] [varchar] (200)  NOT NULL ,                            [FSupplyID] [int] NOT NULL ,                            [FStockID] [int] NOT NULL ,                            [FQty] [decimal](28, 10) NOT NULL ,                            [FBal] [decimal](20, 2) NOT NULL ,                            [FStockPlaceID] [int] NULL ,                            [FKFPeriod] [int] NOT NULL Default(0),                            [FKFDate] [varchar] (255)  NOT NULL ,                            [FMyKFDate] [varchar] (255),                             [FStockTypeID] [Int] NOT NULL,                            [FQtyLock] [decimal](28, 10) NOT NULL,                            [FAuxPropID] [int] NOT NULL,                            [FSecQty] [decimal](28, 10) NOT NULL,                            [FHelpCode] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,                            [FProperty] [int] NOT NULL Default(0),                            [FChartNumber] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,                            [FBatchNo2] [VarChar] (200) NOT NULL Default(''),                            [FStockID2] [int]  NOT NULL Default(0)                            );--创建即时库存临时表;--语法:--create table #temptable_name ([column_name] [data_type](size) constraint,....)Insert Into #TempInventory Select              u1.FBrNo,u1.FItemID,u1.FBatchNo,u1.FMTONo,u1.FSupplyID,u1.FStockID,u1.FQty,u1.FBal,u1.FStockPlaceID,u1.FKFPeriod,ISNULL(u1.FKFDate,''),ISNULL(u1.FKFDate,''),500,u1.FQtyLock,u1.FAuxPropID,u1.FSecQty,'',s.FProperty ,'','',0 From ICInventory u1 left join t_stock s on u1.FStockID=s.FItemID  where u1.FQty<>0 ;--主题:在即时库存表中插入存货表的数据;--释义:--1.把ICInventory U1 (存货表)和 t_stock s (仓库表) 左连接;--2.where u1.fqty <> 0 只显示数量不为0的物料;--3.s.FProperty 库房属性:良品、不良品;--此处直接把FstockTypeID(仓库类型)赋值为500,500在仓库表中表示普通仓,此处没有区分Inventory表里面的普通仓和其他;间接说明Inventory表不记录赠品仓数据;--此步骤存货余额表中并未取到库存金额,只取到库存数量;--语法:--insert into #temptable_name select column_name from table u1 left jion table s on u1.Fid=s.FitemID where u1.FQty <> 0;Insert Into #TempInventory Select u1.FBrNo,u1.FItemID,u1.FBatchNo,u1.FMTONo,u1.FSupplyID,u1.FStockID,u1.FQty,u1.FBal,u1.FStockPlaceID,u1.FKFPeriod,ISNULL(u1.FKFDate,''),ISNULL(u1.FKFDate,''),u1.FStockTypeID,0,u1.FAuxPropID,u1.FSecQty,'',s.FProperty,'' ,'',0 From POInventory u1 left join t_stock s on u1.FStockID=s.FItemID  where u1.FQty<>0 ;--在临时表中插入代管仓的数据;--POInventory为代管仓库存余额表;DECLARE @CalculateType AS INT --声明变量@CalculateType;SELECT @CalculateType=FValue FROM t_SystemProfile WHERE FCategory='IC' AND FKey='CalculateType';--存货核算方式;Fvalue=0为总仓核算;Fvalue=1为分仓核算;Fvalue=2为分仓库组核算;UPDATE t1 SET FBatchNo2=(SELECT CASE t2.FTrack WHEN 80 THEN t1.FBatchNo WHEN 20309 THEN t1.FBatchNo ELSE '' END ), FStockID2=(SELECT CASE @CalculateType WHEN 0 THEN 0 WHEN 1 THEN t1.FStockID ELSE t3.FGroupID END)FROM  #TempInventory t1 INNER JOIN t_ICItem t2 ON t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID INNER JOIN t_Stock  t3 ON t1.FStockID=t3.FItemID ;--给FbatchNo2和FstockID2赋值:--1、当计价方法为80、20309时,FbatchNo2=FbatchNo,否则为null;[^Ftrack计价方法,20309批内加权,80批内移动加权;]--2、当存货核算方式为总仓核算时,FStockID2=0,为分仓核算时,FStockID2=t1.FStockID,为分仓库组核算时,FStockID2=t3.FGroupID;--这里为什么要把这2个计价方法的物料的批号复制一下呢?--语法:--update T1 set cloumn_name = (select case '' when '' then '' when '' then '' else '' end),set .... from T1 inner join T2 ON T1.FID = T2.FIDSelect distinct t2.FProperty as FProperty,--良品、不良品u1.FAuxPropID,case when u1.FSecQty=0 then 0 else ROUND(u1.FQty/u1.FSecQty,t1.FQtyDecimal) end as FConvRate,u1.FStockTypeID,t1.FName as FMaterialName,t1.FModel as FMaterialModel,t19.FName as FSecUnitName,t19.FNumber as FSecUnitNumber,u1.FBatchNo,u1.FMTONo,u1.FSupplyID,t_8.FName AS FSupplyName,t_8.FNumber AS FSupplyNumber,t2.FName as FStockName ,u1.FQtyLock as FBUQtyLock,u1.FQtyLock/t4.FCoefficient as FCUUQtyLock,t5.FName as FSPName,u1.FKFPeriod,case when isdate(u1.FKFDate)=1 then Convert(datetime,u1.FKFDate) else null end as FKFDate,case when isdate(u1.FMyKFDate)=1 then Convert(datetime,u1.FMyKFDate) else null end as FMyKFDate, t3.FName as FBUUnitName,t3.FNumber as FBUUnitNumber,ROUND(u1.FQty,t1.FQtydecimal) as FBUQty,t4.FName as FCUUnitName ,ROUND(u1.FQty/t4.FCoefficient,t1.FQtyDecimal) as FCUUQty,t1.FQtyDecimal, t1.FPriceDecimal,0 as FSumSort,Case when isdate(u1.FKFDate)=0 then NULL else Convert(datetime,u1.FKFDate) + u1.FKFPeriod END AS FMaturityDate,t2.FNumber AS FStockNumber, t2.FNumber AS FStockLongNumber ,t1.FNumber AS FMaterialNumber,t1.FNumber AS FLongNumber,t5.FNumber as FSPNumber,t4.FNumber as FCUUnitCode,t4.FMeasureunitID as FCUUnitID,t1.FitemID ,T2.FitemID FStockID,t2.FIncludeAccounting,T5.FSPID FSPID,t9.FName as FAuxPropName,t9.FNumber as FAuxPropNumber,ROUND(u1.FSecQty,t1.FQtyDecimal) AS FSecQty,t1.FSecCoefficient AS FItemSecCoefficient,t1.FHelpCode as FHelpCode,t1.FChartNumber ,CASE WHEN  t2.FIncludeAccounting=1 THEN ISNULL(t20.FPrice,0) ELSE 0 END as FPrice,CASE WHEN t2.FIncludeAccounting=1 THEN ISNULL(t20.FPrice * t4.FCoefficient,0) ELSE 0 END as FCUPrice,CASE WHEN t2.FIncludeAccounting=1 THEN ISNULL(ROUND(t20.FPrice * u1.FQty,2),0) ELSE 0 END as FAmount  From #TempInventory u1 left join t_ICItem t1 on u1.FItemID = t1.FItemIDleft join t_Stock t2 on u1.FStockID=t2.FItemIDleft join t_Supplier t_8 on u1.FSupplyID=t_8.FItemIDleft join t_MeasureUnit t3 on t1.FUnitID=t3.FMeasureUnitIDleft join t_MeasureUnit t4 on t1.FStoreUnitID=t4.FMeasureUnitIDleft join t_StockPlace t5 on u1.FStockPlaceID=t5.FSPIDleft join t_AuxItem t9 on u1.FAuxPropID=t9.FItemID left join t_Measureunit t19 on t1.FSecUnitID=t19.FMeasureunitID   left Join ICRealtimeCost t20 ON u1.FItemID=t20.FItemID AND u1.FBatchNo2=t20.FBatchNo AND u1.FStockID2=t20.FStockID  --ICRealtimeCost即时库存表的成本来源,但是这个表的来源是什么?;--来源是p_CheckRealtimeCost,点击‘校对’会执行该存储过程,然后更新ICRealtimeCost表;详细过程及说明见本文<即时成本>部分。where (Round(u1.FQty,t1.FQtyDecimal)<>0 OR Round(u1.FQty/t4.FCoefficient,t1.FQtyDecimal)<>0)  and t1.FDeleted=0  AND t2.FItemID=1714--select * from #TempInventory U1 left join T1 left join T2 left join .... where --Round(数值,四舍五入到几位小数);示例:select round(1.235,2)=1.24 Order By t1.FNumber,u1.FBatchNo,u1.FMTONo  Drop Table #TempInventory



EXEC p_CheckRealtimeCost;-- 校对即时库存时执行该存储过程;-- EXEC主要用来执行存储过程或动态SQL语句串


/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_CheckRealtimeCost]    Script Date: 12/04/2017 10:52:10 ******/--上面的注释怎么生成的?每次修改存储过程日期会自动改变。--下面2个set是SQL-92设置语句,使sql2000/2005/2008遵从SQL-92规则;具体的说明参考<[博文1](http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e7917a50100bzq6.html)>SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_CheckRealtimeCost]  AS --***alter procedure as ...这句话的后半部分是哪里???--'下面是官方注释:--BT779284--BT780524--经过多次的确认,只支持加权平均【76】、分批认定法(批内加权平均法)【20309】--其他的一概不支持,如果还要支持直接找李老师'   --商贸版为什么可以支持所有的计价方法?    SET NOCOUNT ON    --这个看懂了,不返回详细的消息信息          DECLARE @CurYear     INT            --当前年份          DECLARE @CurPeriod   INT            --起始的会计期间          DECLARE @StartTime   DATETIME       --期间开始日期          DECLARE @EndTime     DATETIME       --期间结束日期          DECLARE @CalculateType INT          --核算方式         --↑声明变量declare,↓给变量赋值:    --关于数据库局部变量的详细说明请[参考]博客或文末附件(blog.csdn.net/changwei07080/article/details/7561602)      SELECT @CalculateType=FValue   FROM t_Systemprofile WHERE FKey='CalculateType' And FCategory='IC'          SELECT @CurPeriod=FValue FROM t_Systemprofile WHERE FKey='CurrentPeriod' And FCategory='IC'          SELECT @CurYear=FValue   FROM t_Systemprofile WHERE FKey='CurrentYear' And FCategory='IC'                   EXECUTE GetPeriodStartEnd 0, @CurPeriod, @StartTime OUTPUT, @EndTime OUTPUT      --***************************************计算加权平均法的物料**********************************         --计算期初数据        SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, '') as FBatchNO,(t1.FBegQty) AS FQty, (t1.FBegBal) AS FAmount          INTO #RealTimeCost            FROM ICInvBal t1  --'库存余额表,字段包含期初、收入、发出、结存、本年累计;结账时生成本月的期初,上月的收入、上月的发出、上月的结存;'      inner join t_ICItem t2 on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID           inner join t_Stock t3 on t1.FStockID =t3.FItemID                          and t3.FIncludeAccounting =1 --'仓库属性:是否参与核算'     WHERE t2.FTrack=76      AND t1.FPeriod = @CurPeriod           AND t1.FYear = @CurYear --入库单据和红字出库单  --'(个人注解:此处统计的是入库类单据和出库类单据;出库类单据统计时要(*-1),因为在明细表里面蓝字单据的出库数量显示是正数,红字单据数量显示是负数。)--ICSTOCKBILLENTRY明细表中的实际显示如下--+—————————————————————————+--|单据类型|物料|数量|单价|金额 |  --|——————|———|————|————|————+--|蓝字入库|A | 2  |2.00|4.00|--|红字入库|A | -1 |2.00|-2.0|--|蓝字出库|A | 1  |2.00|2.00|--|红字出库|A | -1 |2.00|-2.0|--#realtimecost表中需要上述合计,就需要把出库*-1 '    INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost                    SELECT  t1.FItemID,             case when t2.FTranType=24 then t1.FSCStockID else  t1.FDCStockID end  AS FStockID,--仓库            ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, '')  AS FBatchNo,--批号            (CASE WHEN t2.FTranType IN (21,24,28,29,43)  THEN (-1* t1.FQty) ELSE t1.FQty END ) AS FQty, --数量(出库类型*-1)                 (CASE WHEN t2.FTranType IN (21,24,28,29,43) THEN (-1* t1.FAmount) ELSE t1.FAmount END ) AS FAmount                 FROM ICStockBillEntry t1              inner join ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID              inner join t_ICItem t3    on  t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID              WHERE t2.FCancelLation = 0  --'作废(0未作废)'          AND t3.FTrack=76    --'加权平均,看到这里就明白了,为什么只支持了加权和批内加权,如果是其他计价方法就需要重新写sql了,可能需求不多,没继续做这个功能吧。之后有时间看看商贸版的即时库存表吧。'          AND t2.FTranType IN (1,2,5,10,40,100,101,102,21,24,28,29)               --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算'            and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime  --调拨单 调入成本      INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost               SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FDCStockID AS FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, ''),                    t1.FQty, (t1.FAmtRef) AS FAmount               FROM ICStockBillEntry t1           inner join ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID            inner join t_ICItem t3   on t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID              WHERE  t2.FTranType =41   AND t2.FCancelLation = 0  AND t3.FTrack=76            --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算'            and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime      --调拨单 调出成本             INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost               SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FSCStockID AS FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, ''),                    (-t1.FQty) AS FQty, (-t1.FAmount) AS FAmount               FROM ICStockBillEntry t1           inner join  ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID            inner join t_ICItem t3     on t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID           WHERE  t2.FTranType =41   AND t2.FCancelLation = 0  AND t3.FTrack=76            --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算 'and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime      --VMI入库单 BT782711   INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost   select t1.FItemID,t1.FStockID,ISNULL(t1.FBatchNo,''),t1.FQty,t1.FAmount from ICVMIInStockEntry t1 inner join t_ICItem t2    on t1.FItemID =t2.FItemID  AND t2.FTrack=76  --********计算成本***********************       DELETE ICRealtimeCost        SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID,t1.FQty,t1.FAmount         INTO #RealTime76          FROM #RealTimeCost t1        IF @CalculateType=0  --总仓核算          BEGIN      INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)                 SELECT t1.FItemID, 0,'',SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount                   FROM #RealTime76 t1               GROUP BY t1.FItemID         END       ELSE           IF @CalculateType=1 --分仓核算      BEGIN          INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)              SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID,'',SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount                FROM #RealTime76 t1            GROUP BY t1.FItemID,t1.FStockID      END          ELSE  --分仓组核算      BEGIN          INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)              SELECT t1.FItemID, t2.FGroupID,'',SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount               FROM #RealTime76  t1                INNER JOIN t_Stock   t2 ON t1.FStockID=t2.FItemID                  GROUP BY t1.FItemID,t2.FGroupID            END    --***************************************计算分批認定法(批內加權平均法)物料**********************************          DELETE #RealTimeCost       ----期初数据        INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost          SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID, t1.FBatchNo,(t1.FBegQty) AS FQty, (t1.FBegBal) AS FAmount           FROM ICInvBal t1      inner join t_ICItem t2  on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID        inner join t_Stock t3 on t1.FStockID =t3.FItemID and t3.FIncludeAccounting =1       WHERE t2.FTrack=20309 AND t1.FPeriod = @CurPeriod             AND t1.FYear = @CurYear    --入库单据和红字出库单        INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost                    SELECT  t1.FItemID, case when t2.FTranType=24 then t1.FSCStockID else  t1.FDCStockID end  AS FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, '') as FBatchNO,                (CASE WHEN t2.FTranType IN (21,24,28,29,43)  THEN (-1* t1.FQty)                                 ELSE t1.FQty END ) AS FQty,                      (CASE WHEN t2.FTranType IN (21,24,28,29,43) THEN (-1* t1.FAmount)                                 ELSE t1.FAmount END ) AS FAmount                 FROM ICStockBillEntry t1              inner join ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID              inner join t_ICItem t3    on  t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID              WHERE t2.FCancelLation = 0            AND t3.FTrack=20309              AND t2.FTranType IN (1,2,5,10,40,100,101,102,21,24,28,29)               --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算'            and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime  --调拨单 调入成本      INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost               SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FDCStockID AS FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, ''),                    t1.FQty, (t1.FAmtRef) AS FAmount               FROM ICStockBillEntry t1           inner join  ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID            inner join t_ICItem t3   on t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID             WHERE  t2.FCancelLation = 0  AND t3.FTrack=20309                  AND t2.FTranType =41                --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算'            and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime      --调拨单 调出成本             INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost               SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FSCStockID AS FStockID, ISNULL(t1.FBatchNO, ''),                    (-t1.FQty) AS FQty, (-t1.FAmount) AS FAmount               FROM ICStockBillEntry t1           inner join  ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID = t2.FInterID            inner join t_ICItem t3 on t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID             WHERE  t2.FTranType =41  AND t2.FCancelLation = 0  AND t3.FTrack=20309             --'efeng_zhong 2013.11.21 废品专项,核算仓库数据才参与核算'            and ((EXISTS(select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FSCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 ) )            or(EXISTS (select FItemID  from t_Stock where FItemID =t1.FDCStockID and FIncludeAccounting=1 )))             AND FDate >= @StartTime      --VMI入库单 BT782711   INSERT INTO #RealTimeCost   select t1.FItemID,t1.FStockID,ISNULL(t1.FBatchNo,''),t1.FQty,t1.FAmount from ICVMIInStockEntry t1 inner join t_ICItem t2    on t1.FItemID =t2.FItemID  AND t2.FTrack=20309 ---********计算成本***********************       SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID,t1.FQty,t1.FAmount,t1.FBatchNo        INTO #RealTime20309          FROM #RealTimeCost t1         IF @CalculateType=0  --总仓核算          BEGIN      INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)                 SELECT t1.FItemID, 0,t1.FBatchNo,SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount                   FROM #RealTime20309 t1               GROUP BY t1.FItemID,t1.FBatchNo         END       ELSE           IF @CalculateType=1 --分仓核算      BEGIN          INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)              SELECT t1.FItemID, t1.FStockID,t1.FBatchNo,SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount                FROM #RealTime20309 t1            GROUP BY t1.FItemID,t1.FStockID ,t1.FBatchNo      END          ELSE  --分仓组核算      BEGIN          INSERT INTO ICRealtimeCost (FItemID,FStockID,FBatchNo,FQty,FAmount)              SELECT t1.FItemID, t2.FGroupID,t1.FBatchNo,SUM(t1.FQty) AS FQty, SUM(t1.FAmount) AS FAmount               FROM #RealTime20309  t1                INNER JOIN t_Stock  t2 ON t1.FStockID=t2.FItemID                  GROUP BY t1.FItemID,t2.FGroupID ,t1.FBatchNo           END      --************计算单位成本***************        UPDATE t1        --PT097541 csli_liu 20150917 出库核算提示算数溢出错误    --数量为0.00000000020处理       SET t1.FPrice=(SELECT CASE ROUND(t1.FQty,8) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(t1.FAmount/t1.FQty,t2.FPriceDecimal) END )           FROM ICRealtimeCost t1        INNER JOIN t_ICItem t2 ON t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID        --删除临时表       DROP TABLE #RealTime76              DROP TABLE #RealTimeCost          DROP TABLE #RealTime20309



单词 发音 释义 quoted [kwəʊtid] 引证 procedure [prə’siːdʒə] 过程,程序 declare [dɪ’kleə] 声明 current [‘kʌr(ə)nt] 现在的,当前的 period [‘pɪərɪəd] 周期,期间



declare @tran intdeclare @fnumber varchar(255) ;    --声明select @tran='24',@fnumber = 'SOUT000002';--orset @tran='24'set @fnumber = 'SOUT000002';    --赋值;有2种方法:select可以连续赋值,通过逗号分割;set需要分别赋值;语法:select(set) @column = table.column from table where column operater value;select @tran,@fnumber--orprint @tranprint @fnumber;     --输出;有2种方法:select可以连续输出,为表格形式;print需要分别输出,为文本形式select * from ICStockBillEntry where FInterID in (select FInterID from ICStockBill where FTranType = @tran and FBillNo = @fnumber  );     --使用



